What's happening at the studio
Upcoming shows and sculpture and T Kurtz painting news.

News about SLICK and the last casting of the ROSE CAROUSEL HORSE.

T Kurtz has taken Best of Show at an Invitational gallery event. She had some really stiff competition, too. Be sure and ask her about it.
Fall Show Schedule
Oldfield Fine Art Show (formerly the Celebration of Western Art)

October 6, 7, and 8th
Puyallup Fairgrounds  Expo Hall 
Puyallup Washington

Those of you who have been to this wonderful art show and auction know just how great it is. Casual and fun, come visit with the artists, check out the miniature silent auctions Friday and Saturday evenings as well as the main auctions.
Quick draws and demonstrations, too.

T Kurtz and I look forward to visiting with you


November 3, 4, and 5th
Trac Center
Pasco Washington

This show is full of fun and excitement, all manner of wonderful things to discover, and of course, T Kurtz and I will be there with our paintings and bronze sculpture. It is always so great to be back in my old home country, I hope to see you there.

Last Chance at pre-cast price

For those of you who have been so tempted by SLICK, my American River Otter, you have one last opportunity to order him at the pre-cast special price of only $1800.00.

Once he hits the display table the full price is in effect. Think about reserving your special price, a deposit of $300 will hold the precast price for you.
Whenever you are ready to make your actual order, and he will be cast by the Colorado Indian Market, another payment of at least $300 will start your sculpture at the foundry.

Life size, a limited edition of 30, a true delight.

You can email me or call me at 1 208 265 9613 if you wish to place your order or have any questions about this piece or any other.


Oh, one note on the Carousel Horse, it is the very last casting of an older edition, I found the wax, all tooled and ready to go in the back of my wax storage closet. (I really need to clean house' more often.) It is patina and polychrome, 12" by 13", a limited edition of only 12. The actual color is dappled a little darker than the photo as shown.
If you are interested, I will send another photo to you. The price, $ 2600.00..
Gabe Gabel Studio
232 Cowboy Way  Sagle, ID 83860   208 265 9613

T Kurtz 
152 Cowboy Way Sagle ID 83860  209 255 8813