Traffic and Vehicle Enforcement
In University Hills
Dear friends and neighbors,

Many of us are worried that the recent rash of folks running stop signs may soon result in accidents and possibly tragedy. So serious is the concern for public safety that both the Homeowners Representative Board and the Irvine Campus Housing Authority Board of Directors are now calling for stricter enforcement by the UCI Police Department.
Considerable effort and expense has been expended in conducting an intensive study and overview of the transportation issues and infrastructure in University Hills.  In the report posted to , all consultants and HRB Transportation Committee members concluded that warnings were not effective in correcting inappropriate driving, biking and pedestrian behavior. That committee endorsed the call for stricter enforcement. The HRB has adopted the report and the committee’s call for stronger measures. The ICHA Board of Directors supports the HRB and UCI Police in initiating efforts to improve safety for all of us.
The UCI Police Department will issue traffic citations at its discretion.  This summer's upcoming roadway slurry, striping work and signage updates, in part recommended by the Transportation Study, also will assist and further improve general safety. These improvements are tentatively scheduled to begin in June.

Thank you for your understanding and for your commitment to making University Hills streets safer areas to drive, run, bike and play.
Hobart Taylor on behalf of the University Hills Homeowners Representative Board
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