Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 115 - April 2018 

The wedding adventure continues! I have been having fun making pew bows for  Nathan's wedding in July. The engaged couple picked the design and ribbon, but I loved that they took my suggestion of the sparkling cord. I only have eight more to go! Then I definitely need to loose a few pounds before we take a bunch of wedding photos. I'm looking forward to a picture with everyone dressed up! Next month-the dress and shoes! Hope you have a great rest of the month!
Children's Literature Legends
I was s o sad to learn of the passing of three fabulous children's authors: Jean Marzolla (I Spy), Anne Rockwell (tons of non-fiction picture books), and Russell Freeman (awa rd winning non-fiction). What a loss to the publishing community! I was lucky enough to meet Anne Rockwell. She was as kind as she could be!  
Authors For Earth Day!
I was tickled to visit Ashland, Kentucky as part of an Authors for Earth Day celebration. I love visiting schools and this one was made even more amazing because a concerned parent sponsored my entire visit! Ashley Carter was my host and she paid my honorarium as well! Russell Primary School is lucky to have her as a volunteer! I donated a portion of my fee to The Humane Society of the United States since that's the organization the students chose to support. Here's a article about the event. 
Favorite Social Media pictures from this month:

Hope you will join me at the Southern Kentucky Book Fair on April 21st in Bowling Green, KY or in Evansville, Indiana on April 22nd (Earth Day) at 1:00 at the Barnes and Noble.
Debbie Dadey, Author