The Bulldog Bark Newsletter
Issue 38 - May 20 - May 24
We are ALL Learners!
SBAC Testing
Thank you, teachers, parents, and students...We are happy to announce that SBAC testing for the 2018 - 2019 school year is complete.

Thank you for having your student here everyday! You made the difference.
Attention 6th-grade parents:

Please note that there is limited space at 6th-grade promotion on May 29. 

Please help us by keeping your list to immediate family only. 

Thank you for your support!
Remember to get your Vessels 2018-2019 yearbook!
Teacher Wish List
Parents: As a reminder, if you would like to purchase an end of the year gift for your student's teacher, there is a wish list in the front office. Thanks and have a great week!
We have Juice It Up smoothies for purchase every Friday by the front gate.
The Week in Photos
Fine-Tune Your Math Skills

Click HERE to learn to play a fractions game with spoons.

You can also click HERE for a great site to help your (K-5) student reinforce what he/she has learned this year in mathematics.

Or, click HERE to get extra help in math from Khan Academy. A great resource for any student to help support math skills. 

Click HERE for more support.

Or HERE for a comprehensive list of supports you can use at home.

Always be informed!

Upcoming Important Dates:

May 27 - Memorial Day (no school)

May 28 - PBIS carnival (student only)

May 29 - Lat Day of School -
  • 6th grade promotion 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
  • Kinder dismissed at 11:50 a.m.
  • Grades 1-5 dismissed at 12:50

Have a great summer! :)

2019-2020 school year

August 1 - Registration for 2019-2020 school year

August 2 - Kindergarten tea

August 8 - First day of school

Click to see important, upcoming dates.
The Vessels PTA wants you!

If you are interested or would like more information on a Committee 
please contact Megan Fox at or  
or text her at (714) 342-3738.

Book Fair (October & March) Works with Scholastic ordering books and supplies, Chairperson works coordinating volunteers set up/take down displays, restocks & straightens merchandise during event, and help students purchase books during lunch and/or after school. Responsible for all monies collected to be counted and turned into Financial Secretary. This position will be at the Book fair for the whole week.

Box Tops for Education (Twice a Year or can be done monthly) Chairperson to coordinate the collection and submission of Box Tops and organize classroom contests and prizes. Other than collecting Box Tops from school at end of each contest, this is a position that can mainly be done from home.

PTA Bulletin board (Monthly) Bulletin board outside of the front office with latest PTA news & happenings. 

Breakfast with Dad (November) Organize event, setting up/cleaning up and serving. Ordering food picking it up beforehand, and organizing enough volunteers to run the show. 

Harvest Night (October) Set up/tear down, manning booths and events, supervision. Organizing games, food and entertainment. Gathering Volunteers.

Father/Daughter Dance (February) Planning & organizing event; includes working with vendors, publicizing event, set up/clean up of event, also gathering volunteers.

Mother/Son Game Night (January) Planning & organizing event; includes working with vendors, publicizing events, set up/clean up of event, also gathering volunteers. 

Home Reading Club (HRC) Book Give-Away (Every 2 Months) Pick up books at Scholastic distribution center, organize by grade level, Schedule day of event: set up, man of tables, clean up. Responsible for creation, distribution and collection of HRC Calendars.

Kinder Tea (July or August) Organize light refreshments. Kinder students will meet their teachers, while the parents stay for a meeting with the principal and PTA.

Welcome Back Teacher Luncheon (July or August) Organize a luncheon for the staff when they return to work to set up their classrooms.

Muffins with Mom (March) Organize Event, Setting up/Cleaning Up and Serving. Ordering food and coordinating volunteers.

Red Ribbon Week (October) This is a week-long district wide event involving various anti-drug messages and activities. Volunteers put red ribbons around the school the weekend before. You will also help publicize the event, distribute supplies to teachers, and coordinate various events on their particular day.

Reflections Art Contest (August – November) Reflections is a National PTA contest rewarding excellence in the arts. Volunteers are needed to help collect student artwork, 
assist with judging event, coordinate awards show, and submit entries to the Council PTA Reflections committee. There is training for chairperson provided Council PTA. 

Sharing is Caring District Event (January) Organize collection of clothes drive. Coordinate volunteers to help sort clothes. Make sure all donations are brought to district for District Event.

Spirit Count (Weekly) Every Friday the Spirit committee will go to each class and record the number of students that are wearing their Vessels T-Shirts. Organize and coordinate prizes thru put the year for each grade level.

Volunteer Coordinator (Year-Round) Responsible for every class room having a room parent. Set out volunteer signup sheets in all classrooms at Back to School Night. This position helps the classroom, and the PTA. Be approachable for classroom parents to ask you questions about activities going on in classroom & at school. 

Veteran’s Day Ceremony (November) Organize flag ceremony for Veteran’s Day

Staff Appreciation Week (May) Coordinates activities during Staff Appreciation Week. 

Spirit Gear (Year-Round) Chairperson to determine merchandise details 
(logo, styles, colors, pricing). Will create order form; coordinate with vendor on final product design, order, delivery, and billing. Distribute & collect order forms. Keep records of orders & monies collected. Answer questions & concerns from parents and/or teachers. Committee volunteers to assist chairperson with any of above and sorting & distributing of orders.

Yearbook (Year-Round) Manage all aspects of the yearbook creation &
sales. Coordinate with vendor for ordering, printing, delivery, and billing.
Assist various yearbook sub-committees to proof writings, cross-check photos, and help as needed. 

Yearbook – 6th Grade Pages Coordinator : Coordinate 6thGrade special pages—Awards, Favorites, In Ten Years writings, baby photos. Proof all submissions to be included in yearbook. Input photos and writings in yearbook layout program. Create page layouts for yearbook
(class pages, events, official school photos, etc.). 

Thank you for helping the Vessels PTA!
Click to follow us on Instagram.