Happy February,
Today was the big day, when we found out how many more weeks of winter there were going to be before spring finally graces us with its presence. Unfortunately our pal Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, meaning six more weeks of slush and freezing temperatures. On the bright side, we can focus on the good instead of the bad, supporting our New England Patriots in Minnesota on Sunday with some delicious game day treats!
Here at SRPC staffers are preparing for Cynthia's retirement, waiting to hear about two recent proposals for prospective planning projects, and beginning work on a climate resilience and infrastructure vulnerability toolkit.
In this issue, you will find information about our special February Commission meeting, a public input opportunity with NHDES, a SRPC hiring announcement, information on potential engagement opportunities with SMPO's committees, a recap of Strafford MPO's two-day training exercise for the development of an all-hazard emergency transportation recovery plan, an update on the NH Broadband Mapping and Planning Program,
and community happenings.
Until next month,
Shayna Sylvia
Communications and Outreach Specialist
SRPC Will Hold Special Commission Meeting This Month
The SRPC Commission will meet on Thursday, Feb. 22, from 4-5:30 p.m. in the Newmarket Town Hall Auditorium. This meeting will be a very special occasion as it will be Cynthia Copeland's last Commission meeting as executive director. The meeting's theme "Looking back to move forward : A retrospective by Cynthia Copeland," will allow her to share her perspectives on life in the Strafford region over the last two decades.
We hope you, the dedicated volunteers and fans of the Commission, join us as we reflect on Cynthia's tenure and prepare for SRPC's next chapter.
See the invitation for more details.
Public Input Opportunity for Wetland Regulations
Great Bay wetlands in Newmarket Credit: Shayna Sylvia |
The NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) announced on Jan. 31 the release of the draft revision of the New Hampshire Wetland Rules. This draft is the first complete rewriting of the rules in 27 years. Its development included an extensive outreach process in which 100 public listening sessions held over the past four years collected comments from a wide variety of stakeholders. The wetland rules regulate:
- wetlands.
- surface waters (lakes and ponds).
- watercourses (streams and rivers).
- shorelines.
- vernal pools.
- prime wetlands.
- coastal lands.
- tidal waters.
According to NHDES, "The draft wetlands rules propose over 50 new definitions to provide clarity and consistency, shorten the review time for lower scrutiny approvals and expand the number of projects that qualify for streamlined review, including stream crossing projects. The new rules clarify permit processes, project classification, standard conditions, avoidance, minimization, and mitigation requirements, and application review standards. The draft rules also provide significant changes to the coastal rules and updates to the prime wetlands rules."
NHDES is accepting public comments on the draft rules and plans several public input sessions. The session closest to the Strafford region will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 28, in Portsmouth. The other public input sessions will take place in Concord, on Feb. 26; Laconia, on Mar. 1; Keene, on Mar. 5; and Lancaster on Mar. 7.
The draft document can be found online at:
SRPC Seeks New Executive Director
Come join the SRPC team! We are hiring to fill the position of executive director following Cynthia Copeland's retirement at the end of March. (See the press release announcing her retirement
The executive director leads the Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC), the Strafford Economic Development District (Strafford EDD), and the Strafford Metropolitan Planning Organization (Strafford MPO). The primary responsibility of the executive director is to carry out the Commission's mission consistent with state and federal laws and regulations. This includes ensuring that awarded funds are properly managed, contractual obligations are fulfilled, tasks described in scopes of work are completed on time and with quality products, and administrative, personnel, and fiduciary responsibilities of the Commission are met. The executive director also directs the Commission staff and develops and manages the budget, which is funded through federal, state, local, and private agreements and contracts, voluntary contributions, and donations.
See the full job posting at:
Strafford MPO Solicits Speakers
The Strafford Metropolitan Planning Organization (SMPO) is looking for speakers to share their transportation planning insights and expertise with our Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Policy Committee.
The TAC provides Strafford MPO staff with technical assistance and recommendations concerning transportation concerning plans and processes.
The Policy Committee provides a forum for a continuous, comprehensive, and coordinated transportation planning process, and guides the overall direction of Strafford MPO.
