November 5, 2020 - News & Notes
From The Desk Of Principal Kerr
What a beautiful week- we had to extend our shorts-wearing season by a few days! A lot of classes moved outside for learning and/or extra recess time. Mrs. DeGross took her class over to the nature learning area near the church to pray their rosaries on Tuesday, the middle schoolers had lunch and kickball sessions outdoors and the preschoolers took many nature walks!

This year has brought a lot of challenges, but we are grateful to be in school together everyday. We appreciate everyone taking our protocols seriously and cooperating when asked to quarantine. We are hardy Minnesotans, and accustomed to working through it when we are under the weather. We all need to remember there is no shame in staying home! Symptoms vary so much with this virus, and even nonsymptomatic people can be carriers. It is best to err on the side of caution, and know we will all go back to being our tough old selves eventually.

We are seeing more students struggling with social emotional issues this year, which is not surprising. We have posted a new position and are hoping to have a Special Services Facilitator on our faculty soon. We are hoping to find someone with a special education background who will collaborate with classroom teachers; research and help implement academic and behavioral strategies to improve learning for students who struggle; model strategies and do direct instructional coaching as necessary; prepare individual plans and/or success plans; assess and analyze student progress toward goals; and communicate with parents of students with special needs. I will keep you posted on our progress!

Next week is the last week of our first quarter, and time to start planning for next year already. We will be working on our budget with a committee that includes parish finance council members, SAC members, and school administration. We are also working on a marketing video to use as a virtual open house this year, and believe it or not, tours for next year are already underway. Current St. Michael families are our best word-of-mouth marketers, so please spread the word about our fine school as we enter the enrollment season.

God bless your families on this beautiful weekend, prayers for safety for deer hunters, and go Blues, go Gophers (coming off a stunning loss to Maryland and facing the Fighting Illini on Saturday)!

Mrs. Kerr
Not Sure When To Stay Home?
We have shared this before, and will keep sending reminders about when to stay home. We follow the decision tree developed by MDH.

  • Students and staff must stay home if they are experiencing ONE of the following more common (major) symptoms: a fever of 100.4 or higher (without fever reducing medicine); new onset and/or worsening cough, difficulty breathing, or loss of taste/smell.

  • Students and staff must stay home if they are experiencing TWO or more less common (minor) symptoms: sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, muscle pain, excessive fatigue, new onset of severe headache, new onset of nasal congestion or runny nose.

  • Students and Staff must stay home if they have close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Please note:
  • Allergy and cold symptoms appear on the less common symptom list, and will be considered COVID-19 symptoms until a doctor gives an alternate diagnosis that is shared with the school.
  • Siblings must also stay home when a family member has symptoms.

This decision tree is part of our mitigation efforts. We are trying our best to avoid the spread of COVID-19 at St. Michael. We are trying to stay open for in person learning, 5 days/week, for the full 2020-21 school year. It is a pain in the neck wearing masks, trying to keep the kids at a safe distance from one another, hand washing and sanitizing constantly, maintaining learning cohorts, monitoring symptoms, and rethinking so many of our routines. We are all experiencing fatigue around these efforts. However, it is ALL worth it if we can keep our kids in school where they belong. Please hang in there with us, be vigilant, keep up the mitigation efforts and stay home if necessary. Do it for the kids!
Picture Re-Take Day is tomorrow -Friday, November 6th!
Volunteers are needed to ensure the retake picture day runs smoothly! If you are able to be at school on Friday, November 6th for an hour, please click the link below to sign up!
Veteran's Day Mass
Dear Parents,

Veterans Day is a special day at St. Michael Catholic School each year. We will celebrate Veteran's Day on Wednesday, November 11th at Mass at 7:50 AM. We ask that all follow the COVID-19 protocol and wear their masks and use social distancing. Unfortunately we are unable to have the usual large gathering and meet and greet like we normally do.

All students, Preschool through 8th grade, may invite Veterans to Mass at the Church at 7:50 AM on Wednesday, November 11th. Please RSVP using the attached form and return it to Mr. Olson and Mrs. Roseen as soon as possible, but no later than Monday, November 9th. There will also be forms available in the office.

We are now able to accommodate the children and family members at Mass for all Veterans who attend. Please arrive at church before 7:50 AM and use the Narthex doors. All school children Preschool through 5th grade, who have family members or veterans attending Mass, should check in at the school office and walk over to church with Mrs. Herbst at 7:35, after mass she will walk those students back to school. 

The Mass will be shared virtually using St. Michael Catholic Church's YouTube channel for anyone to view if not able to attend in person. Preschool through 5th grade students not attending with a Veteran will attend this special Mass virtually from the classroom.

Any questions email Principal Kerr, Mr. Olson or Mrs. Roseen.

November Calendar Reminders
The attached calendar is the most up to date version. The school calendar can also be found on our website:
Please disregard any old calendars you might already have and refer to this one for accurate scheduling.

November 12th (Thursday) End of Quarter 1 - Full Day of School with normal bus transportation home
November 13 (Friday) - No School
November 25, 26, 27 No School - Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday Early Release Day

Wednesday Early Dismissal Care & Homework Time

Please let us know if your child(ren) will need Wednesday Early Dismissal Care (12:15 - 2:15) in December by completing this form as soon as possible, and no later than Sunday, November 15, 2020. We are offering this for families who do not have other options available for Wednesday afternoons. If you are able to have your child come home at 12:15, please do so, as the teachers are finding the Wednesday afternoon planning especially necessary this year.

If you are picking up your child before 2:15, we ask that you call the office so that one of our staff members can bring your child safely to their car line pickup zone.

*REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Please complete one form per student. In order to ensure proper staffing and the safety of all students we request no late enrollment.

Please note there is no school on December 23 and December 30.

Sign-up for November is closed.
November Early Release Care is full.
2020 St. Michael's Blues & White Gala is NOT cancelled!  

Save the Date:
February 13, 2021

With the pandemic, rules and restrictions around gatherings and how many people venues can hold, we will be having a Virtual Gala.
We need volunteers to make this event successful. The more volunteers, the lighter the workload and the bigger the success.
Plus this is a great way to connect with our parent community!

For questions please contact, Brandi McColm Director of Advancement

Volunteers Needed!
We still have many empty spots to fill; your help is needed!

  • Lunchroom and kitchen every day from 10:30am - 12:45pm. If you are available midday, please sign up using the Sign-Up Genius button below.
  • Recess from 11:10am - 1:10. Please use the Sign-up Genius button below.

All volunteers must be up to date on Virtus training. See section below for more information. Please visit to log in or to create an account and complete the required steps to be a volunteer.
By popular demand, Academy of Holy Angels is scheduling an evening Open House on Thursday, November 13. Our two October Open Houses are filled to our capacity. We are registering families for 4 sessions at 4:30 PM, 5:00 PM, 5:30 PM, and 6:00 PM. Each session will be one hour in length. We want to keep everyone safe, yet share the excitement and energy of AHA and all that we offer! You can register on our website at (click Open House). Welcome to our future STARS in our Class of 2025!!
Questions: Please email Meg Angevine,
School Office: (952) 447-2124
24/7 Absentee Line: (952) 447-2230