Reminder...NO SCHOOL Monday, March 12th!
Congratulations to Peabody 8th grader James Henter!

On March 7th, James won First Place in the Microbiology category at the 37th Annual Virginia Piedmont Regional Science Fair with his project, “Bacteria in a Local K-8 school: Quantity, Type, and Response to Cleaning Products”.

There were over 400 projects at the fair, representing more than 30 schools from over a dozen counties. James enjoyed chatting with the many judges during the day-long event. His first place finish includes an award of $100 for classroom use by his science teacher, Kris Chain. With this first-place result, James is now also entered into the prestigious Broadcom Masters national science fair and week-long program. Good luck, James!
Yay Lunch is Live!

We are happy to share with you the new pilot program we are starting with  Yay Lunch! Please follow the link to create an account and order lunches. When you initially register, please enter the 22902 zip code so Peabody School populates in the correct field.

Here are a few reminders:
1) This does not replace our lunch program this year. We will continue to offer our other choices for the remainder of the year.
2) We can not offer refunds for any lunches you have prepaid for in our current program. Please consider trying Yay Lunch on days that you haven't ordered lunch for as of yet.
3)Yay Lunch is a 3rd party vendor. All questions regarding the website, payment etc should be directed through the Yay Lunchwebsite. Lunches are delivered to the school and we get them to classrooms.
4) As this is a pilot, I would love feedback about the program.

Christina Liva, the owner of the company, will be here at Game Night tonight to answer questions as well.
Mr. Chain's Raspberry Pi Camp

The goal of the Peabody Raspberry Pi Summer Camp is to get someone over the initial hurdles and become self sufficient for their electronics projects in the future. A Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computer that is a powerful learning tool for coding and electronics. If your student is interested in learning about robotics, coding, and circuitry and wants to learn real world coding and applications, this is the perfect summer camp for them.

10% discount for all Peabody students!

Who: Rising 6th - 9th grade students

When: June 18th - 22nd or July 9th - 13th, 8:00am - 3:30pm

Go to  to learn more and sign up.
Neighbors 4 Neighbors Food Drive

The Neighbors 4 Neighbors school food drive will begin on Monday, March 5! Peabody is once again participating in the annual community and school wide food drive entitled the Neighbors 4 Neighbors School Food Drive. All donations will be given to the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. Donation barrels can be found at the front entrance of the school and the Batten building. Donations will be accepted through Friday, March 23rd.

We would like to have every student participate in our food drive. Last year Peabody collected 443 pounds of food and earned 2nd place out of the area K-8 schools!  Let’s see if we can surpass that this year!

Thank you in advance for your generosity and support!
Peabody School Jump Rope for Heart 2018

Parents, we are excited to kick off Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart! Your student is becoming a Heart Hero by taking care of their own heart, spreading the message of the American Heart Association and raising funds for lifesaving research. Have your student jump online at or to take one of our three health challenges, send emails and ask for donations. The fundraiser event will run from Monday, March 5th until Friday, March 30th. 

Thank you for supporting the American Heart Association!
Peabody Alumni Panel Tonight!

The annual "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about High School" alumni panel will be next Friday night, March 9, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Batten 203.   Game Night starts right afterwards!   

This fun and insightful panel discussion is geared for 7th and 8th grade students and their families. The following Peabody alumni have kindly agreed to participate, and we hope you can join us for their thoughts on high school! 
Talia Sherman, Peabody ‘17, Charlottesville High School
Tim Weissman, Peabody ‘17, Charlottesville High School
Thurston Whitlow, Peabody ‘16, Charlottesville High School
Opeymi Balogen, Peabody ‘17, Albemarle High School/MESA
Kathryn Zimnick, Peabody ‘17, Albemarle High School/MESA
Will Krehmeyer, Peabody ‘16, Monticello High School/HMSA
Marieke Leliveld, Peabody ‘16, Monticello High School/HMSA
2017-2018 Annual Fund Update

Many thanks to everyone who has already donated to the Peabody Annual Fund for 2017-18! We are extremely grateful for your contributions, and appreciate your support of Peabody and our mission. Our goal is 100% participation from all faculty/staff and families! We hope you will help us get there! 

PPF News

Game Night is tonight from 6:30-8:00 We hope to see you there! The next PPF meeting is scheduled for March 28th at 8:15AM.
Parent Information Center

  • There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, March 12th for a Teacher Workday.

  • Check out the latest edition of the Panther Flash! Password: pantherflash

  • Caring for Creatures is Having a Scavenger Hunt on April 29th to support their work. Please find more information here!

  • Renaissance School’s summer classes are now open to rising 7th-12th grade students in the Charlottesville area!  Summer classes at Renaissance School are a great way to earn high school credit in a small and supportive environment. Summer classes for high school credit include Geometry, Algebra 2, and Darkroom Photography. Students can also participate in an intensive one-week SAT Math boot camp or learn the art of Screen Printing! For more than 18 years, Renaissance School has enriched students through an interdisciplinary curriculum emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. Considering Renaissance School for your college prep high school?  Summer classes are a great way to experience our engaging teachers and small classes with lots of focused attention. For more information, please visit or call 434-984-1952. 

  • We are continuing to collect broken and unwanted crayons for recycling with the Crayon Initiative and dried out markers to recycle with Crayola. Collections can be placed in the box by the main entrance. Please, crayons and markers only--no colored pencils, paints or oil pastels.

  • Albemarle High School visitation day is on Tuesday, March 27th. This day invites interested students to come visit AHS from 9:30 am – 12:30 pm. Counselors will hold an information meeting for parents/guardians at 1pm. Families that are interested should contact Sheena Washington in the AHS School Counseling office at 434-974-4321 or by email at [email protected] to sign up. Due to the fact that students will need to be assigned to a group, they will need parents to RSVP no later than March 20th.
Another Great Week at Peabody School!