Both committees meet once a month at the SRPC office. The TAC meets on the first Friday of the month at 9 a.m., and the Policy Committee on the third Friday of the month at 9 a.m. Regional transportation planner Colin Lentz often hosts speakers to engage attendees on different topics related to transportation planning. We invite interested prospective speakers to share their presentation concepts with us. To learn more, and get an idea of the kinds of topics that we are looking to learn more about, check out our
solicitation flyer.
Workshop Considers How to Recover When Climate Change Damages Transportation Infrastructure
Photo from day 2 of the workshop Credit: SRPC |
A two-day workshop hosted by Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) and Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission (SMPDC) at the end of January grappled with how to recover transportation infrastructure damaged by severe weather resulting from global climate change. The diverse group of stakeholders who participated discussed not only the threats posed by extreme precipitation, sea level rise, and storm surges but also the challenges municipalities and state agencies face in responding to and recovering from bouts of damaging weather.
Among the topics drawing special attention were the role of transit providers in response and recovery efforts; current and emerging information technologies for vehicles, infrastructure, and communications; and transportation demand management strategies that promote alternative transportation modes such as biking, public transit, and telecommuting.
Over the next few months SRPC, SMPDC, and Rockingham Planning Commission staffers will put together an after-action report summarizing the two days and a regional transportation recovery plan based on lessons learned and recommendations made from the workshop. Look for drafts in the near future!
The workshop, held on Jan. 30 and 31, was the first of six similar workshops being hosted by municipal planning organizations around the country as part of a project funded by the Federal Transit Administration.
Contact Colin Lentz, SRPC regional transportation planner, for more details on the workshop, the report, or the regional plan. He can be reached by email at
clentz@strafford.org and by phone at 603-994-3500.
Flashback Friday: NH Broadband Mapping and Planning Program
New Hampshire businesses are being asked to complete a 10-minute survey on how they use the internet and whether they have sufficient reliable access to high-speed internet (broadband) service. The survey is being administered by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center. It will remain open until Friday, Feb. 22, and is available here.
The NH Broadband Mapping & Planning Program at UNH, Live Free and Start, and the Telecommunications Planning and Development Advisory Committee at the New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affairs are collaborating on the High-Speed Internet (Broadband) Survey of NH Businesses. The survey results will be used to help attract and retain businesses and to assist policy-makers in advancing the availability, adoption, and affordability of broadband throughout the state
In 2010, the NH Broadband Mapping & Planning Program began as a five-year effort to understand broadband needs in the state. SRPC and the other eight regional planning commissions (RPCs) assisted with the statewide data collection, and each completed a regional broadband plan.
SRPC Broadband Plan
was adopted in January 2015. Each RPC's broadband plan was adopted at around that time, then the completed plans were combined into a comprehensive
2015 State Broadband Report
. Data collection and other large-scale projects continued after the release of the comprehensive report, including an effort to take a closer look at broadband in the North Country.
Dover Artwalk, Downtown Dover, Feb. 2, at 4 - 8 p.m.
Dover's Art Walk will take place on Friday, Feb. 2, at 4-8 p.m. in and around the Washington Street Mills, as marked on the
map. This month's walk will feature the Gustav Klimt Kissing Booth. Walkers are encouraged to pick up a map at any location and get it fully stamped to be entered into a raffle at the Falls. Enjoy live music, hot cocoa, and exhibition openings including "At First Glance" featuring paintings by Danielle Festa at The Art Center.
This season, each visitor is being asked to cast a "People's Choice Award" ballot for their favorite artist. Details are available on the art walk maps. Learn more at:
Free Tai Chi, Rochester Community Center, Feb. 11 from 11 a.m.-noon
New England Wellness and Martial Arts will hold a free open Tai Chi practice session from 11 a.m. to noon on Sunday, Feb. 11, at the Rochester Community Center. Beginners are welcome. Learn more at:
Wolfeboro Fire and Ice Festival, Wolfeboro Inn, Feb. 23 & 24, from 5 - 10 p.m.
The third annual Fire and Ice Festival will take place at the Wolfeboro Inn on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 23 & 24. This family-friendly event will run from 5-10 p.m. and feature ice bars, music, fire dancing, and giveaways. The cover charge is $5.
If you know of anyone who may be interested in reading more about the information within this newsletter, please forward this on to them.
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SRPC Staff