The Federation Report
June 1, 2018

In This Issue
From Our Blog:

Spring Bluegill Fishing a 
Favorite Pastime
Catching big bluegills caught on modern cane poles is a blast.

With a quick snap of my wrist, I set the hook into another hearty bluegill and raise the purple and black bull from the water. Swinging the chunky keeper into the boat, I smile as thoughts of summer fish fries dance in my head. I drop him in the cooler and thread another cricket on my hook then plop my bobber right back in the same spot. 
I love fishing bluegills with modern day cane poles. These graphite telescopic poles extend 10 feet. Tie an equally long stretch of line to the tip and affix a slip bobber rig with a small split...

Save the Date: Upcoming CFM Events

Explore the Outdoors: Springfield - June 21 
Explore the Outdoors: Columbia - July 12 
Pull for Conservation: Central - August 11
Explore the Outdoors: St. Louis - September 6

CFM Store


Other times now available online!

Charles W. Schwartz Prints

Five different Charles W. Schwartz prints are now available for purchase on the 
Prints are $20 if picked up at the CFM Office in Jefferson City or $27 to be shipped. 

Ranger Rick Magazines

Support the Conservation Federation of Missouri by subscribing to the Ranger Rick Family of magazines. Give your young adventurer the perfect reading material for bedtime reading. There are issues available for ages 0 to 4, ages 4 to 7, and ages 7 to 12. 
Learn more at
CFM Platinum Business Alliance

Thank you to our platinum sponsors.

Registration is now open for 
Explore the Outdoors: Springfield

Sheep Mountain

Registration for Explore the Outdoors: Springfield on Thursday, June 21 is now open. This event is being held at Bass Pro Shops White River Conference Center. Ticket includes WOW Wildlife Gallery tour. Learn more about the event HERE.

Thank You to The Mysun Charitable Foundation

We would like to thank  The Mysun Charitable Foundation  for their generous contribution to support the Missouri Collegiate Conservation Alliance (MCCA). MCCA received $10,000 in grant money to support the program, Missouri Collegiate Conservation Alliance Education Toolkits. The grant was written to help create toolkits that contain information and supplies that will help current students educate and engage other students on conservation issues in Missouri. Students will also be trained on sharing the mission with other students. 
MCCA highlights legislation that may affect conservation and natural resources in Missouri and informs students through social media and newsletters. The goal is to educate, engage and empower more students on current conservation issues and encourage them to be a voice for Missouri outdoors.
"We are excited to have the opportunity grow and expand this program," said Jen Sampsell, CFM Education and Outreach Coordinator.  "We are working to have members who attend different colleges and universities across the state of Missouri. It is important to engage future leaders on the issues affecting conservation."
If you would like to learn more about MCCA, please visit or email Jen Sampsell at [email protected].

We "Like" You, Please "Like" Us

We all know the importance and popularity of social media platforms. I don't think you can miss it these days. According to Brandwatch, social media users grew by over 121 million in the second half of 2017 which works out to a new social media user every 15 seconds. Social media is a quick and easy way to spread the word. We can share news and information, and communicate conservation issues in Missouri with members and prospective members. Social media allows us to interact with our members across the state. There are both advantages and disadvantages but in the end, social media is an important avenue for outreach and education. 
There are many ways to stay up to date with CFM. We share a weekly blog, information about upcoming events, informative articles, helpful tips and news from CFM and other affiliate organizations. We provide links to our online magazine, newsletters and informative podcasts. 
You can make a difference and help us be the voice for Missouri Outdoors. On  Facebook  and  Twitter ,  "follow" and "like" our page for daily news and to stay up to date on all things outdoor in Missouri. Take time to share and comment on our posts. The more people whom like, share and comment on our posts, the more people who ultimately see our posts. And isn't that the goal, to reach as many people as we can with our message of conservation?
"Follow" our  Instagram  account for photos of Missouri's great outdoors. Share your experiences and tag @confedmo in your photos. Let's share with everyone all the great experiences we have outdoors. 
"Subscribe" to our  YouTube  channel and be the first to know about our new videos promoting Missouri's great outdoors. Many of these videos are made and shared by CFM members. 
"Subscribe" to our podcast   Conservation Federation  on iTunes at  to ensure you won't miss a single episode. These are also available on the CFM website at .
If you haven't taken the time to follow our pages, please do. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by using @confedmo.  Find our YouTube channel by searching for Conservation Federation of Missouri. These platforms depend on interaction.  These are all great ways to get more involved with CFM, share your photos and stories or ask questions. Start a discussion on a post, let us know your thoughts on a tweet or share photos of your outdoor adventures around Missouri. Then share the pages with your network of friends so they can be connected with CFM. 
We CAN make a difference. Sometimes I think we forget this. We just need the gentle reminder that if everyone does a little, we together can make a big difference. We look forward to hearing from you. Like, follow, comment and share away!

Green Horizons Newsletter

Click here to read the newsletter from the Center for Agroforestry in conjunction with the Forest and Woodland Association of Missouri.