A Message from Bishop San
‘I Can’t Breathe’: A Spiritual Reflection on God’s Divine Gift of Breath
‘Breathe’ is described as the verb we use for the process of inhaling and exhaling. Breath is a noun that refers to a full cycle of breathing. The breath of God in Judaic-Christian thinking is synonymous with the spirit of God breathing over the face of the earth or over a person or community of faith. It is used throughout the New Testament to reference the power of God imbuing life and/or reinvigorating life in a person or system that is in desperate need of renewal, refocus and redemption.
The Creation Story (Genesis 1-2) records the narrative of the ordering of the world. It states that the world was a “formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters”. In one translation “wind” (New Revised Standard) seems to be the preferred metaphor when describing the movement of God’s spirit while another translation uses the term “spirit of God” (King James Version).
What seems indisputable is the fact that the spirit of God is profoundly interwoven into the fabric of God’s eternal and abiding presence in the life of creation and in God’s creative presence within the beloved community. In the Old Testament, the meaning of the Hebrew word
is "breath," or "wind," or "spirit." In Scripture, the word is applied both to human beings and to God. Depending on the context,
can be talking about a person's emotional state of being, or their soul or spirit, and is sometimes used as an idiom, as in "a mere breath." When coupled with one of the names of God,
refers to the Holy Spirit.
Across scripture, Old and New testaments, the evidence of
as a potent, life-giving force in defining the sanctity of life is an indistinguishable phenomenon. Such holiness ascribed to life is first referenced when God created the first human person (
) and ‘breathed into his nostrils’ (Genesis 2:7); this ‘spark of divinity’ thereby is meant to sanctify every human soul as a divine embodiment of God, created in God’s image and likeness (
imago Dei)
. Every human being becomes a derivate of the one, holy, indivisible Triune God...
Read the Full Reflection
Bishop San has spent time these past weeks working with and approving parishes for reopening. Over 12 congregations have opened their doors within the guidelines provided by the Diocese while others are engaging their communities through other creative and digital means.
The Bishop also met again with Province 3 Bishops and continues to meet with a variety of Diocesan committees and commissions as we move forward. The Bishop is looking forward to further engaging in the work set out in the Parousia document and is encouraged by all the creative energy in our Diocese. These are challenging times but our people are very faithful and devoted to the work of the church and there is a great sense of optimism.
Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
More from the Office of the Bishop
Bishop Expands Call on Diversity Commission
Several years ago Bishop San formed and invited members across the communion to join the Diocese of Easton’s Diversity Awareness Commission. Their role was to “engage the work of diversity awareness as a comprehensive subject inclusive of racial reconciliation.” The Commission was formed in late 2018 and has been pursuing that very work to this day.
“The Diversity Awareness Commission in the Diocese of Easton promotes peace, justice, and equality for all human beings - all are made in the image of God. As children of God, we must walk in His love, work in His reconciling ministry, and waken those brothers and sisters who have gone astray. We condemn all acts of racism. We encourage prayers for social justice, reconciliation, and peace as we walk in The Way of Love.” – A Note From the Commission
In light of recent events and with a renewed sense of urgency around topics of racial injustice, the Bishop has added another critical dimension to the Diversity Awareness Commission’s work on reconciliation. They, in cooperation with the Bishop’s Institute, will be tasked with the study and implementation of a training course for all leadership in the Diocese. The training will be based around an initiative that comes from the Archbishop of Canterbury entitled
and will be open to all.
Anyone who is interested in joining the Diversity Awareness Commission and becoming a trainer for this program is invited to submit their name to
Bishop San
for consideration. Please submit names no later August 1
Notification Regarding False Emails & Phone Calls
This week someone using the name of our bishop contacted members of the diocese in order to collect funds. Please know that the diocese will not send emails to our individual members using anything other than our diocesan email accounts
. And please know that we will never attempt to solicit funds or gift cards from you via emails, text messages or phone calls. Several clergy have also reported similar incidences, where their name was falsely used by a third party.
We have posted some helpful tips for churches to use to better educate their congregations about these scams
As Jesus taught his disciples in the Gospel lesson from this past Sunday: “See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)
Bishops of Province III Statement
San met with other Bishops in Province III to pray together and consider further steps for addressing the systemic racism in our country - brought to light once again by the death of George Floyd. Together, they crafted a letter that can be read
Are You Feeling Called to the Priesthood or Diaconate?
The Diocese of Easton is beginning a partnership with the
IONA Collaborative. "Iona Collaborative provides high-quality theological education for the formation of priests and deacons in their local diocesan settings, educating a new generation of ordained leaders who for various reasons cannot attend a residential seminary." If you are feeling called to ordained ministry please contact your Priest or Senior Warden so that they can forward this interest to Bishop San. You may also email
Bishop San directly. Candidates must have an undergraduate degree.
