IPUL's Social Media Recap: May 17, 2019
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not all everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
Recruiting for Support Groups
the logos of the Idaho federation of families idaho parents unlimited and the Idaho parent network for childrens mental health
We happily shared that Idaho Parents Unlimited are partnering with the Idaho Parent Network for Children's Mental Health, and the Idaho Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health to help to find people to participate in in-person support groups.

Informal Support Groups

The most frequent request the Parent Network receives is for information about in-person support groups located in communities, both urban and rural. At this time, the Parent Network does not have any regularly scheduled in-person support groups in Idaho. But all is not lost! The Parent Network has partnered with the Idaho Federation of Families and Idaho Parents Unlimited (IPUL) to create a database of caregivers who have children with mental health concerns who would be interested in meeting face-to-face in our local communities. If you choose to add your name to our shared list, we will contact you if there is ever a chance to meet in your area.

If you choose to add your name to our database, we will ask you a few things:

Your name
Your phone number
Your email address
Your nearest city/town
The distance you are willing to travel to meet other caregivers
Any good places to meet in your area (coffee shops, community centers, etc)

Currently a group gets together every few months in the Boise area with a representative of the Idaho Federation of Families, and other events are possible as members of each organization travels around the state.

As an important note:

Please remember that neither the Parent Network, the Idaho Federation of Families, or Idaho Parents Unlimited (IPUL) offer mental health services, so our gatherings are not intended to provide mental health support for you or your family, but to offer the support of people who understand your experiences and who have walked the path you are walking.

If you need more formal support than the informal gatherings we may sponsor, you have a couple of options. If your child (or you) currently has a mental health provider you can ask them about formal support groups facilitated by mental health providers in your area. If your child has a mental health diagnosis and currently is eligible for Medicaid, you can ask Optum about any Family Support Partners that may be available in your area. Family Support Partners are a type of paid support provided by caregivers who have raised children within the mental health system and who can help you navigate the system while supporting you through the process. Not all communities have Family Support Partners available, but you can check the Optum website for more information in your area. (Take a peek at the provider directory and be sure to search for communities near you too.)

Important Tip:  Did you know that if your child has Medicaid you can receive counseling to support you even if your child is not present? Ask your child’s mental health professional for details.

Here's a link to the Parent Network page that has more information
Thank you, Jerome School District!
a sign for the event on a chainlink fence
Huge shout out to Jerome School District for supporting students and families!

True engagement means bringing school personnel, families, community members, and students to the table to discuss what’s working and what can be improved.

Thank you to our Parent Leadership graduates, Jennifer Schutte , Renae Deckard and her son Jacob Deckard, for joining  Sarah Tueller  as this month’s guests to discuss how to better support families and students with disabilities and more specifically autism .  #ParentEngagement  — at  Summit Elementry .
Making the Grade: Gov. Little names members of “Our Kids, Idaho’s Future” education task force
Idaho Governor Brad Little
We shared this news this week:

We are hopeful that "our kids" includes our kids. Supporting students with disabilities in their education is critical to Idaho's future.

BOISE — Governor Brad Little announced Wednesday the members of his new “Our Kids, Idaho’s Future” Task Force, establishing the group that will formulate a five-year blueprint for improvement of -- and investment in -- Idaho’s K-12 public education system.
The task force members include teachers, school administrators, education stakeholders, business leaders, and a bipartisan group of legislators from every corner of the state.
Little introduced the concept of the “Our Kids, Idaho’s Future” Task Force in his first State of the State and Budget Address earlier this year.
“The ‘Our Kids, Idaho’s Future’ Task Force will adopt a broad-based, collaborative process to examine our public education system, with an emphasis on improving student achievement and accountability to parents and taxpayers,” he said.

We want you to update your preferences!
the words update profile are highlighted  you can find this at the bottom of this page
You can now tune your email preferences! We want to be sure you are getting the mail from us that matters to you. We recently corrected an issue that was keeping people from being added to our mailing list, so if you are seeing this today for the first time, welcome!

When you join our mailing list you begin by getting everything we send out... However we know that not everyone wants to see everything we send out, so we are making it easy to tune your preferences.

If you scroll to the very bottom of this mailing you will find a link that says "update profile" clicking this will launch a page where you can update your information, and choose what mailings you will receive from us in the future.

You will be able to deselect or select to be on the newsletter list, the social media update list, or the announcements list.

If you are happy with getting everything, then you don't have to do anything, you are all set. But should you want to adjust what we send you, that is now possible.
June's Statewide Training:
Tools for Your Toolbox
Broadcast Live from the Boise office and interactive statewide via our webinar platform.
Tools for Your Toolbox 
Wednesday, June 12, 2019 | 5:30 - 7:00 pm MT
This is an all inclusive training covering everything from early childhood, IDEA, transition to adulthood, coordination of care, and much more.
We welcome people who want to attend the training in person at our Boise office. (Please plan to be in the office at least by 5:20 p.m.)  People attending remotely via our simulcast webinar will only need to have a modern web browser to attend. (And you can do that via computer, smartphone, or tablet) 

You will receive a confirmation email with a link to join the live event.  
IPUL's Webinar Library:
Just a reminder that we have changed how we present our webinars - rather than a live webinar, will are now releasing a series of shorter, prerecorded modules on the same topic as our statewide training. The idea being that once we put them up, they will remain available for anyone to register to see and watch at their leisure.

You can find them here on our website: