Daniels Training Services
August 2017

Summer is almost over!  Fall and winter are usually busy times for me as people rush to get their training done before the holidays present more obstacles.  Contact me soon for the training you are required to provide to your employees.
Frequently Asked Questions

These are the questions that should be asked but aren't.  So I ask them for you!
General Requirements & Provisions for the Transport of Lithium Batteries Smaller Lithium Battery

A 'must read' for any shipper of lithium cells or batteries.  Don't overlook these general requirements that apply to all sizes of lithium cells/batteries by all modes of transport.  Both international and domestic.   More...

I don't just write articles!                


View our videos on YouTube My YouTube channel is filled with informational videos on a variety of regulatory topics.  Curious about universal waste in California?  How about the operation of a TSDF for hazardous waste?  It's in there, with more being added every day.


View our photos on flickr I upload a variety of photos to Flickr.  Perhaps you could use some of them in your training or promotional materials. 



I upload a lot of my Power Point presentations  to SlideShare/LinkedIn. Check them out for answers to your questions.

United States Postal Service Vehicle
Proposed Revisions to the USPS Standard for Lithium Battery Transport

In an effort to harmonize its standard with the existing domestic and international regulations, USPS has proposed a change to how you may ship lithium cells and batteries within its system.   More...

Top Ten Best Practices for Rail Shippers UN1814 Tank Car


The transport of hazardous materials by rail is subject to a variety of regulations within the PHMSA/USDOT Hazardous Materials Regulations.  These recommendations will help you to maintain compliance with the HMR.  More...

Do you have a question?

Man with Question Mark


People contact me with questions and I answer 'em!
Quick Links
Survey :
What is your hazardous waste generator status?

Survey :
Must you register as a shipper or carrier of HazMat?

Survey :
Do you need a Hazardous Materials Safety Permit?

$63K Penalty for Improper Shipment of HazMat
The required training can seem expensive and a hassle to schedule and coordinate.  Compare that to the cost and hassle of a violation of the Hazardous Materials Regulations and the resulting financial penalty.   More...

Quick Takes!


Too short to consider a full-blown article but too long for a tweet or post.  See below for some concise information on the regulations for hazardous waste management or the transport of hazardous materials.




Upcoming Webinar Training
Want site-specific training for your employees but can't schedule Onsite Training?  Then consider site-specific Webinar Training scheduled at your convenience.  Less cost. Less hassle. Full compliance.  

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Three hours and $189 to compliance!

Testimonials from
Onsite Training
"I found the training to be very informative. It helped clarify a few things for me when shipping a product."
- Jamie Todd with Hanley Industries
in Your Area
Contact me now to schedule Onsite Training in 2017!

July 18 in New Orleans, LA
July 20-21 in Virginia Beach, VA
July 29 in Geneva, IL
August 5 in Geneva, IL
August 8-9 in Batavia, IL
August 15 in Painesville, OH
September 9 in Reno, NV
September 26 in Menasha, WI
September 28 in Monroe, WI
...and more to schedule.
Try Sonix Studio's free CSV Builder app for Hootsuite or Postcron .  It's a great tool for randomly selecting dates and times when using the bulk uploader.
Check This Out!

Did I already mention that I get real busy in the fall?  Yeah? Well, I do.  If you want to get the required training at the best possible time for you and your employees contact me soon to schedule that training.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Daniel Stoehr
Daniels Training Services, Inc.