Coming NEXT WEEKEND to Pasco TRAC Center
It is time again for the CUSTER ART AND CRAFT SHOW at the TRAC Center in Pasco. November 2, 3, 4th.
T Kurtz and Gabe Gabel will be back for the Custer Art and Craft Show again this year. New art and be certain to look for T's beautiful silk scarves featuring her gorgeous pastel paintings. And I will have a full selection of my resin signed and limited edition medallions. Lovely on your Christmas tree or even framed in a shadow box as a small sculpture display. $20.00 each.

If you can't make the show ( and we will be at the Custer Art and Craft show in Spokane two weeks later) feel free to contact me by email or telephone to place your order. $5.00 additional for packing and shipping each medallion. Email, or 208 265 9613.

Now to introduce the project that has been keeping me incredibly busy this Fall. Meet BOLD SPIRIT, an approximately 16 hand horse to be cast in a limited edition of only five, and yes, number one is sold. How would you like this guy to be roaming your garden or at the entrance to your ranch?

(Yes he will have four legs, a tail and a base, but this is not a project that comes together over night.) There is more work that has been done since this photo was taken and still more weeks of work to go before the foundry comes to pick him up for casting in bronze.

I will try to keep you posted as he progresses, please feel free to email me for the most up-to-date photos if you are interested.

Oh yes, price.....$85,000,00