National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and tribal transit solutions through
free training materials,
technical assistance, and partner collaboration.
National RTAP Publishes National Rural and Tribal Transit Salary Data
National RTAP conducted a survey on rural transit agency salary ranges and job descriptions in January 2018. 268 agencies provided information from 32 states. Data were compiled into a spreadsheet listing salary ranges for 12 positions common to rural transit agencies, such as bus driver, dispatcher and head of agency.
Job Description and Salary Range Database
is filterable by status (full time/part time, CDL/Non-CDL) and FTA Region. This data can be used for benchmarking, sample job descriptions for recruitment and determining appropriate salary ranges.
Wheelchair Securement and Lifts Videos on National RTAP eLearning
We've recently added AMF-Bruns of America and RICON training videos on wheelchair securement and lifts to the National RTAP
learning management system. We also have training videos available on wheelchair securement and lifts from BraunAbility and Q’Straint.
Upcoming National RTAP Webinar on Cost Allocation
Join us
next Wednesday, June 6 from 2:00-3:30 PM ET, as Todd Hansen of Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) and Rich Garrity of RLS & Associates, present an overview of cost allocation, why it’s important, and the various uses for cost allocation (e.g. NTD reporting, performance measurement, pricing of services).
National RTAP Copyright Technical Brief Updated
US DOT and FTA Updates
$1.5 billion in grant funds under the federal Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Transportation program (which replaces the TIGER grant program). Transit or intermodal transportation projects are eligible. Applications must be submitted to
by July 19, 2018.
$25.8 million for transit planning through FTA’s Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning. The grants will fund planning to support transit ridership, multimodal connectivity and mixed-use development near transit stations. Proposals must be submitted by July 23, 2018.
TRB will conduct a
on June 5, 2018, from 2:00-3:30 PM ET featuring TCRP’s
Tools for a Sustainable Transit Agency
. The research explores development of tools for improving transit agency sustainability, the Sustainability Routemap and S+ROI Calculator.
Consolidation of Rural Public Transportation Services Guidebook
describes findings and lessons learned from an examination of consolidation efforts. The study used data from the National Transit Database and National RTAP Status of Rural Transit Survey to provide an overview of rural transit consolidation efforts and recommendations for future consolidation. NTI is holding a
on this report on June 21, 2018, 2:00-3:30 PM ET.
AASHTO has published their
2017 Salary Survey
, which provides job classifications and salary information on positions currently used by the transportation industry.
If your organization employs volunteers, AARP is seeking nominations for the
Andrus Award for Community Service
which recognizes individuals sharing their experience, talents and skills to enrich the lives of others. Nominations are due June 1, 2018.
Faces of Transportation
photography and video contest awards cash prizes, including photographs submitted via social media. All entries must be received by June 15, 2018.
ADA Developments
We've updated our
New Developments page
in our ADA Toolkit with information on the Information and Communication Technology Final Standards and Guidelines, Equal Employment Opportunity Circular and ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles.
Title VI and Public Transit
Boise, ID
June 4-5
Tools for a Sustainable Transit Agency
June 5, 2:00 - 3:30 PM
Paratransit Management & Operations
El Monte, CA
June 5-6
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Pittsburgh, PA
June 5-7
National RTAP
Cost Allocation 101
June 6, 2:00-3:30 PM
Travel Training Data Collection Standards
June 6, 2:00 - 3:30 PM
How to Compete for BUILD Transportation Grants - Rural & Tribal Applicants
June 6, 2:00 - 4:00 PM
National Roadeo
Pittsburgh, PA
June 9 and 10
Expo 2018
Pittsburgh, PA
June 10-14
TTAP Safety Training Overview
June 12, 1:00 PM
Legally Defensible Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Disparity Studies
June 13, 2:00-3:30 PM
Preparing a Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) for a BUILD Application
June 13, 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Wyoming Public Transit
WYTRANS Annual Conference
Riverton, WY
June 19-21
Transit in the 2000s - Where Does it Stand and Where is it Headed?
June 21, 12:00 PM
Consolidation of Rural Transit Systems
June 21, 2:00-3:30 PM
Contracting Fixed Route Transit Service
June 27, 2:00-3:30 PM
Transit Asset Management Implementation for Tier II Providers and Sponsors
Portland, ME
July 11
State Public Transportation Partnership Conference, Minneapolis, MN
August 15-17
Tri-State Transit Conference
North Conway, NH
Sep 12-14
National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation
Breckenridge, CO
Sept 30-Oct 3
All event times listed as Eastern Time
Look for Us at these Upcoming Conferences
- CTAA EXPO, Pittsburgh, PA, June 10-14
- Wyoming Public Transit Annual Conference, Riverton, WY, June 19-21
- State Public Transportation Partnership Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Aug 15-17
- Tri-State Transit Conference, North Conway, NH, Sept 12-14
- National Transportation in Indian Country Conference, Duluth, MN, Sept 17-20
- Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Conference (RIBTC), Breckenridge, CO, Sept 30-Oct 3