American Dahlia Society

News from ADS!

Dreams of late summer.

May...spring is sprung, and the dahlia tubers are popping eyes that soon will give rise to a stem and leaves.  Even the small clumps that crossed the Atlantic in steerage have managed to have a shoot or two.  I hope this burst of energy has inspired gardeners to plant one, two, or ten in their garden, patio, or terrace.
I just returned from a meeting of plant societies. There was a consensus that the gardening community is aging, and for many, their physical capacity is diminishing.  But not to worry, that suits the dahlia: put a tuber or plant in the ground, and with minimal work, it will provide colorful blooms for months.
Even if you are not inclined to get dirt under your fingernails, you can find dahlias in pots to plant out with a minimum of effort.  A garden center, florist, or big box store is likely to have dahlias that will grow tall or short.
Last year, horticultural guru Adrian Higgins wrote that "dahlia [show] exhibitors may be a small band of aging brothers and sisters . . . "  While I am aging, I cannot agree.  The competitive juices often kick in when a casual grower visits a show and finds exhibitor categories for juniors, novices, and small growers as well as the "obsessed".  Reports of our demise are premature.
We have attached some links below that provide instructions about planting dahlias.  You can make the process as complicated as you like.  On the other hand you can treat a dahlia plant the same way you handle a tomato plant.  You will have a season of success.

Waitin' to get into the dahlia patch,
Harry Rissetto

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