MAY 2019
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Newsletter
The view from   Top of the Ridge Farm Bed & Breakfast ( Photo courtesy of Top of the Ridge Farm Bed & Breakfast/The Moose, NH ).
Happy May!
With all the rain we've had recently it seems that April Showers are continuing as May Showers, hopefully bringing the flowers soon! I for one am ready for some sunshine so I can soak up the summer on the seacoast, one of the best parts of living here. I'm ready to break out my kayak and am counting down the days until we have a streak of 60 degree weather, as I'm sure many of you are also doing. Here's to hoping this occurs sooner rather than later!
Here at SRPC we are planning for our annual luncheon, beginning to reach out to municipal recreation departments to review maps for the Pathways to Play project, and kicking off the traffic count season.
In this issue you’ll read about SRPC's Annual Luncheon, planning events of interest, current and upcoming commuter challenges, available grants, events for Bike & Walk to Work month, public input opportunities, and community happenings.

Until Next Month,
Shayna Sylvia
SRPC Annual Luncheon Save the Date
Planning Events of Interest
It's Time to Commute Smart!
Grant Corner
Seacoast Bike & Walk to Work Month Kicks Off
Public Input Opportunities
Community Happenings
Tri-city Connector meeting where representatives from COAST and the tri-cities discussed the nexus between economic development and transportation. ( SRPC Photo)
Climate in the Classroom culminating presentation with students from Oyster River Middle School and partners from UNH Cooperative Extension NH Coastal Adaptation Workgroup  and  NH Sea Grant . ( SRPC Photo )
SRPC staffers James and Nancy getting ready for the Commuter challenge ( SRPC Photo )
SRPC Annual Luncheon Save the Date
Planning Events of Interest
NHPA Brownbag Series: Municipal Regulations for Tiny Homes May 10, from noon –  2 p.m.

The New Hampshire Planners Association (NHPA) will host its next brownbag series program on Friday, May 10. Speakers Ben Frost (NH Housing and Finance Authority), Steve Paquin (NH Building Officials Association), and Robert Tardiff (NHDES Subsurface System Bureau) will facilitate a lively discussion on municipal regulations for tiny homes. This event is free, but please registe r online , or by emailing

CAW Spring Workshop: What are People Saying about Taking Action on Climate May 13, from 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Join CAW for its spring workshop on May 13 at the Hugh Gregg Coastal Conservation Center. Presenters Dr. Lawrence Hamilton (UNH Carsey School of Public Policy) and Dr. Matt Cutler, (Northeast Fisheries Center) will examine national survey data from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, together with data combined from more than 40 state, regional, or nationwide US surveys conducted by the UNH Survey Center (2010-19), to find out what it tells us about support for climate action, climate policy, and resilience building efforts.
This event is geared towards municipal staff and board members, local community groups, and concerned citizens.

The registration deadline is 5 p.m. on May 9. Learn more online .
Planning For All Ages   May 30 from 8:30 a.m. noon

Plan NH is holding a "Planning For All Ages" workshop on Thursday, May 30, at the NH Audubon Concord. This workshop is for planners, municipal staff, economic development people, those interested in choices in places to live and how to get about, community leaders and thought leaders, and anyone with an interest in creating vibrant and delightful places for everyone to enjoy living, working, and/or playing.

Presenters from Southern NH Planning Commission (SNHPC) will showcase their findings on age-friendly assessments and surveys, and how communities have responded to the age-friendly pilot program: their successes and lessons learned in their efforts towards creating an age-friendly region.

This course it eligible for 3 AICP Planning credits.

Learn more, or register, online .
It's Time to Commute Smart!
This week marked the launch of CommuteSMART Seacoast’ fifth B2B challenge , which takes place during the month of May. The competition encourages companies to form a team with the goal of commuting sustainably to and from work. Competitors log their trips and see how they measure up on a real-time leaderboard in an effort to win the prize for most sustainable trip in their business size category. Interested companies can still get in on the challenge and register by contacting Anne Rugg .

Following the May seacoast challenge, the statewide initiative CommuteSmart NH will host a pilot commuter challenge in June. This challenge is modeled after CommuteSmart Seacoast’s but will be open to business and organizations from across New Hampshire. The challenge will utilize NH Rideshare for logging trips and providing a ride match tool for interested parties. Information on the upcoming June challenge can be found on the CommuteSmart NH website .

To sign up for the statewide challenge contact Katie Nelson at .

Grant Corner
New Hampshire Department of Transportation Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Funding - Letter of Intent Due Jun. 7
The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) has announced another Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality round. Eligible activities include:

  • Alternative fuel projects including participation in vehicle acquisitions, engine conversions, and refueling or charging facilities.
  • Projects that improve traffic flow, including efforts to provide signal system optimization, construct HOV lanes, streamline intersections, add turning lanes, improve transportation systems management and operations, implementing ITS and other CMAQ-eligible projects, including efforts to improve incident and emergency response or improve mobility, such as through real time traffic, transit and multimodal traveler information
  • Transit investments, including transit vehicle acquisitions and construction of new facilities or improvements to facilities that increase transit capacity, as well as operating assistance for new services or the incremental cost of expanded services.
  • Transportation-focused (non-recreational) bicycle transportation and pedestrian improvements that provide a reduction in single-occupant vehicle travel.
Reach out to Colin Lentz , senior transportation planner if you have a project in mind and would like assistance with your application materials.

Letters of intent are due on Jun. 7, 2019 and full applications are due to NHDOT on Friday, Sept. 6, 2019.

