May 3, 2019
Nisan 28th, 5779
Candle Lighting at 7:35 PM
In Praise of Praise
At the beginning of parshat Acharei Mot, Hashem dictates the proper conduct for the operations in the Kodesh Hakodashim as a response to the death of Aharon's sons, Nadav and Avihu, due to their incorrect approach to Avodat Hashem. But what was wrong with their desire to give a Korban? The Kodesh Hakodashim represents the epicenter of concentrated holiness in Judaism, symbolizing the point of ultimate public recognition and praise. Aharon's sons erred not in the act of giving a korban, but in the location they gave it. They should have, instead, offered Korbanot in their metaphorical, personal Kodesh Hakodashim; they wanted to experience the ultimate high of adulation without the unseen, unappreciated toil. The same fire representing the passion that encouraged the korban also engulfed them, for they were consumed by the notion of fame. But there is nothing inherently wrong with receiving recognition and praise for our hard work. In fact, Hashem explains in the parsha that only the Kohen Gadol, the highest priest, can enter the Kodesh Hakodashim on one day each year on Yom Kippur, the holiest of days, after meticulous ritual and physical preparation. Why is Yom Kippur the one day when praise can come? It is on the most introspective and solemn day, we may finally accept the pleasure of recognition. Only when we look into ourselves, evaluating where we stand, what we have achieved, and what we hope to accomplish, are we truly ready to embrace our well-deserved acclimation.
This week, KYHS had the pleasure of hosting the CIJE South Florida Science Fair, an extraordinary sight of technology, ingenuity, and hard work. When the whole school is dark at night, the Makerspace remains bright, buzzing with noises of tinkering and serious engineering. Students can always be found in the Makerspace working on their various projects. They have spent countless hours brainstorming, discovering, and building. When we see a small circuit board and think it's just a wire taped onto a square, we don't see the hours of work and precision required for that circuit to work. These students have been toiling, metaphorically offering korbanot in their private Kodesh Hakodashim, and after a year of hard work, they were ready and deserve all the recognition and adulation we can give, especially our first place winners, Akiva Kroll along with team members Yonina Kaminetzky and Ariel Melnitzky!
For the past two years I have had the absolute pleasure of being Editor in Chief of Highlites. I have learned so much from this experience about teamwork and leadership, learning from others and learning about myself in the process. While we, the Highlights staff, enjoy putting together Highlights every week, every issue involves an inestimable amount of time (during the day, late at night, and early in the morning), dedication, creativity, and love. Unlike sports where wild crowds cheer the teams on in midst of their playing, Highlites humbly takes place nestled in the Media Lab every Thursday. I know that the Highlights staff enters its personal Kodesh Hakodashim, working hard for themselves and others. But today, I would like to bring the Highlights staff into the Kodesh Hakodashim for all to recognize for their wonderful work every week. I would like to especially thank and acknowledge my Co, Mayrav Saketkhou, and my right hand men, Justin Isaacs and Akiva Groman, for their extreme devotion to making Highlites amazing every single week. I don't think a conversation goes by where we don't discuss Highlites through out the week. For me, Highlites has been the most rewarding, learning, and fun (although stressful) experience of my high school career. I hope that you too have received something from Highlights, whether it was an update on the events at KYHS, a smile, or a laugh.
Shabbat Shalom,
Akiva Stadlan
Editor in Chief
Upcoming Events
May 6th
Baseball Districts
Ap's Start
Senior Finals
May 8th
Yom Hazikaron
Senior Book CollectionNight Seder
May 9th
Yom Hatzmaut
May 24th
Next Highlites
Good & Welfare
Jordana (Kaminetsky '07) and Simon Bernstein on the birth of their son, Noah William.
Daniella (Greer '09) and Elie Jacobs on the birth of their son, Ezriel Mayer.
Faculty Mazel Tovs
Dovid and Yona Kimche on the birth of their son, Gavriel Yisrael.
Michel Vogel on the passing of his beloved father, Michel Vogel.
Students Head For Academic Distinction In Colleges Across America (Israel First!)
