June 1, 2018
יז׳ סיון תשע׳׳ח
Candle lighting for Hollywood 7:51pm
What A Welcome!


In This Issue
Greetings From Our Principal

This has been a relatively quiet week with our sixth, seventh, ninth and tenth grades having the school to themselves.  Kudos to the girls for cooperating with substitute teachers and continuing to work diligently and creatively, according to their teachers' instructions.  Many thanks to the Sha'arei Bina staff and faculty team for pitching in to maintain a smooth educational routine. We hope you enjoyed the stream of reporting and pictures from our eleventh grade in Israel, accompanied by Dr. Brand and Mrs. Bodkins. The eighth graders celebrated their upcoming promotion to high school with a trip to the Kennedy Space Center, St. Augustine and Orlando, along with Ms. Chapin, Mrs. Parnes and Ms. Vera. A few seniors trickled in to "tie up loose ends". It was so nice to see them.  We will miss them next year.

Shabbat Shalom
Mrs. Tobi Wolf

Calendar News

Please click here to view the complete calendar and latest news on our website

Save The Dates:

June 11 - 8th Grade promotional ceremony
June 12 - 12th grade graduation
June 13 - Last Day of School - Noon Dismissal

D'var Torah Parashat B'Haalotcha
Mrs. Tobi Wolf

It was a pleasure to spend time with the tenth graders, learning Parshat B'Haalotcha. The Torah describes how the Jewish people traveled, with the cloud for protection during the day and the appearance of fire at night. When the cloud rose up from over the Mishkan, it was time to leave; when it unfolded and stretched out again, it was time to set up camp.   
על פי ה' יסעו בני ישראל ועל פי ה' יחנו...(במדבר, ט, יח).
By the commmand of Hashem B'nei Yisroel traveled and by the command of Hashem they encamped.  

The Torah describes the various scenarios: Sometimes they would camp in one place for a long time; other times they would camp for a day or even just a night, two days or a month. The Perek concludes:
על פי ה' יחנו ועל פי ה' יסעו, את משמרת ה' שמר ול פי ה' ביד משה (במדבר, ט, כג).
By the command of the Hashem B'nei YIsroel traveled, and by the command of Hashem they encamped. They kept the charge of Hashem by the word of Hashem through Moshe.

The Ramban explains that these verses are praising the Jewish people. Normally, we seek security in the comfort of our homes, our neighborhoods, the familiar and habitual. B'nei Yisroel were denied that security. There was no predictable pattern. Sometimes they traveled a whole night, camped for twenty four hours, and then had to pick up and move again  without adequate time to prepare themselves. They had to learn that physical security is an illusion. We are never completely in control and our situations can change at any given time. The only way to attain true security is to know that Hashem's commands are for our own good and that it makes sense to put full faith in them.  

We mentioned that the mitzvah of Succah is designed to target the same emotions. Hashem calls upon us to leave our דירת קבע, established dwelling, and for one week, live in a דירת עראי, a temporary dwelling. We are exposed to the elements while eating and sleeping in the Succah. We are out of our comfort zone. We are so happy to get back inside after one week.  Imagine how the Jewish people were able to bear their extended state of insecurity for forty years! (Never mind that they didn't have a mall to shop in on the weekends either!)  

Despite other serious failures of Emunah that took place in the desert, B'nei Yisroel rose to this challenge. This shows us how complex human beings are. They have the ability to compartmentalize, to shine in one arena, yet stumble in another. This insight can have a great impact on our relationships with our peers.  Sometimes we judge another as flawed, unworthy of our friendship. But if we open our eyes to the possibility that the other person demonstrates value in another aspect of her personality or her ideals, we may be able to find another avenue of relationship.  We are bound together as a nation, by the command of Hashem. It is important to seek commonalities and establish harmony.

 שבת שלום ושלום על ישראל

Focus On The Classrooms
Architecture Class- Final Assessment
Mr. Jonathan Blumenthal

Architecture finals are different than others! Students have been working for weeks preparing their final presentations! The students explored concepts of architectural tectonics extracted from architectural marvels and inspirational imagery. The goal of the final project was to dream about a future addition to the Shaarei Bina building, on the site adjacent to it. The students had the opportunity to present their ideas to Mrs. Wolf and FIU architecture student Ayelet Rosenbaum, who offered critique, feedback and praise for their innovative designs. It is a true pleasure to see all of the creativity, individuality and imagination that emanates from each student in this one-of-a-kind class!

Leah Templeberg

For our Architecture final we had to build an addition to our school. We started off by going through the school grounds to get a better understanding of the area that we will be working with. Next we had to come up with inspirational images and buildings from famous architects. We learned how to draw to scale, how to come up with concepts from images and how integrate our inspiration in our projects. For my project I decided to build a glass building with two floors. My inspirational images showed an issue of lighting and overlapping so I decided to make the school open and full of light. Above is a cardboard model of the building I decided to create. 