Dear Friends,
Camp Wright is currently accepting donations to help us make it through the financial impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic. We have already lost income due to a cancelled rental season and we will lose further income as the camp season approaches. If we are unable to have camp this summer, there is a distinct possibility that CW will be fiscally insolvent by the end of the summer. Please give what you can so we can make it through this mess shining the light of Camp Wright on through the next generation.
Know that we are currently doing all that we can to ensure that Camp Wright is not another casualty of Coronavirus. Please don't worry about what will happen next, our staff and the Camp Wright Committee are working hard to plan and care for Camp during this strange season. Give what you can, as you are able. If you cannot give, please share our campaign with your friends and former bunkmates.
Remember to pray and hold close the hearts of our campers and staff during this time. There is so much uncertainty in the world right now, and our kids (yes, I call our counselors kids, too) need to be lifted up and cared for in new and intense ways. Join me in praying for a swift resolution to this pandemic, and for all of the individuals and families that have been deeply affected by this crisis.
Thank you for your unending support. Thank you for your financial gifts. I probably say this too much, but it's more true now than ever, I can't wait to see you on Kent Island soon!
Julia Connelly
Executive Director
St. Andrew's, Hurlock,
The St. Andrew’s Food Pantry in Hurlock, MD was awarded over $4,000 in grant money this month from the Maryland Food Bank. “It was an alleluia moment for us,” said Fr. Bryan Glancey, Director of the Food Pantry, “we can take care of a lot of people for that.”
The gift came as a welcome surprise to the food pantry, who has continued serving their community even through the Covid-19 pandemic. All volunteers wear masks and gloves and patrons are required to also wear masks (the pantry supplies these masks if needed). “Only 5 people are allowed in at a time to shop,” says Glancey, who admits that even with these precautions they still are seeing less people. “We used to get around 120 families, now we’re seeing closer to 90.”
The grant comes as part of a six million dollar gift given to the MD Food Bank in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “The people at St. Andrew’s put their lives at risk every day to make sure their community is served,” touts Jennifer Small, Regional Program Director for the Maryland Food Bank’s Eastern Shore division. That’s one of the main criteria we used when allocating funds to our partners. “St. Andrew’s has been one of our trusted partners for over 10 years.” St. Andrew's is set to receive an additional $4,000 in August to continue to cover expenses during the Pandemic.
Fr. Glancey logs onto the Maryland Food Bank site 52 weeks out of the year to order between 3,000-4,000 pounds of food. Now, thanks to the grant, he doesn't need to pay at check-out. The food is delivered by truck on Tuesdays and distributed from 10am-12pm every Wednesday. “The only money we spend is on food,” said Fr. Glancey who is quick to praise his committed volunteer base. “We have at least 10 people to unload the truck on Tuesdays and 10 more to help when we open on Wednesdays.”
The food pantry also delivers food. This includes to clients with mobility issues as well as other churches that have members who need a leg up. As Father Glancey puts it, “we are here whenever people need us”.
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to
Churches are also encouraged to add joanne@dioceseofeaston.org to their local enews.
Sacred Ground
A Film-based Dialogue on Race and Faith
6 Sundays in June, July, August
This event is now full, but to be added to a waiting
list, please send an email
. If there is enough interest, we will hold another Sacred Ground experience.
This summer, The Retreat House will host Sacred Ground, an experience of reading, watching and learning about the history of race and racism in America and the impact it has on our world today.
On these summer afternoons, we will explore a rich online curriculum focused on Indigenous, Black, Latino and Asian Pacific American as their histories intersect with European American history. Each week, we will be given documentaries to watch and articles to read to help inform and enlighten us. We then gather on Zoom for conversation to help us peel away the layers that have contributed to the challenges and divides of the present day—all while grounded in our call to faith, hope and love.
Learning about the origins of the inequities and injustices so deeply embedded in our lives today will provide valuable insight into the deep anger that fuels the protests happening across the country.
This amazing series, developed by The Episcopal Church and Katrina Browne, director of the documentary
Traces of the Trade,
has been especially designed to help white people engage in conversation about the history of race in America. The series is part of The Episcopal Church’s Becoming Beloved Community which is the church's long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation and justice.
Here's what's coming up at the Retreat House. Click the button's below for dates and times.
Wisdom Circles
Our ancestors gathered in circles around the fire to tell stories, solve problems, seek the common good and celebrate the joys of life. The Wisdom Circle sessions will be held using Zoom video. Wisdom Circles are offered free of charge, though
are gratefully accepted.
