Cornwall Library Newsletter October 2020
We are excited that the library has been able to re-open to the public, in a limited fashion, and wish to thank everyone for their patience during this difficult time. The staff has worked hard preparing the building for a safe and socially-distanced return of the public. When you first come in, you will be greeted by a staff member or volunteer who will confirm your appointment and remind you of our new procedures. As you enter the library, you will see our safety shields at the circulation and service desks to protect our staff and our community. If you make an appointment to browse or to use a computer, you will notice other changes, as well. There are now social distancing floor signs to help patrons navigate the space, as well as one-way directionals for browsing. We also removed many children’s items that would have been challenging to keep virus-free. All these changes took some time and present a different library than you may be used to, but are needed to keep our community safe. You can now make an appointment for browsing, holds pickup, computer use, notary, printing, copying, scanning and fax use. As a reminder - mask wearing is required in our building at all times for anyone over the age of two (2).

Not ready to visit us inside yet? Curbside pickup is still available! All appointments can be made by calling 845-534-8282.

Charlotte Dunaief, Library Director
There is still time to
fill out the census
Don't forget to be counted!
Library Board
of Trustees Meeting
October 8

Check our website or door of the building for details on how to access the meeting.

All meetings are open to the public. Call 845-534-8282 for more info or email
Access online research and tutorials via our website homepage. Click on "Research and Tutorials." Everything from research databases to Consumer Reports to Rosetta Stone and much more! Free with your Cornwall Library card!
Everything you need to know to vote:
For Adults
Cyber Operations and the Law of War
September 30

Legal Aspects of Information Warfare
(How to Talk About the Election
Without Talking About the Election)
October 7

Professor Rob Barnsby, Cyber Law Fellow for the Army Cyber Institute at West Point, will present on two areas of information warfare:

Sept 30: This program will explore the international law applicable to cyber operations, with a particular focus on current challenges to our national security and the types of attacks to which we may respond legally in the cyber realm. The lecture covers national sovereignty, attribution of attacks and interference with the democratic and economic workings of our nation.

Oct 7: The talk will focus on the application of international law to the emerging and critical field of information warfare (IW). As certain nations and groups use social media, disinformation, misinformation, and other IW to gain advantages in areas of competition and conflict, traditional international law concepts are challenged. The discussion covers warfighting, politics, economics, and even the international handling of COVID-19-from an IW perspective.

A Q&A will follow each presentation. Register via the online calendar. Zoom links will be sent to registrants the day of the programs.
October 6

The Cornwall Public Library and the Alzheimer's Association will co-present a Zoom webinar on the important legal and financial issues you may face and how to put plans in place. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A.

The Alzheimer’s Association presenters include Nancy Brodey Koch, Esq., Staff Attorney for Legal Services of the Hudson Valley and Lisa Luborsky, Coordinator Independent Consumer Advocacy Network.

Contact the Alzheimer's Association to register 800-272-3900 or click here.
142nd Street and Broadway

October 18

Join us for an exciting Zoom presentation with Mara Davi, a Cornwall Public Library patron, who has performed on Broadway and toured throughout the United States and Japan. She is an accomplished actor, singer and dancer, who will be sharing the story of her journey to Broadway. In addition to taking questions from participants, Mara will also perform, accompanied by her pianist/music director, Eli Katz Zoller. Registration is required via the library's online calendar to receive a Zoom link the day of the program.

This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and is administered by Arts Mid-Hudson.
A Walk in the Woods
Site-Specific Artworks
at Storm King
Art Center

October 20
6:30pm on Zoom
Join us for our second session on site-specific artworks at Storm King Art Center. We will take an in-depth look at one work in the collection that was created specifically for the Art Center with natural materials found there: Andy Goldsworthy's Storm King Wall. This interactive discussion on Zoom will be led by Michael DiRosa, Exhibitions Assistant.

Created in 1997-98, this work, in some parts, was built stone-by-stone upon the remnants of an old farm wall that Goldsworthy found overlooking the Moodna Creek at Storm King's eastern boundary.

Register via the library's online calendar. Zoom links will be sent on the day of program.
The Great Give Back
For the second year, the library is providing a day of opportunity for public library patrons to participate in meaningful, service-oriented experiences. This year, we are sponsoring two socially-distanced activities that allow you to serve your communities in safe ways.
Cards for Seniors: Starting on October 9, patrons can pick up card-making kits at the library, make a card at home, and then drop it off at the library at the curbside table. Drop-off your cards by October 17 and we’ll deliver them to a local nursing home.

Community Trash Pickup: Starting on October 9, pickup a trash bag at the library, find trash in your neighborhood, and add it to your trash at home.
Interview Protocols: Mock Interviews

Learn interview skill techniques with Interview Coach, Andy Maroney. Get a free one-on-one practice interview and feedback session.

To set up a mock interview, email your resume to You must provide a completed resume and contact phone number prior to scheduling an appointment. Flexible meeting schedule available.
Virtual Member's Choice
Book Club
October 7

Join our Member's Choice book group via Zoom. Register on our website, get the book on Libby or call the the library for a hard copy. Zoom meeting invites will be emailed to registrants prior to the meeting.
Virtual Mystery Book
Discussion Group
A Bitter Feast
by Deborah Crombie
October 15

Join a Zoom meeting to discuss a mystery novel with fellow readers. Register via the online calendar.The Zoom link will be emailed to those participating on the day of the meeting.
Out & About Book Club
by Andrew Sean Greer
October 21

Just because we can't be Out & About doesn't mean we can't still have a great book club meeting!