Learn more on the NHDOT website .

2019 Clean Water Revolving Fund Due Jun. 14

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services is now accepting pre-applications for the 2019 Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) for wastewater, stormwater and nonpoint source projects. CWSRF funding is available for water pollution control, watershed protection and restoration, and estuary management projects that contribute to the protection of public health and water quality. Planning projects are eligible for 100% principal forgiveness up to $75,000 and asset management efforts can receive 100% principal forgiveness up to $30,000.

Applications are due on Friday, Jun. 14. Contact Kyle Pimental , principal regional planner for assistance with preparing a pre-application. For more information on the funding program download the pre-application .
Recreational Trails Program - Due Jun. 21

The New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation, Bureau of Trails recently announced its 2020 Recreational Trails Program (RTP) competitive grant program, which offers funding for quality public trail projects throughout New Hampshire.

Grants are available for motorized, non-motorized, and diversified trails. Eligible projects include maintenance and restoration of existing trails, purchase and lease of trail construction and maintenance equipment, construction of new trails, development and rehabilitation of trailside and trailhead facilities, trail linkages, and acquisition of easements or property for trails. Applicants may be non-profit organizations, private groups or government entities.

The Bureau of Trails will be holding three informational workshops about the program. Starting this year, attendance to at least one of these workshops is mandatory to apply for RTP funds. The workshops will be held at the following dates, times and locations:

  • May 13, 2019, at 1:00 p.m., Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, 172 Pembroke Road, Concord

  • May 13, 2019, at 6:00 p.m., Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, 172 Pembroke Road, Concord

  • May 20, 2019, at 6:00 p.m., Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, 629 B Main St., Lancaster

Applications are due June 21, 2019. For an application and more information, visit the Recreational Trails Program page .

F ederal BUILD Grant - Due Jul. 15

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently released a notice of funding availability (“NOFA”) for the “Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development” (BUILD) program. This newer funding source replaced the TIGER program from years past. Funding through this program supports surface transportation projects and requires a 20% local match. There are exceptions and flexibility for for project proposals in “rural” areas, defined as a municipality (or other applicant) within an urbanized area below 200,000 population. These projects have a minimum project cost of $1 million. Planning projects are eligible and those have no minimum cost, but there are other specific considerations for those.

Eligible projects for BUILD Transportation grants are surface transportation capital projects that include, but are not limited to:

(1) highway, bridge, or other road projects eligible under title 23, United States Code;
(2) public transportation projects eligible under chapter 53 of title 49, United States Code;
(3) passenger and freight rail transportation projects;
(4) port infrastructure investments (including inland port infrastructure and land ports of entry); and
(5) intermodal projects.

Applications are due Jul. 15. Contact Colin Lentz , senior transportation planner, for assistance on preparing an application, or more more information. View the official documents online .

Seacoast Bike and Walk to Work Month Kicks Off!
Every May, the Seacoast and other areas across the state celebrate Bike & Walk to Work Month. This month long initiative encourages New Hampshire natives to try an alternative to driving in the modes of walking or biking. In the Seacoast, Strafford Regional Planning Commission teams up with Rockingham Planning Commission and other entities like Seacoast Area Bike Riders (SABR) to plan bike/ped events during the month of May.

This year's programming includes a bike ride led by the Mayor of Portsmouth, a "Traffic Skills 101" demonstration, a cycling movie night, and much more! Free commuter breakfast are also scheduled on Bike/Walk to Work Day, May 17, in the communities of Dover, Durham/UNH, Exeter, Kittery, Newmarket, Portmsouth, Rye, Stratham, and Hampton. View the complete list of events online .
Public Input Opportunities
State Plan on Aging

The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services (BEAS) is designated by the NH Legislature as the State’s Aging Agency. Under this designation, BEAS is given the authority to develop and administer the State Plan on Aging.

BEAS is seeking public input on the draft Four-Year State Plan on Aging (SPOA). 

Public comments can be submitted via email, phone ((603) 271-9203), or mail to the Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services, 105 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301, ATTN: State Plan on Aging.

Learn more, and view the draft plan, online:

Community Happenings
MooseMade Expo

Monday, May 6
4:30 9:00 p.m.
Tumbledown Farms, Brookfield

Join Explore Moose Mountains on Monday, May 6 for a dual purpose expo including a showcase for products made IN & FOR the Moose Mountains Region , and a celebration for the 2nd Birthday of The Moose, New Hampshire !

Moose-region business are invited to showcase their products from 4:30 – 7:00 p.m., and the general public is invited from 7 – 9 p.m. Enjoy MooseMade products, MooseTastes, MooseDestinations, Moose Events, ans MooseMusic.

View the flyer , or view the Facebook event page for more information. 
Dover Farmers Market
Sunday, May 12
10 a.m – Noon
Henry Law Park, Dover

The Seacoast Growers Association began to hold its Dover summers farmers market in Henry Law park beginning in May. This market, which was piloted last year, will be held each Sunday from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m, until Oct. 13. The market occurs rain or shine and SNAP/EBT & debit card transactions are available to market customers.

Learn more online .

Rochester Food Truck SpringFest

Sunday, May 19
Noon – 5 p.m.
Lilac Mall, Rochester

The Rochester NH Food Truck Festival returns to Lilac Mall on Sunday, May 19. This event will feature a variety of food truck, live music, a beer garden and lots of other vendors.

Attendees are encouraged to bring extra seating. Admission is free. Learn more on the Facebook event page