QUIET DAY ~ Discovering God at Home
During this Retreat House Quiet Day, we will look at our everyday activities in a whole new way. Guided by Gunilla Norris' book,
Being Home
we will take time to notice the Spirit in the simple things we do all the time. In 4-5 mini-sessions, we will use the activities themselves to examine their relationship to the Divine.
Day's End
Evening Meditation
Listen, breathe, be still. A peaceful way to move into your evening.
Weekly Prayers
Please join us on Zoom for a time of focused prayer and contemplation. All are welcome!
Weekly AA Meetings
are now on Zoom.
A Peaceful Walk:
The Retreat House gates are always open ~ please come anytime.
During the COVID-19 crisis, please honor the 6-ft. social distance guidelines.
For more information, call (410) 364-7069,
click the button below
or contact
Francie Thayer
Pastoral Concerns
We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families:
For the family of Bryan and Barbs Glancy: Bryan (son), Lola (
and grandson Ralph - who are currently living in India.
The Rev. Kevin Cross, Rector, Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford. Sandra Marray, Sister of Bishop Santosh Marray. The Rev. Pete Stanton. Dee Rinehart, Director of the Bishops Institute. Art Leiby. Becky Richardson
Diocesan Prayer Calendar
Third Sunday after Pentecost (June 21st) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Augustine Parish, Chesapeake City, and the leadership of their lay people.
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (June 28th)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul’s, Berlin, and for their Deacon, the Rev. Dick Bunting and his wife, Ellen, and their Rector, the Very Rev. Michael Moyer.
For additional weeks, please visit our
Communication from the
Office of the Presiding Bishop
Update regarding DFMS offices, staff travel and sponsored meetings during the coronavirus pandemic
A letter from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry to the Church. Please share widely.
Dear Friends in Christ,
With both public and scientific knowledge of the nature and timing of an effective vaccine and treatment protocol for COVID-19 evolving on seemingly a daily basis; and with the very real possibility of a resurgence of the virus later in the year, the Executive Leadership Team has decided to keep the DFMS offices closed and the suspension of all non-essential travel, meetings, and conferences in place until further notice.
Read full letter here.
Episcopal leaders consider 2021 General Convention alternatives
A letter to Episcopalians from Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry and President of the House of Deputies the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings.
Dear Bishops and Deputies:
As this pandemic season stretches on, our profound grief for those who have died is compounded by daily reminders of the economic hardship the plague has brought to many of our communities. Even those who have not suffered great losses are enduring smaller ones, such as the cancelation of graduations, summer camps and other occasions to gather in person. The experience and feeling of loss is real for us all, yet it is important for us to remember that our canceled plans represent our best efforts to love one another as Jesus commanded. That commitment to live and act in the way of unselfish, sacrificial love must guide all of our decisions and actions.
In light of our moral conviction and the realities we now face, it will come as no surprise to you that for many weeks, we have been considering how the pandemic will affect our plans to gather in Baltimore in 2021 for the 80th General Convention. Although we all pray that an FDA-approved vaccine or other safe and effective therapeutics will be available soon, we have concluded with regret that we must plan as if our traditional 10-day gathering of 10,000 people or more will not be possible in 2021.
Read full letter here.
‘The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry’ podcast continues.
The Episcopal Church’s latest
below -
The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry,
Season 3, Episode 6,
is now available. These weekly conversations, featuring Bishop Curry, podcast host Sandy Milien, and a variety of guests, center on ways to live a life committed to living the way of God’s unconditional, unselfish, sacrificial and redemptive love.
In this episode, Bishop Curry talks with Richard Rohr, OFM, about what it takes to turn and follow a Christ who is as big as the Universe, choosing the Way of Love instead of the way of our ego. The two discuss the Spirituality of Addition vs. the Spirituality of Subtraction, and the consequences for our country and ourselves when we spend more time placing Jesus on a pedestal than we do actively following him as we live our daily lives.
Habits of Grace: An invitation for you, from Presiding Bishop Curry
As we learn how to adjust our lives given the reality of the coronavirus and the request to do our part to slow its spread by practicing social distancing, I invite you to join me each week to take a moment to cultivate a ‘habit of grace.’ A new meditation will be posted on Mondays through June.
Join the Church Pension Group For a Conversation on Socially Responsible Investing,
Thursday, June 25, 1:00pm
Join the Church Pension Group (CPG) for an update on current trends in socially responsible investing. You'll hear a panel of industry experts discuss how organizations are using shareholder engagement to encourage companies to conduct business in a manner that addresses important environmental, social, and corporate governance issues that matter to the Episcopal Church and the Church Pension Group. Mary Kate Wold, CEO and President of CPG, will facilitate the discussion, and will also share an update on how CPG is navigating market volatility and other client needs amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Register Here.
UPDATE: Unpacking the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act
The Episcopal Church invites participation in Good News Gardens
Join the movement to Plant, Pray, & Proclaim!
