May 9, 2019

Dear friends and fellow disciples,

The journey of faith only works in community with other people, with saints to walk alongside. This Sunday's Lectionary reading from the Book of Acts is a really touching scene of friendship and grief that becomes a miracle. Amazing things happen when God works in community.
Confirmation Sunday
We’re excited to welcome 16 Confirmands into the family of faith at Westminster during the 11:00am service this Sunday. Plan to join us in the Courtyard afterward for a reception to congratulate our Confirmands and honor their mentors and teachers. Contacts : Shelley Bainter , Kim Garcia
NEXT WEDNESDAY: Aperture with Tom Miller
If you're interested in better understanding Durham and its history, you'll want to hear from Tom Miller of Preservation Durham. Tom researches and writes about the history of Old Durham homes and cemeteries, and has helped preserve and develop tours of Durham’s most storied cemeteries. Come on Wednesday, May 15, as Tom shares the fascinating histories of white and African-American cemeteries in our city. Dinner will be served at 5:45pm; the program begins at 6:30pm. Sign up by Monday at 12:00 noon:  
NEXT SUNDAY: Teacher Appreciation Sunday 
  We are called to be and to make disciples of Jesus, and our teachers are on the front lines of that work, planning, studying the Bible, and leading discussions. We'll thank them at our Teacher Appreciation Brunch on Sunday, May 19, at 9:45am. Come for the food, be nourished by the fellowship, and show your gratitude for our wonderful teachers. (Note: Church School classes for children and youth will not meet on this day.)  Contact : Kristina Gilbert
Call to Prayer & Iftar Meal with the Divan Center, May 27  
Monday, May 6 marked the start of Ramadan, the most holy month of the year for our Muslim brothers and sisters. Join me on Monday, May 27, for a special evening with our friends from The Divan Center, a Turkish Muslim community in Cary. We'll meet in the Youth Suite to observe their evening prayer, discuss our faith, and then break fast with them. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to learn and enjoy fellowship (and amazing food!) together. We did this last year, and it was an incredible experience!
Looking Ahead....
As our program year winds down, summer initiatives begin moving into high gear. A big thing on the agenda for this summer is the  Fellowship Hall Building Project . Imagine this: A modern, larger kitchen; a covered walkway leading from the parking lot; a covered patio with picnic tables; more and much nicer bathrooms; up-to-date A/V technology; and covered glass door entryways on the front and side. You’ll be able to see from the Courtyard all the good things happening inside and vice versa. Are you excited yet? I sure am! We are thankful to everyone who made this dream possible through their generous Capital Campaign giving. The project will entail some need for borrowing (at historically low rates), but rest assured the Building Committee is stewarding our financial resources with great care and watching every penny. You’ll have a chance to hear all the details and ask questions at our upcoming Congregational Sharing Sessions, the dates of which we’ll soon announce.
Also coming up is our  2019 Vacation Church School , "Take Me to the Water," on June 16-18, 5:30-7:30pm. VCS is for all ages, so bring the whole family and invite your friends! Dinner will be served each evening. Please register early so we can plan well: . Interested in helping with VCS? There will be a VCS Volunteer Interest Meeting on Sunday, June 2, at 11:15am. Lunch will be provided. Learn how you can be a part of this fun summer ministry and help make VCS awesome!
May is always a busy time and brings many changes. I'd like to invite you to say an extra prayer in the coming weeks for teachers in our school system and the children they teach, as they approach the end of another year. Our teachers do a lot for us and are absolutely essential to strong communities. Also keep before you families who have a child graduating from high school. This is a milestone worth celebrating, but also brings a lot of change. Let's pray for them, giving thanks to the God who holds us and sustains us in seasons of change.
Peace to you all -