Parshat Vayetze
November 28, 2020 / 12 Kislev 5781
Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday, 5:30pm Via Zoom
Sanctuary Services: Saturday, 9:45am Via Zoom
TeleTefila Services: Saturday, 10am Via Zoom
TeleTefilah Havdallah Saturday, 5:14pm Via Zoom
Candle Lighting: 4:12pm
Torah Reading: Vayetze | Genesis 28:10 - 32:3 (30:14 - 31:36)
Haftara: Zechariah 1:7-17
Shabbat Ends: 5:14pm
Shabbat Morning Study: Saturday, 8:45am Via Zoom
The Knesset: Politics of Governing a Democratic Jewish State:
Sunday, 11am Via Zoom
Meditation Monday Monday, 3pm Via Zoom
An Introduction To Kabbalah Monday, 7pm Via Zoom
Psalm Of The Week Tuesday, 8:15am Via Zoom
Shirei Chesed Community Choir Tuesday, 7pm Via Zoom
Talmud Study Wednesday, 7pm Via Zoom
The Un-Distancing Hour: Thursday, 5:30pm Via Zoom
Facebook: A Threat to Democracy? Thursday, 7:30pm Via Zoom
5781 High Holiday Appeal
This year our appeal is especially critical for our financial health.

Read the letter from our President Mark Paul and please donate.

We warmly thank you!
Weekday Morning Minyan
Monday-Friday at 7:30am 
Sunday at 8:30am
or call: 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 933 006 171
Passcode: minyan
Kabbalat Shabbat
Friday, 5:30pm Via Zoom
As we approach the holiday of Thanksgiving, we are aware that, like most other celebrations in 2020, it will not be the same. We will miss the large gatherings of family and friends, and it might be harder to remember all the blessings in our lives, when we are so aware of the loss of life, economic uncertainties and ongoing dangers of the virus that are so prevalent in our daily reality. Yet our tradition teaches us to consciously experience gratitude, regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in. This Shabbat of Thanksgiving, we will focus on giving thanks, as we contemplate the Jewish approach to gratitude with our beloved community.

Join us as we begin Shabbat with our traditional Kabbalat Shabbat and, now that Shabbat is beginning earlier, a full maariv service.

Please join the Ansche Chesed clergy to reconnect with our community as well as find nourishment and inspiration in the music and words of our tradition.

Please click in before services begin for some time to schmooze and greet each other first, the ritual gathering will start at 5:30pm.

or call
929 205 6099, 
Meeting ID: 875 1782 0145
Passcode: Shabbat
Shabbat Morning Services
Saturday, 9:45am Via Zoom

When will you sign in? We have set this up so that the same Zoom will be used for Kabbalat Shabbat as for Shabbat Morning, so you can join us for Kabbalat Shabbat, (before Shabbat begins) and be set, as long as you disable your computer's sleep function. We will begin tefillah itself promptly at 9:45am.
We will recite prayers for healing during our morning services. Since most participants will be muted, you won't get to call out the name of those you have in mind. If you'd like to give Rabbi Kalmanofsky the name of an ailing friend or loved one, please email the names to him at RJK@AnscheChesed.org and include your relationship to the person you are praying for. When/if the person you've been praying for is doing better, please let us know, so we can joyfully remove them from this list!

We are grateful to the Rabbinical Assembly (RA) for making Siddur Lev Shalem and parshat Vayetze from the Etz Hayim Chumash available to us as PDF's. During our Zoom services, we will typically read a smaller quantity of Torah than we do in person.

For these Zoom services, we've shortened the Torah readings to the Conservative movement's "triennial" cycle. That system also provides for adjusting the prophetic Haftara, so this reading is both proportionally shorter and so that it refers to the specific sections of the Torah covered in the morning service. You can find the list of triennial haftarot here. This Shabbat we will be reading Zechariah 1:7-17.
We hope that everyone will be able to fully participate with us!
or call
929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 875 1782 0145
Passcode: Shabbat
UPDATED: The Knesset: Politics of Governing a Democratic Jewish State with MK Elazar Stern
Sunday, November 29, 11am Via Zoom
Ansche Chesed is glad to welcome Knesset member Elazar Stern of the Yesh Atid-Telem Party for a conversation about the complicated politics that goes into governing a State that is both Jewish and Democratic.

