CultureLink Newsletter - December 2018
The holiday season is a time to connect with friends, family and community, and to feel gratitude for the opportunities we have. In this edition of our newsletter, we share the excitement of our 30th anniversary Gala and the Newcomer Women's Empowerment Session. We invite you to view CultureLink's Welcoming Communities , a video documentary which captures the impact of our programs. We urge you to get warmed up with Wintegration, our program for the coldest months of the year. And if the spirit moves you, please consider making an end-of-year contribution to CultureLink. A charitable tax receipt is issued automatically for any donation made via our CanadaHelps page. Happy holidays!
The sweet taste of success

Mohamad arrived in Canada in 2015. He was 27 years old, knew some English and had lived in completely different cultures and countries all his life. He had worked in the food industry cooking and making sweets... However, the Canadian system was totally different...

CultureLink 30th Anniversary Gala - an evening to remember

Making a guest appearance by video was Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who congratulated CultureLink on our 30th anniversary. Our keynote speech was delivered by the very spirited Danielle Zanotti, CEO and President of United Way.....the Mexican Folk Ballet brought the house down with thunderous dances full of flourish.
Women's Empowerment Session

... Women shared testimonials about the importance of getting involved in the community and they all received certificates of involvement as participants and volunteers.

Winter is here! Enjoy the season with CultureLink

...In the past many winters, two of our most popular activities have been trip to the Maple Syrup Festival and hiking/scavenger hunt at the Toronto Islands. We go out for hiking in the snow, play games, enjoy nature and have specific winter activities, such as skating, eating marshmallows by the fire and attending various winter fests... Volunteer and sponsorhip opportunities are available!

Mentorship opportunity for newcomers in Scarborough

The Burrows Hall branch of the Toronto Public Library hosts a regular session for newcomers and volunteer mentors on Thursdays, beginning January 31 in the new year.

Contact Rubeen Chauhan for more information: 416-588-6288 x231 or