What can people do in this moment? One new and sacrificial act of love is to commit to planting more, praying more, and proclaiming more, in order to share the loving, liberating, and life-giving Good News of God’s love with all people.
Read more here.
Episcopalians encouraged to remember Holy Land Christians on Jerusalem Sunday, June 21st
Each year, on June 22, the Anglican Cycle of Prayer calls for prayers for the Diocese of Jerusalem. This year American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ) is naming the third Sunday of Pentecost, June 21 – the Sunday closest to the appointed day – as “Jerusalem Sunday” to encourage Episcopalians to remember the Holy Land Christians and the transformative humanitarian ministries they freely offer their neighbors across Palestine, Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon. As Christians enter the season of Pentecost, we mark and remember the first Christians who were present when the gift of the Holy Spirit moved among the followers of Jesus.
Read more here.
Love God, Love Neighbor: Episcopal Month of Action In the month of June, join The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations and Episcopal Migration Ministries for Love God, Love Neighbor: Episcopal Month of Action, a series of webinars to learn and advocate with and on behalf of immigrants, DACA recipients, refugees, and asylum seekers.
Newcomers contribute greatly to U.S. communities, enriching our common life, strengthening the U.S. economy, and bringing joy as they join and reunite with families and friends. And yet, immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees face a wide array of challenges, including federal policies and legislation that are outdated and do not address the realities of immigrants in America today. As the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement, we are called to advocate with and for our siblings seeking safety and a better life in the United States.
Read more here.
United Thank Offering presents the inaugural Great EpisGOpal Race!
The United Thank Offering (UTO) invites all to support the 2020 Ingathering by joining them in gratitude, grabbing a pair of sneakers, and racing YOUR way in the Great EpisGOpal Virtual Race. Anytime between July 22 – July 31, choose a preferred mode and distance and race to raise money for COVID-19 relief. Participants can bike a 10K, run a half marathon, skate a mile, and more—the options are limitless. All of the funds that are raised will be collected for the 2020 UTO Ingathering and dispersed to ministries responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Looking for some friendly competition? Start a team with friends, church, or diocese and see how far the team can collectively go. Prefer to keep your sneakers in the closet? Sign up and invite others to donate to a personal page. Registration is just $15 with the option to purchase a race shirt with an amazing original design by Chris Corbin.
Read more here.
Virtual Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency course -- August 10-14, 2020
Registration is now open for a special Virtual Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency Course (VELMC), an innovative five-day intensive course designed for diocesan staff, clergy, lay leaders, and seminarians to gain practical knowledge and cultural competency for Latino/Hispanic ministry. Originally offered in person at the School of Theology in Sewanee, Tennessee, the course will be conducted online in English, August 10-14, 2020.
The five-day VELMC includes 20 hours of online classroom presentations, worship services, and group dialogue, with comfortable breaks and an ample lunch time factored in from 11:00am to 5:30pm (EDT) each day.
Read more here.
Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS)
has shifted all Lifelong Learning offerings to online platforms to better equip clergy and lay leaders in this season of pandemic. The Continuing Education office at VTS strives to offer relevant classes, workshops, and programs. Visit
VTS Event page
for an up-to-date listing of online courses, retreats, and programs for both clergy and lay leaders. Questions? Please contact: LifelongLearning@vts.edu.
Will you proclaim the Good News of God in Christ? Embracing Evangelism video series and resources now available
In the Baptismal Covenant, Episcopalians promise to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.
Embracing Evangelism
, a new six-part evangelism video course, is a resource to help Episcopalians grow in their own relationship with Christ and to help others do so as well.
With its focus on evangelism "done differently," this course draws on scripture as it guides participants through an exploration of evangelism as a spiritual practice through which one seeks, names, and celebrates Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of all people and then invites everyone to more. Each episode features teachings on Episcopal evangelism, class discussions and prompts, and exercises to help Episcopalians understand the ministry and call to proclaim the Good News of Jesus through both word and action.
The Embracing Evangelism resources are available for streaming and download
The sessions were designed for use by small groups, vestry meetings, adult spiritual formation classes, college discipleship groups, diocesan or parish retreats, and as a summer adult vacation Bible school option. The full Embracing Evangelism series consists of six videos, each of which includes participant and facilitator guides. Each session is under 45 minutes. This offering is made possible through a partnership between
The Episcopal Church
Virginia Theological Seminary
Learn more here.
Introducing For People, a conversation about finding and holding on to faith in the midst of the challenges of an ever-changing world.
Join Bishop Rob Wright – spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta – each week at the crossroads of faith and life as he draws inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions. For People is Faith for Real Life. New episodes released each Friday.
Listen Now