This program, a collaboration with The Jewish Pluralism Watch of the Masorti Movement in Israel will include a short briefing on the Kenesset, followed by a presentation by MK Zamir and an opportunity for Q&A to follow.

MK Elazar Stern, representing the 'Yesh Atid- Telem’ Party, focuses his parliamentary activity on religion and state, and the Jewish-Democratic discourse in the Israeli Knesset. He passed the Bill to withhold Palestinian money meant to reward terrorists and fought to increase resources provided to Holocaust survivors in Israel.

A Major General (res.) in the IDF, Stern served as Head of the Human Resources Directorate, commander in the IDF Officers School, Chief Education Officer as well as a combatant and commander in the Paratroopers Brigade. As head of the Human Resources Directorate, Stern focused the IDF on increased engagement in Jewish and democratic education: he initiated and set up the Nativ conversion project, in which over 8000 former citizens of the USSR converted; he promoted and fostered the absorption of immigrants in the IDF; reinforced the IDF’s bond with the Diaspora Jewry, and set up the Machtzavim program for the development of Jewish and democratic educational leadership skills among the senior officer ranks in the IDF as well as in the various security services.

Stern initiated and executed the Edim Be Madim (Witnesses in Uniform) project taking soldiers to see the concentration camps first hand, and headed a special committee that reformulated the values of the IDF spirit.

Meeting ID: 818 1101 9199 
Passcode: masorti
A Beginners Guide to How Facebook Works and Why It's A Threat to Democracy with Daniel Friedman
Thursday, December 3, 7:30pm Via Zoom
Facebook is ubiquitous in today's society — at least 1.7 billion people use it on a daily basis. Especially during this time of social distancing and separation, Facebook, along with other social networks, keeps us connected. But its business model and size make Facebook dangerous. How far is it our big sib keeping us caught up and surrounded by friends and how far is it Big Brother, spying on us, dividing us and spreading lies and conspiracies?

Join Ansche Chesed member Dan Friedman to learn more about Facebook and the ways that it is used for good and for evil.
Meeting ID: 878 4808 0648
Passcode: salon
Nancy Sinkoff on Lucy Dawidowicz
Sunday, December 6, 8pm Via Zoom
Join Ansche Chesed member Nancy Sinkoff for a discussion of her new book From Left To Right: Lucy S. Dawidowicz, the New York Intellectuals, and the Politics of Jewish History, a Natan Notable Book for Fall 2020.

Nancy will read sections of her book and be in conversation with Michael Wise, Publisher of New Vessel Press.

Nancy Sinkoff is a professor of Jewish Studies and History at Rutgers University and the academic director of the The Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life.
Meeting ID: 878 4808 0648
Passcode: salon
Chanukah Sing Along
Monday, December 14 7pm Via Zoom
This year we may be physically apart, but we still have the power to bring light and joy into each others’ homes and hearts.

Fry up some latkes, set your menorah by the computer and bring a musical instrument to play along, if you like. Hazzan Natasha Hirschhorn, Shirei Chesed Community Chorus singers and surprise musical guests invite you for a rousing Chanukah sing-along from around the world, and the big reveal of our new Chanukah Virtual Choir Video.   

Meeting ID: 9830 7068 203
Passcode: 963608
Greeks and Jews In the Ancient World
(it’s not just the story of Chanukah.)
Thursday, December 17, 7pm Via Zoom
The Greek general Alexander’s conquest of the Near East in the 4th century B.C.E. introduced Jews to Greeks, and Greeks to Jews. It was sometimes an uneasy and violent political confrontation (think of Judah Maccabeus and the story of Hanukah), but it just as often gave rise to a cultural interaction that forever changed the subsequent history of Jewish engagement with the intellectual traditions of the Greek world. The Jews living in Greek-ruled Palestine may have been waiting for the Messiah, but there were others, in Egypt and Babylon, who eagerly bought into the ideals of Hellenism, attempting to create a synthesis of Jewish and Greek ideologies.

Join Ansche Chesed member Tamara Green to explore this history, which is surely more than just the Chanukah story.