These Are My Last Titles Ever So Expect The Same Cringy Mediocrity
Graphic by Mayrav Saketkhou ('20)
Arizona State University - 2
Bentley University - 1
Binghamton University - 10
Brandeis University - 4
Broward College - 1
Clark-Atlanta University - 1
Columbia University - 1
CUNY Baruch - 1
CUNY Hunter - 2
CUNY Queens - 4
Drexel University - 1
Eckerd College - 1
FAU - 9
FIU - 4
FSU - 4
Hampton University - 1
Indiana University - 5
Molloy College - 1
Nassau Community College - 1
NYU - 1
PBSC - 1
Penn State - 1
Princeton University - 1
Rollins College - 1
Rutgers - 12
Syracuse University - 2
The New School - 1
Touro/Lander College for Women - 3
University of Alabama - 1
University of Colorado - 1
University of Delaware - 1
University of Denver -1
University of Maryland - 22
University of Massachusetts - 1
University of Miami - 7
University of Michigan - 1
University of New Orleans - 1
University of Pennsylvania - 1
University of South Carolina - 1
University of South Florida - 1
University of Wisconsin - 1
UCF - 14
UF -6
Washington University in St Louis - 3
YU - 30
Remember And Do Not Forget
Students Experience Exhibits, A Film, And Listen To Survivors On Yom Hashoa
Graphic by Sydney Freedman ('20) and Sivan Mussaffi ('20)
Article by Al Dimont ('20)
Yesterday, the Katz Yeshiva High School had the honor of taking part in a program commemorating Yom HaShoah VeHaGevura, which honors the millions of lives lost in the Holocaust. This year's theme was "Not Child's Play," focusing on the ways parents shielded their kids from the horrors of the Holocaust. The evening before the event, a group of students decorated the rotunda with train tracks and a Yizkor candle in order to remember everyone lost in concentration and death camps. An exhibit was also put up in the theme of "Not Child's Play," which showcased different toys and games Jewish children played with in order to preserve their innocence. For example, a Monopoly game was created in a ghetto for the children to play with despite living in horrible conditions.
Yesterday's program began with students watching the second half of the movie Life is Beautiful. This Italian movies showcases how a father stays positive and how he hides the horrors of the Holocaust from his kid. The main character turns the bleak concentration camp into a game for his son, with points and prizes. Although the movie has a bittersweet ending, it shows the ability of people to make the best out of bad situations. The students discussed this idea and others after watching the movie.
The final part of the program included lighting a candle and listening to a survivor's story. The survivor told her tale of growing up in Hungary and how her family survived the war. Afterwards, she inspired the students by telling them how despite the sadness, she made something of herself and got an education and a job and raised a proud Jewish family. Other survivors then lit candles and told a little bit about their own stories. The program then culminated with a Kel Malei, a prayer for those who died in the Holocaust.
Why Is There A Rocket Ship In The School Parking Lot?
Just Another Day At KYHS As Giant Rocket Replica Takes Up Parking Lot, And Students Show Off Incredible Tech Skills
Graphic by Justin Isaacs ('19)
Article by Ariel Miron ('20)
On Wednesday, KYHS, DKJA, Posnack, and Scheck Hillel freshmen and sophomores involved in engineering took part in the CIJE Innovation Day festivities. Students who spent the past year working hard on their engineering projects showcased their projects to several judges and the entire school. After the judges made their decisions, we managed to win 1st place with Ariel Melnitsky, Yonina Kaminetsky, and Akiva Kroll's project, a fully-functioning 'Just Dance' basketball platform, and 3rd place with Levi Stein and Adam Dennis' project, an automatic chess board. After the project presentations, students competed against each other in small teams in a mini-Hackathon. In case you are still confused, the model rocket ship stationed outside the school was an action-packed, space-themed escape room, which many students took part in in the spirit of the day. Students in the escape room worked together to find clues and launch the rocket to Mars (or something like that). All in all, it was an extremely successful day in the STEM department and kudos to Dr. Wolf and the CIJE team for making it all happen.
Sara's Last Scoop Urges You To Seize The Good And Bad In Life And Carry It With You Wherever You Go
(Amazing Job Sara! Thanks For All The Scoops!)
Graphic by Mishpachat
Article by Sara Deichman ('19)
Endings are a funny thing; mundanities becomes monumental and every insignificance becomes grandiose. It's like just yesterday, you struggled to wake up early for school, and once you made it there, you bought your daily sushi from the Grove for lunch, and then today, surprise! You're graduating. No more early mornings at KYHS. Surprise! You won't have the Grove sushi in Israel or college next year. And suddenly you're crying over a california roll that you never even thought was that amazing. Suddenly, you're picking out new bedding for a twin in a shared bedroom, and you're buying a whole new wardrobe because next year you'll be somewhere much, much colder, or somewhere your skirts have to be much, much longer. It all happens so fast that you're not even aware it's happening, and then, surprise!
