May  Due Dates  and Events
Dear Teachers,

Is that a light at end of the tunnel we see? It looks like...summer! Yes, the end of another school year is quickly approaching and you all should be commended for an amazing year of Fairchild Challenge participation and entries. Before you do a well-deserved victory lap, make sure to register for our end-of-year annual Teacher's Forum so your feedback and suggestions are heard to improve next year's program. 

Also, save the date for our always-fun Awards Ceremony. Schools that received 1000 or more Challenge points over the school year will receive The Fairchild Challenge Award, and the 16 top scoring schools will get cold hard CASH! Don't miss out on all the fun.

As always make sure to  check out our Flickr account for pictures of our events and top entries from all of our challenges. 


The Fairchild Challenge Team
Upcoming Events & Other Opportunities

TEACHERS' FORUM - SATURDAY, MAY 12 from 10 am - 2 pm
Come to our annual teachers' celebration brunch and share your experiences in the 2017-2018 Fairchild Challenge. Teachers registered through M-DCPS to earn Master Plan Points must attend this event in order to meet final requirement. For more information  click here.
RSVP here by Wednesday, May 9 to attend.

Celebrate all of this year's winners! For more information  click here.

To see more grants and opportunities for students please click here.