Meeting ID: 854 0765 6430
Passcode: greeks
To Schmooze or not to Schmooze: The Un-Distancing Hour
Thursdays, 5:30pm Via Zoom (Next Session, December 3)
We'd like to announce the rebranding and re-imagining of the Thursday afternoon Kiddush cocktail hour, which has been a lovely way for people to connect during this crazy time. But we thought it needed a transformation into something a bit more specific.

Before the pandemic, Kiddush has traditionally been a way for people at Ansche Chesed to connect with one another, to share milestones, to kvetch and moan a bit, to express support to friends who are going through one of life's many struggles, or even to share a joke. It's informal, unstructured, and enables people to check in and out as they please. The Pre-Shabbat Un-Distancing Hour is a way to enable people to get together and continue doing that with one another, for one another.

So join us with your paper cup of seltzer or beverage of your choice. Looking forward to schmoozing.

Meeting ID: 859 7986 0603
Passcode: schmooze
Shabbat Morning Study
Satuday, 8:45am Via Zoom
While we will not be together in person on Shabbat morning for services, that doesn't mean that we can not study together. Join Rabbi Kalmanofsky to delve into the weekly portion through the eyes of favorite commentators-ancient, medieval, and modern; midrashic, mystical, and academic.

In order to make this class available for as many members of our community as possible, we are holding this class on a different day each week on a three week cycle. At the conclusion of the cycle, we will determine where this class will land.

Meeting ID: 875 1782 0145
Passcode: Shabbat
Meditation Monday
Monday, 3pm Via Zoom
Join us for virtual mindfulness meditation and contemplative practices to help us keep centered in these unpredictable times. A number of our fellow congregants are experienced meditation leaders and will act as facilitators. Through the wonders of technology, we can enjoy the power of meditating together as a community.

No prior meditation experience is necessary.

Led on alternate weeks by AC members Sheila Lewis, Sheldon Lewis, and Peter Silverman.

Meeting ID: 614 506 599
Passcode: breathe
Or Neerav/"The Sweet Light": An Introduction to Kabbalah
Monday, 7pm Via Zoom
One of the greatest of all Kabbalists, R. Moshe Cordovero (or “Ramak,” 1520-1570, Safed, Land of Israel), wrote a primer on Jewish mystical doctrines to encourage all Jews to explore this secret realm. This relatively short work is available on Sefaria.

To mark Ramak’s 500th birthday, please join Rabbi Kalmanofsky for a weekly spiritual and intellectual adventure into the teachings and techniques that make Kabbalah one of the world’s great mystical traditions. (I promise: no red strings, no holy water. Just a holy book from a spiritual master.)

Meeting ID: 885 6780 5304
Passcode: ramak
Psalm Of The Week
Tuesdays, 8:15am Via Zoom | NOTE NEW TIME
Most of the Bible reads as God's communication to humanity, in messages delivered through prophets like the unique Moses and his successors, Isaiah, Jeremiah and the rest. But in the Book of Psalms, Israel turns toward heaven and pours out its praises, hopes, fears and laments.

Please join Rabbi Kalmanofsky for a 30-minute Zoom study of one Psalm each Tuesday morning. 8:30am, to explore the human poetry that reveals our ancestors' spiritual life. (You don't have to join the 7:30 am morning service immediately before the class ... but it would be a terrific lead-in!)

Meeting ID: 933 006 171
Passcode: minyan
Shirei Chesed Community Chorus
Tuesday, 7pm Via Zoom
Even in the Covid era, our Shirei Chesed Community Chorus will continue to build community through learning a rich and diverse repertoire of Jewish music, and bring harmony into the world that needs it more than ever. In lieu of live performances, this semester we will focus our efforts this semester on growing our repertoire and musicianship, as well as recording a virtual choir project.

Our 4-part chorus brings together almost 50 lovers of choral singing from both Ansche Chesed and the wider Jewish community. Our recent performances include classical programs with The Bachanalia String Orchestra, a jazz concert with The Afro-Semitic Experience ensemble, Oratorio Souls on Fire based on the book by Elie Wiesel, a celebration of Jewish Love Songs from around the world, performed both at AC and at the Curtis Institute of Music, and a collaboration with the Grammy nominated vocal sextet The Western Wind.