Register on our website; get the book on Libby or call the the library for a hard copy; pour yourself a drink and join us for a virtual book discussion and more! Zoom meeting invites will be emailed to registrants prior to the meeting.
Virtual Book Chat
& Chocolate
October 22
How To Walk Away
by Katherine Center

Join the Hudson Valley's sweetest book group in a virtual Zoom meeting. eBooks and eAudios are available on hoopla and Libby, and the library also has print copies available to borrow (call the library to place a hold for pickup by appointment). Register via the library's online calendar. Zoom meeting invitations will be sent out to registrants on the day of the book club.
For Kids & Teens
Dog Tales
Read To Me Virtually!

**A great and fun way for children to practice their reading aloud**

Select Mondays starting at 4:30
October 5
November 9
December 7

Read aloud via Zoom to a furry friend from Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause. 15-minute reading sessions for Grades K-12! Registration required, through our online calendar one week prior to program. A Zoom link will then be emailed to registrants.
Toddler Tuesday Surprise!
Select Tuesdays this Fall

October 6
November 3
December 1

Stop by the children’s table outside the library to pick up a surprise bundle for your toddler to keep -- compliments of the Cornwall Public Library, while supplies last.
Story Time
for Ages 3-5
Select Mondays
this Fall

October 12
November 9
December 7

The library is offering a packaged "Story Time" to enjoy with your family at home (for ages 3-5). There are limited supplies -- please register via the online calendar one week before the event. Registered patrons should call the library at 845-534-8282 on the day of the event to schedule an appointment for pickup.
Virtual PJ Story Time
Select Mondays @ 6:30pm
October 12
November 16
December 14

Wear your PJs, find a favorite cuddly and head over to the library's Facebook page or youtube channel to hear Pat Parker read stories for 3, 4, & 5 year olds (or anyone who wants to get comfortable and hear a bedtime story!)
Teen Writers Strike Back!
Thursdays @ 4:00pm

Oct 15, 29
Nov 5, 19

Creative writing for grades 8-12. You must pre-register for each program one week prior via our online calendarZoom links will be sent to registrants the day of the event.
Me-Time Meet-Up For Caregivers
of Babies via Zoom

October 20
November 13
December 10
Sessions @ 9:30am

Meet up with other caregivers of babies (birth to 18 months). Sessions will cover parenting topics and tips and book shares for babies. There will be time, as well, for group discussion and questions.

Register via the online calendar one week prior to event for each session using caregiver name. Zoom links will be emailed the day before the event.
Art Afternoon
Design Scratch Art
October 22

Limited Supplies
Please register starting October 8 via the library's online calendar

Registrants will be contacted October 22 to set up appts for curbside pickup.
Autumn StoryWalkⓇ

Sally McCabe, the smallest girl in the smallest grade, notices everything, including bullying on the playground. Is she brave enough to say something and will it even make a difference?

Walk the library grounds, stopping by each panel to read a portion of The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade by Justin Roberts & Christian Robinson. For added fun, see if you can complete our accompanying scavenger hunt.

Completed scavenger hunt sheets can be returned in the blue book drop and will be entered into a prize drawing. Don't forget to write your name, age, and telephone number on the side!

The StoryWalkⓇ Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition and the Kellogg Hubbard Library.
Zoom T.U.T. Meeting
Fridays @ 5:30pm
Oct 23
Nov 20
For established
members only

For more info, contact
Lisa SinClair
Family Brown Bag Challenge
October 14
November 18

The library is offering a fun surprise challenge to enjoy making at home. Stop by the children's table outside the library to pick up your bag on the day of the event, while supplies last.
Library Letters

Attention all kids (2-12yrs) who love receiving “snail mail.”  Send the Cornwall Public Library an email with your name & postal address, along with some fun information – your favorite food…or color… or animal…or a question you have…or a joke you heard (you get the point).  Then be on the lookout in your snail mailbox for a reply.  Emails can be sent to  We would LOVE to hear from you!!
For Everyone
The library now subscribes to hoopla - a video streaming service that provides access to hundreds of thousands of digital items for free with your Cornwall Library card! Visit to get started!

Patrons have a 5 item monthly limit for materials borrowed through hoopla.

Let us know if you have any questions or need a library card! For more information, please visit our hoopla webpage.
Digital Magazines
through Overdrive
and Libby
Patrons can now access new titles through the library's digital magazine apps. Conde Nast Traveler, The Economist, New Yorker, Rolling Stone and Wired are now available! For more information on how to access digital magazines, please call the library or email
New York Times Digital

Get 72 hours of free digital access to the New York Times with your library card. Outside the library, patrons can enter a code, register with an email, and enjoy 72 hours of full access from their computer or mobile devices. Once the 72 hours is up, just redeem the code again. To get the code and see further instruction visit our website.
Digital eBooks & Audiobooks

While many of us stay at home, don’t forget that the library offers many options for reading or listening to your favorite titles. The Libby App by Overdrive is one of the best options to access the more than 10,000 ebooks and audiobooks.

Libby is compatible with many devices including Kindle, iPad and iPhone, Nook, Chromebook, Kobo, Android and Windows and is available in your phone’s App Store. If you don’t have a mobile device, you can access titles through Overdrive on your desktop computer. For more information, please visit: