T and I are excited to be showing together at this show. I haven't done a Spokane area show is quite a few years and I am looking forward to seeing many old friends there. Lots of new work and some of my older favorites you may remember. The Custer Shows are marvelous fun with so many beautiful crafts to enjoy, a truly wonderful show.
The Fell pony is available at the pre-cast discounted price. It is headed to the foundry right after the show, several have been ordered already. Remember that one third down will start your casting, the balance due when you have your bronze. And we do patina to order. I am happy to reserve your sculpture over the telephone or by email, too. Any questions, please contact me. Special payment arrangements can be possible, too.
I hope Spring has arrived where you are, we had high hopes, and the starts of tulips a week or two ago, but drat that groundhog, he was right again. I had to shovel out the art van this morning to get ready to repack it for the show. My pony started to shed while it was warm, luckily she has LOTS of long hair left, and still loves to lay in the snow. And they say more is on its way.
T has many new pieces, too, although she has been rather busy getting ready to sell their home up here in North Idaho. (Anybody want to live just down the driveway from me?) They have ten acres, horse ready, with a lovely studio building just for art or office. Its already listed.
When I get back from the March shows I've been warned that there will be work for T and me to do on the horses on Sandpoint's antique carousel. Go to the website, Carousel of Smiles, to see just what is happening and why we've been so excited about it. Just think, a whole carousel to play with as it gets restored to fully working condition.
We hope to see our Spokane friends in a week.
T and Gabe