Ability to carry a tune is important; reading Hebrew or music is not required; Tuesdays 7:00-8:15pm. Free for Ansche Chesed members; non-members pay $90 per semester or $180 per year. For more information, or to schedule an audition, please email NHirschhorn@AnscheChesed.org

Meeting ID: 9830 7068 203
Passcode: 963608
Talmud Study With Rabbi Kalmanofsky:
Taking Responsibility and Fixing Mistakes
Wednesdays, 7pm Via Zoom
This year, the Wednesday night Talmud class will focus on Bava Kamma chapter 9.

Jewish ethics require us to be responsible people — that we fix what we break, and pay for our crimes. This year we will study some of the Talmud’s lengthy examination of torts, the complicated economic damages people can cause. Bava Kamma chapter 9 examines the laws of robbery, fraud and the restitution those criminals must make.

The chapters we will be focusing on can be found in Bava Kamma Volume 3 in the Artscroll Schottenstein Edition or Volume 2, Series 24 in Koren/Steinsaltz edition.

Meeting ID: 872 9427 4347
Passcode: bavakamma
Mishpacha Services
Bi-Weekly on Saturdays at 10am via Zoom
(Next service, December 5)
Babies, toddlers and preschool age kids and their families are invited to join Leilah for our Mishpacha Service, this Friday afternoon. Get ready for Shabbat with songs, puppets, movement -- and your friends from Ansche Chesed. 
Meeting ID: 634 698 822
Passcode: shabbat
AC Teen Council
We are excited to be launching Ansche Chesed’s very first Teen Council! We are searching for teens who are want to grow their leadership skillset, collaborate with other teens and the Youth Director to create meaningful and fun programs for their peers, and help build the teen community at Ansche Chesed. For more info email Youth Director, Adina at abeiner@anschechesed.org

What Matters
Ansche Chesed is pleased to announce it has joined with other New York synagogues and communal organizations in an initiative called What Matters: Caring Conversations About End of Life. This effort aims to heighten awareness around the importance of completing advance care directives, and enable individuals to thoughtfully consider and document their end of life preferences, with opportunities to engage Jewish values as part of the process. Confidential conversations are conducted by trained and certified Ansche Chesed facilitators, who are available to answer important questions and help walk you through the process, clarifying your goals and wishes for future healthcare and related choices in case you are unable to speak for yourself.
We look forward to working with you on this important initiative. Should you wish to schedule a conversation, please eMail, whatmatters@anschechesed.org, or leave a message at (212)865.0600 x201, and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
Do you know someone who is ill or in need of temporary support? The Bikkur Cholim Committee is here to help.
If you know someone who is ill and in need of a visit or a meal, or other assistance, please contact the Bikkur Cholim committee. The Bikkur Cholim committee helps care for Ansche Chesed members who are ill or have been hospitalized. We visit them; telephone and send cards; provide meals, especially for Shabbat; shop for them; and escort them to doctors' appointments.

Please contact Maron Waxman or Bettyrose Nelson at BikkurCholim@AnscheChesed.org if you need help or to join the Bikkur Cholim volunteer corps.

Click here for more information on life cycle support at Ansche Chesed.
AC is Collecting Eyeglasses
More than two billion people globally need glasses but lack access due to income, distance, or disaster. Seeing clearly provides the opportunity for adults and children to succeed at school or work, and care for their families. Eye Make A Difference, a VSP Global Eyes of Hope program, is a no-cost way for companies, individuals, and organizations to donate glasses to help those in need. Please drop off your eyeglasses to the office! 
ICE Know Your Rights
If you or anyone you know may be at risk of deportation, please review these Know Your Rights flyers provided by Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights and Immigrant Defense Project.

Click here to view, download, and share all the information you need.
Following on the success of the Rabbinical Assembly's direct-to-public programming for Tikkun Leil Shavuot and Selihot, and in a continuing effort to help rabbis and congregations during these trying times, the RA, USCJ, JTS and Ziegler are excited to announce a joint initiative to offer high quality adult education opportunities to all those interested in participating. ScholarStream is a four part series which will give communities the opportunity to learn from some of the world’s leading scholars and engage deeply with our texts and traditions. 