Health And Physical Education
Coach T

Coach T teaches Health & Physical Education, along with the importance of healthy eating. During the past two weeks in physical education class, students prepared healthy dishes as part of their health presentations. Various dishes included a healthy hummus with a side of tomatoes, green peppers and carrots, a chick pea salad, sliced mangoes, and homemade cherry sorbet. Students also brought in fresh soil and seeds for others to take home and grow fresh vegetables. These presentations are a reflection of what the girls learn in Physical Education. Coach T is extremely passionate about teaching the girls how to live a healthy and active lifestyle and it shows in our girls wonderful presentations.

Eighth Grade Florida Road Trip
Arielle Tempelberg

Our trip began early at 6:00 am on Tuesday morning. We boarded the coach bus and began the lengthy drive to Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Once we arrived, we enjoyed a 3D documentary called A Beautiful Planet, which was stupendously narrated by Jennifer Lawrence. It highlighted extravagant views of Earth from space and showed the journey of a few astronauts who were brave enough to travel to the International Space Station. We also learned about Ilan Ramon, an Israeli astronaut who died in service on the shuttle, Columbia. Later, some of us experienced a simulator that mimicked how a rocket ship launches into space. Our last stop on Tuesday was mini golf before we headed to Kosher Grill for a mouthwatering dinner.

Wednesday was spent in St. Augustine, the oldest city in North America. We had an amazing time on countless tours, and learned about the city's historical significance. We drove all around the alluring streets, saw the city's Shul and Jewish community, and learned about the shops and the way of living under Spanish colonial rule. We even went inside the centuries old Spanish army fort! To finish it all up, we had a relaxing boat ride across the bay.

Our graduation trip came to a close all too soon; it was over before we knew it! The final day was filled with rides and gift shops at Universal Studios. We split into groups and explored the wondrous attractions. This was undoubtedly a memorable and special culmination to our eighth grade year.

We would also like to give a tremendous thank you to Miss Chapin, Ms. Vera, and Mrs. Parnes for chaperoning us and making our trip such a pleasure (and for putting up with our unique needs and personalities!)

Eleventh Grade Mission To Israel

What a wonderful first few days in Israel. Our experiences have ranged from rocky mountain hikes to  water tunnel tours, from the Rambam Center to picking grapes in a vineyard, from a boat ride on the Kineret  to the Kotel and much, much more. We can't wait for shabbos, and to see what next week brings our way.

Shabbat Shalom From Israel!

Thank You!

We would like to give a very special thank you to all of our bakers. Your tremendous support helped make our 1st annual Shavuot Bake Sale a success!  Without your tireless hours of baking and creating beautiful treats for our Bake Sale, this would not have been possible.

Thank you to all who came, shopped, and took their time to take part in our boutiques. 

Thank you to all of the parents, students and faculty members who came to help package up the delicious treats.  It was a beautiful collaborative effort.

We appreciate the energy and time that was put in by all who helped, and the care taken by everyone involved, to support the continued growth of Sha'arei Bina!

All the best,

The Bake Sale Committee
Nathalie Amar, Karen Feldman, Shara Fromme and Ilana Reich

End Of Year Schedule And Exams

Eleventh Graders are going on their Israel Trip from May 28th - June 6th.  They must return to school on Friday June 8th.

Twelfth graders have a regular day of school through this Friday, May 25th. Thereafter there is a special schedule of events.

Ninth and Tenth Graders have regular school through June 13th except where noted for final exams.

All 6th and 7th Graders have regular school through June 13th.  Last exams may be scheduled during regular class periods.

All 8th graders are going on their trip from May 28th- June 1st.

Eighth Grade promotion is on June 11th at SBTAG, in the MPR, 7:15 pm.

Twelfth grade Graduation is on June 12th at Skylake Synagogue, 7:30pm

June 13th is Last Day of School - Noon Dismissal for Students.

Final Exam Schedule

June 7th - Schedule -  8:30 - Davening
Pds 2 and 3 Chumash Final for 9th and 10th Grade  
Regular Classes for remainder of day for all grades
Graduation rehearsal for 12th grade   10:30

June  8th - 8:30 Davening
                   Pds 2 and 3 regular scheduled classes
Pd 4 Break
Pd 5 and 6  Science Final for 9th and Tenth grades
                 Architecture final for 11th graders.

June 11th -   No school for 8th grade
                   8:30 Davening
                   Pds 2 and 3 - Navi Final for 9th and 10th grade
      Pds break
     Pd 5 and 6 -  History Final for 9-11th grade
     High School - Locker Cleanup
     1:30    Dismissal for High School  and Middle School

Promotion ceremonies for 8th Grade in the MPR

June 12th -   8:30 Davening
Pds 2 and 3  Math all grades ( 9-11)
Pd 4 Break
Pds 5 and 6  Jewish History  Grades 9 and 10

12th Grade Graduation  7:30 pm at the Skylake Synagogue 

June 13th- Special Activities - Noon Dismissal