I'm waiting for some really big I created these miniature plaques, hang for display, or on a Christmas tree.
First of all, look for some really interesting photos on down the road as I start my first life size horse sculpture. I've done life size people and other animals, but you can guess just how close this project will be to my heart.

While I am going crazy waiting for the next step, the point up form, to be delivered thought I'd do something that we could all enjoy. And afford to indulge with. My first resin Christmas tree ornaments. And let me tell you, the first castings should be labeled LC for learning curve, not AP for artist's proofs.

Cast one, trim the mold, cast another one, trim the mold. You see these are not being sent out for casting, I'm going through nitrile gloves by the box as they are poured right in my studio by me. And yes, like other castings, there are some subtle differences in castings.

They are cast snow white, but I have painted some for the fun of it. Each painted one is an original, those I may just have at shows unless you contact me directly.

They are all limited editions of no more than 50, signed and numbered on the back by the artist. Will I be doing more of them ever, that depends on you and how much you like them. Right now, let's get these out to you, my collectors. Consider a special gift for someone. Hang one in a shadow box frame. No holly to make them Christmasy, okay the mule does have a ribbon around his neck, but you know I have a soft spot in my heart for a good mule.

$20.00 an ornament.

No special discounts on these. If you wished them shipped, $5.00 packing and shipping. If you want one painted just for you, I'm happy to discuss it with you.
About three inches across Lt Ed. of 50
About three inches across Lt. Ed. of 50
About three inches across Lt. Ed. of 50
About three inches across Lt. Ed. of 50
Please contact me by telephone 208 265 9613 or by email. I am happy to take your credit card over the phone or to expect your check in the mail. Or stop by the Gallery here at my farm and choose your own. I will also have them at the Fred Oldfield Show in Puyallup in October and at the Custer Arts and Craft Shows in Pasco and Spokane in November.