Track & Field 2018 Season
April 30, 2018


Thank you all, Coaches, parents, and athletes for a fantastic WESTERN OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP MEET! There were so many Storm Athletes on the podium and a great time was had by all. For those athletes who competed Saturday we will have any ribbons not given on the podium at practice on Wednesday, or you can pick them up at the Awards Picnic May 20th. We will be sending Award Picnic flyers out next week,so save the date!! Storm is so proud of every athlete that competed with us!!

This week the athletes seeded in the League Meet will continue to practice. The next meet will be very exciting too, as we go against the top competition from the Western League! The top 4 athletes (and the best 5th between the leagues) from this meet will advance to the Individual Events Championships on May 12th at Moorepark College!!

We will need at least 2 trucks or SUV's to help bring our equipment from across the street in the morning and back after the meet, please sign up if possible!! The sign up has already been sent out

This Week's Practice Schedule
April 30, 2018 – May 3,2018

Age Group / Sprints
Monday – Saugus High School – 6:00 – 7:45
Tuesday – COC Bantam and Youth 4x100 relay teams only!! 5:00-6:00
Wednesday – Saugus High School - 6:00 - 7:30
Thursday – No Practice
Saturday – 8:00 am League Finals Track Meet – Valencia High School
(All Qualifiers and invited athletes )

Distance Athletes
Monday – Saugus High School – 6:00 – 7:45
Tuesday – College of the Canyons – 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Wednesday - - 6:00 - 7:30 - Saugus High School
Thursday – No Practice
Saturday – 8: am League Finals Track Meet – Valencia High School
(All Qualifiers and invited athletes )
Track Meet This Weekend
This week is our Western League Championship Meet This meet is for athletes that are qualified and invited to attend . We will see the top athletes of the Western League! Athletes in the top 8 will receive awards on the podium Top 6 medals and 7th and 8th ribbons, all others will receive ribbons after the meet.

Parents and Coaches will not be allowed on the field except to volunteer. Please sign up to help!
Pictures from Track Meets
If you visit our website and scroll down the page you will see slide shows of pictures taken at the track meets. The photos are taken thanks to Anthony Calderon & Peter Martinez (PW: SCTC2018). Both of these photographers have their pictures available for download. Please click their names to get to their photo galleries. You can purchase copies of the photos from these websites as well. 
Championship Meets
Western League Championship Meet (May 5th)  All qualified athletes and a select few athletes in the top 8 of the league will be invited to the Western League Championship meet to be held on May 5th @ Valencia HS. 
Individual Event Championship Meet (May 12th)  This is the final event of the year at the conference level. The top four (4) finishers in each event from both leagues (East & West) and the next fastest time/mark will be invited to compete in this Conference wide Championship meet to be held this year at Moorpark College on May 12. This is a 9 lane track, so in the sprint events we will advance up to 9 athletes. The distance events advance 12 athletes, and the field events 9. All advancements to this meet come from the meet on the 5th at the Western League meet. There are no pass-through athletes, you must attend the meet on May 5th. This is the best of the Conference championship meet. If you need more information please be sure to ask your coach.
Team Picnic & Awards - May 20 Will be at Newhall Park on Newhall Ave. We will give you more details about this in the next 2 newsletters.
Coaches Gift
All season our wonderful coaches and Board members have given countless hours to coach your athletes and run our fantastic team! We have 57 Coaches and 8 board members and we would like to treat them to a dinner at the end of the season. Please donate a small amount to help us treat them. Any amount is appreciated. You can drop at practice or bring it to the Picnic!!