Hidden Histories and Untold Stories
Tuesdays at 8pm | Register Here
Join JTS scholars as they uncover the hidden context around biblical figures and important eras in Jewish history.
  • December 1: Dr. Sarah Wolf on how foreign the beit midrash would feel to the early Rabbis
  • December 8: Dr. Amy Kalmanofsky on what the Bible really had against Jezebel

Equity, Forgiveness and Intersectionality
Wednesdays at 10pm | Register Here
Join Ziegler faculty as they explore issues related to race, gender equality, intersectionality, and building a democracy of the future.
  • December 2: Rabbi Dr. Gail Labovitz on what Exodus has to teach us about intersectionality
  • December 9: Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Cohen on building a multiracial democracy
Get Covid-19 Exposure Alerts:
Add Your Phone, Stop The Spread
To stop the spread of COVID-19, New York needs each of us to do our part. One way you can help yourself and your community is by participating in our newly launched mobile contract tracing app COVID Alert NY.

COVID Alert NY is a voluntary, anonymous, exposure-notification smartphone app. You will get an alert if you were in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19. Knowing about a potential exposure allows you to self-quarantine immediately, get tested and reduce the potential exposure risk to your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and others.

The more people who download COVID Alert NY, the more effective it will be. Help protect your community while maintaining your privacy. The free mobile apps–available to anyone 18 or older who lives, works, or attends college in New York or New Jersey–are available for download from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. COVID Alert NY is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Bengali, Korean, Russian and Haitian Creole.

Download the free app to your smartphone to receive an alert if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
Apple: Download on the App Store
Google: Get it on Google Play
DOROT Onsite at Home (previously On-site programs)
Dorot has made changes and moved all of our on-site programs onto a digital platform - these are now Zoom-based classes. 

To register and receive a weekly email of the upcoming classes, please send an email that includes your name and phone number to dorotprograms@dorotusa.org. For those seniors who don't have computers or technology (smartphone/tablet/cell) with cameras, you are welcome to participate in the Zoom programming by dialing in over the phone.

If someone would like to participate in DOROT programs but doesn't know how to use Zoom, please email technologyhelp@dorotusa.org. They will be happy to connect them to one of DOROT's volunteer Tech Coaches by phone, who will be able to assist.
Join the Yaldaynu Community: 2021-22 Application Process Open
Yaldaynu Preschool is currently accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year!  Yaldaynu is a child and family-centered school, defined by its warm and nurturing environment. We encourage intellectual, emotional, physical and social growth, and Yaldaynu parents are an integral part of this process. Our "neighborhood school" atmosphere promotes friendships between families that continue long after the children have moved on to other schools.  Check out our website to learn more: www.yaldaynu.org. Email office@yaldaynu.org to set up a Zoom meeting with our Director!
Chef's Table
Chef's Table Kosher Catering has prepared gourmet foods, delivered to customers in New York City. These are be pre-cooked, delicious kosher meals delivered right to your door.

Visit their website to view their menu.

Contact Bruce at (917)-868-7964 or his website for more information.
Looking For A Place To Live
A relative is looking for a long-term sublet/rental apartment, studio/1 bedroom, in Manhattan, preferably the upper west side. All recommendations are appreciated and please contact Eileen at 917-535-1658 or egordon884@gmail.com.
If you are a member, you may send "shuk" postings to shuk@anschechesed.org. All postings must have a member's contact info, and received by Tuesday at 3pm.
Postings run for only two weeks.
Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky
ext. 21

Rabbi Yael Hammerman
Associate Rabbi
ext. 208

Mark Paul

Martin Sivorinovsky
Administrative Director
ext. 216
Hazzan Natasha Hirschhorn
Music Director
ext. 242

Joshua Hanft
Executive Director
ext. 209

Darone Ruskay
Programming Director
ext. 201
Despite our best efforts and extensive proof-reading, we apologize for any errors or omissions. Please note: If you wish to be included in the Community or Shuk sections of the Weekly Newsletter (which is sent out on Thursday), please email druskay@anschechesed.org with a Word or plain text version of your title, date/time, brief blurb, and relevant link/contact info by end of business on Tuesday.