Wellness is Blossoming in May
Spring has officially sprung, and popping up alongside the flowers are plenty of new events and classes at Blissful Massage and Wellness Center in May! We have some very popular, enriching workshops on the schedule AND a new practitioner to introduce! We're beginning something new in May....Tarot Tuesdays. Come experience a 15 min reading and explore what Tarot cards can do for you. Love donations accepted
Coming up in
May and June
Don't Miss Out.

16th Evening of Bliss
19th Chakra Belly Dancing

2nd Daytime Disco
4th Tarot Tuesdays (Every Tues)
4th Reiki share for practitioners
15th Reiki 1 Class
20th Evening of Bliss

See below for more details.
Giving the Gift of Bliss
to Some Special
High School
Girls and Boys

When someone is suffering we find a way to comfort them.  When there is a need we fill it. Jody, co-owner of Blissful Massage and Wellness Center, had the idea to help a couple of students in the foster system have a special prom experience.  She organized a fundraiser to help send well deserving seniors to their proms. The response from the community was amazing.  

It is wonderful how openhearted people in our Wellness Center circle can be so generous.  With the monies raised and all the support Jody received, she was able to make prom night special for eight students. They will receive a pampering including hair styling and makeup, boutonnieres and corsages, and gift cards to buy a prom dress or rent a tuxedo.

“There are so many kids that just keep putting one foot in front of the other and showing up the best they can. For some of these kids, when they turn 18, they will be given a pillow case full of what they can put into it and sent out into the "real world" all because of their parents' decisions on how to “do life." For some of these kids they hide behind the shame of what they feel is their fault.  These kids are going to be our future employees, consumers, and clients
Having the opportunity to reach into their world and show them unconditional love with no attachments is the greatest gift anyone can give and will likely have a lasting effect.

Thank you to all the people that helped make this “Dream of Bliss” possible!”

Jody and those involved have decided that this will be an annual fundraiser.  The numbers of kids who don't get to participate in school functions because of circumstances beyond their control continues to rise.  If you would like to contribute in some way to next year’s “Dream of Bliss” contact Jody at Blissful Massage and Wellness Center.

Evening of Bliss
Thursday, May 20th

We're glad you found your way here!  We have such a variety of healing practices here at Blissful Massage and Wellness Center, and are happy to be able to offer you the opportunity to experience a small sampling of our services. Services we offer on these Evenings of Bliss will vary. Each month we showcase different modalities. You can call ahead to see who will be working on that night.

We open our doors every third Thursday from 7:00pm – 8:30pm. Come experience the amazing services we have to offer in a casual environment. Each month our practitioners will offer a variety of 15-minute mini sessions. Guests will have an opportunity to sample three modalities. Depending on how many are in attendance one session may be a small group session. Practitioners will also answer questions and provide information about their healing modality.  A $15-$20 donation is suggested, but no one will be turned away.

If you would like to find our more about the services we may be offering at our Evening of Bliss please  visit our Services Page on our website.
Arianna Kramer grew up in the gorgeous redwood forests of the Santa Cruz Mountains. When she was five years old she asked her parents what religion was. They explained and told her that she could be any religion she wanted as long as she studied it for a long time and it truly felt right to her.
This began her lifelong passion for studying spirituality, world religion, psychology, self-development, and meditation. 
Though those passions never quelled, she found that so much of her morality and identity actually
Introducing Our Newest Wellness Practitioner!

stemmed from her parents' obsessions with music, literature, sci fi, and fantasy. Buffy was her big sister, and Spock was her crush.

She is a sister, a daughter, a doting aunt, and a loving fiancée to her partner, Tim. Her home is filled with laughter, crystals, cats and almost 600 books. She claims to be a “book collector,” but that’s mainly a ruse to acquire more shelves. 
Arianna is a clinical hypnotherapist, intuitive energy healer, spiritual counselor and metaphysical teacher. She graduated from the Marisa Peer school of Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy, and received her bachelor degree from the University of Metaphysics in Sedona, Arizona. She is also a Reiki II practitioner and intuitive healer. She started practicing because of her own experiences with trauma, depression, and anxiety. Meditation was the key to her own healing, which is her biggest recommendation for every client she sees. She is delighted to share what she has learned in over 20 years of passionately studying spiritual growth for herself and over 5 years of working as a healer professionally.
What is Reiki?
Life Force Energy that when offered by a Reiki Practitioner, can assist in ones physical and mental healing, emotional balance, deep relaxation and overall general well being.

Join Jody and Brian, Reiki Master Teachers, as they introduce you and guides you through the powerful world of Reiki. You will learn the history of this wonderful ancient healing modality along with having interactive in depth Reiki discussions and hands on practice. You will gain applicable Reiki knowledge and walk away knowing how to offer Reiki Energy to yourself and others. 

Date: June 15, 2019
Time: 9AM-4PM
Location: Blissful Massage & Wellness Center
Facilitator: Jody Davis Krauth and Brian Krauth, Owners of  Blissful Massage and Wellness Center
Investment: $125
Reiki 1 Training
June 15th, 9am-4pm
Completion of this class will certify you as an Usui Reiki Level 1 Practitioner and a certificate will be provided.
*Snacks and a light vegan friendly lunch will be available.
Chakra Belly Dancing
May 19th

Through the authentic belly dancing style with conscious awareness the students will explore their chakra energy for self-expression and creative feminine exploration.

Through the belly dance movements students will be able to release old emotional blockages, and rebalance the chakras by releasing stuck energies within their body, mind, and spirit.
Students will start to recognize their own true self again by recognizing what energy they send out with their emotions and thoughts, and what energies they receive from their environment and other people who come into their own energy field. 

My intention is to assist women with their own self-healing through recognizing their own strength in their physical, mental, and emotional bodies so that they can listen to their own intuition, and the guidance of their own spiritual source.

Cost: $20
Facilitator: Jane Ingroff
We're Expanding Our Staff!

We’re looking for qualified CAMTC-certified massage therapists to join our team! If you or someone you know is interested in a full or part-time positive, please call the center at 446-1094 if you are interested.
Gift Certificates

Gift certificates are available for all of our wellness services. Purchase your gift certificate and give the gift of wellness to one of your favorite people. Prices for gift certificates vary.

Call: 707-446-1094
Be well,
Brian, Jody and the staff at Blissful 

Blissful Massage & Wellness Center