Vice President for Research
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
May Funding Focus Newsletter Special Edition
May 2019 Important Funding Opportunity Release


The Alabama Space Grant Consortium has received new money for a new phase of their NASA EPSCoR Seed Grant Program. There are funds for five $16K grants ending May 31, 2020. NASA requires 1:1 matching for this program . These are 1-year grants with possibility for renewal for 2 more years if satisfactory progress is demonstrated.

Purpose of Seed Grant Program : The purpose is to provide an impetus to recently hired faculty at Alabama's research universities to develop a research program in an area that is of interest to NASA (see below). Faculty, preferably with student assistance, will use the funds to acquire new data or to develop new methods that will increase their competitiveness in obtaining awards from NASA and other technical agencies. We are particularly aware of the difficulties experienced by young faculty who have used up their "start-up" package, but have not yet obtained significant funding by winning competitive awards.

Who May Apply : This program is designed to provide seed grants to recently hired faculty/Alabama researchers for R&D that has a demonstrated tie-in to a NASA Center. Projects must involve Research or Technology, and are open to any area relevant to NASA. The project PI must be a faculty member at one of Alabama’s institutions of higher education. Post-doctoral associates, graduate students, and undergraduates should be involved as needed. 

Deadline for Submission of Proposals : Proposals must be received by COB May 31, 2019. These must be formal submissions with institutional signatures . Send to: Dr. Dale Thomas, SKH 321, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899. Please send an electronic copy to: and .
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
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