Looking back, it's easy to understand why the flap of a butterfly's wings can cause an earthquake. Seniors know that we did not just end up here, even if that's how it currently feels; we worked our way here through minor hurdles and major ones as well that we never expected to encounter. Four years ago, I was a completely different person; we were all different. Highlites was different too. Something I've learned about life through this whole "moving on" process is that nothing is insignificant. Further, nothing can be a mundanity if your life is in constant motion, as it should be. I hate to break it to you, but you're never going to be as young as you are right now. You're never going to sit in the exact place you are right now at this exact time. And frankly, you're never going to read a new Sara's Scoop article in Highlites ever again. But that's part of the beauty of it all.
Sorry to disappoint, but this article isn't classically investigative. I'm graduating soon, and I cannot end my last sappy, raw article without sincere gratitude. Every time one of you stopped me in the hallway to talk about my recent article, every text I received on Friday afternoon letting me know that people read my articles, has made every hour worth it. Here's a secret: Sitting in front of a keyboard trying to connect to a wide audience isn't easy. I have always said that I write because it is the action of making history. So here I declare myself retired from Sara's Scoop, but never from writing. As my dear seniors and myself venture to the great unknown, we will always remember the time when Wednesday afternoons were the longest and Sara's scoop was just an idea. The time when laughing with your childhood friends felt like it would never end and you never thought you'd pass that Physics test. But life goes on; we would know. We're leaving behind everything we know and exploring the places we've always wanted to. It's a time to reminisce, but not for too long. Life really is a big old cycle of beginnings and endings, things to remember and things we want to forget. But open your eyes. Because letting go of that cycle mentality allows the most beautiful union of your entire life. We don't live in segments, we live as people. Sure, for some of us, high school is ending, but it'll seep into everything we do as we carry the memories and lessons with us. Today, I propose the abolishment of the horrible concept of the ending. Today, we become fluid. And that's the scoop.
People Went Places! AGAIN!
Students Travel The World For Pesach. Fact.
Graphic by Josh Bernten ('20)
Read Below For All The Details You've Ever Wanted To Know About Mr. Retana
Graphic by Penina Kahane ('22) and Liora Mayer ('20)
Interview by Avigail Greenberg ('20)
1. Where did you grow up/go to school?
I'm from Weston, Florida and I attended Cypress Bay High School.
2. When and why did you decide to be a teacher/TA?
I decided in high school because I was inspired by AP Physics teacher.
3. Do you hope to continue teaching in the future?
No, actually I am going to become a machine learning and artificial intelligence engineer in New York this fall.
4. What made you choose to come to KYHS specifically?
After touring the school, I felt it was a close knit environment, liked the many resources, and I thought overall it would be an enjoyable place to work.
5. What's your favorite subject to teach?
Calculus, I just think it's the best subject ever. I loved it in high school.
6. What are some of your hobbies?
I play Computer games.
7. Can you give any tips to us high schoolers?
Don't stress out so much, respect your parents and be grateful for them, realize that anything you do now you don't have to do later, and know that college is easier!
8. Where did you attend college? Would your recommend that college to those of us thinking about where to apply?
I graduated from FIU in 2015. I liked it, and I would recommend it but you should always shoot for the moon.
More Photographs!
Ok Justin Just Put Yourself In Both.
Ask Adina
Hear Sage Advice From An Experienced Senior
Hi Adina. Do you have any advice on how to come to terms with saying bye and starting a new chapter?
That's such a great question. Whether you are a senior about to graduate, a junior about to become a senior, a sophomore about to become a junior, or a freshman about to become a sophomore, change is always really difficult. Here are some tips that have helped me.
1. As Dr. Seuss says, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Reflect and appreciate all the memories you have made.
2. Share your fears and concerns with your friends. They probably are feeling the same way too.
3. Remain open to new experiences, new choices, and new people. Try things that you never thought you could do.
4. Most importantly, go in with a positive attitude and remain optimistic.
It's okay and completely normal to feel sad or scared, but don't let those feelings prevent you from moving forward and preparing for the future. I can't wait to hear about all your successes in the next phase of your life!
The Yeshiva Highlites Staff