Thursday, January 15, 2020

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National President
Cheryl Perez
Happy New Year everyone! While it's the beginning of our calendar year, it's the Auxiliary's half way mark for our fiscal and reporting year. Before we know it, we will be at Department Conventions, holding elections and planning for the National Convention.

We have received great feedback on our first online report form and are working on having some of the annual reports available to be filed online. If you have not used the deceased online report form, please give it a try and send me your feedback. It is easy to use, just click the link (found in every newsletter or on the website) fill in the information and hit submit. Your report is filed to the National Chaplain and National Membership Officer automatically and there is nothing more you have to do.

February offers us an opportunity to bring awareness of the history of the Purple Heart with George Washington's birthday. Writing a letter to the editor or a short article about the medal's history is a great way to promote and educate people about the medal, Order and Auxiliary. Don't forget to include in the article information about your meeting place, time and a contact person.

This month's Zoom meeting is open to anyone who is a veteran or first responder's caregiver. Please invite family members, friends or neighbors who you think may be interested.

As always, if you have any questions or need information, please don't hesitate to contact me. See you on the Zoom meeting!
National Senior Vice President
Amanda Flener
NEW INSPECTION FORM SOON - Along with everyone else's New Year greetings, I hope each of you have a wonderful year. In my capacity as National Inspector, I remind you that this quarter we will be asking Presidents to complete those reports. We are currently testing an online form/submission process with a handful of Units. The new online form will make completion and submission more streamlined and with a several newly added questions, our National Leadership will have a better indicator of a Unit's health. Both successes and challenges. If we don't know about your Unit's concerns we can't offer assistance. Additionally, when your Unit is succeeding, we want to be alongside you cheering.

Keep an eye on your inbox for those updated forms very soon. If you previously completed a paper version, we will simply ask you to circle back to your Units to gather the additional info or I'll be happy to help you reach back out to make sure we have the most thorough feedback.
National Junior V ic e President
Colleen Oltmann Orfanello
Welcome 2020! The year 2020 means many things to many people. For some, 2020 means new goals and dreams; for others, perhaps the completion of what was started last year. For me, it’s vision. The ophthalmic definition of 20/20 is “Vision with sharpness and clarity”. This description can transpose itself from a mere medical term into one of insight and a glimpse into what can be accomplished. As we celebrate this new decade, let us come together with a new vision for what we can accomplish. Let us share our ideas and spread them throughout our departments and units. Let us come together with a renewed sense of accomplishment and be #PurpleHeartProud.

This month, I will be sharing another idea to use as a group project or “FUN”draiser. We will be making a very easy lap-blanket made from fleece material. Friends, this project is so fun, you may want to make a few for yourself!

So let’s set our sights on 2020 and become visionaries! Let’s make this year the BEST ever!
National Americanism Officer
Kay Jo Baucom
To be an American, is to live in" the home of the brave and the land of the free". It is knowing that there are certain inalienable rights provided by the Constitution of the United States, that we as Americans can make choices for ourselves and have the right to voice our opinions without fear of persecution. Recognizing national symbols provides for our citizens a connection to one another, regardless of where we live or what race, color or creed we may be.  It is an awareness of the statement 'In God we trust" and supporting those whose sacrifices provide our freedoms.

All of these things bridge together our heritage and it is our responsibility to mentor those who do not know and insure the continued legacy given to us by our forefathers. 

 As the national Americanism chairperson, I am privileged to share resources and ideas to foster that pride in America. New Year's Day begins our patriotic calendar and brings renewed opportunities to serve others before ourselves. 2020 is a year full of possibilities for giving of ourselves and thanking others for all we have received. Read More...
National Publication Chair
Barb Cherone
We are about to embark on another New Year. Some focus on a list of new resolutions hoping to accomplish a goal in at least one of them. Others don’t even attempt to spend time on something they know they will not realistically accomplish. While others get a new idea from something that others are already doing and embellish on their thoughts. An example of this is all the good things that units & departments are doing. Our biggest injustice to our fellow MOPHA sisters is to keep “our projects” and ideas to ourselves. Maybe some fear that others will embellish on the ideas & make them better. This would result in a deep complement to you.

I know that great things are transpiring within the MOPHA, but unfortunately, not everyone is privy to what is happening. I would like to challenge every Unit & Department to send pictures & an article letting everyone know the good things that are transpiring throughout the year. Or if you prefer, expound on an idea that you find others are doing. It is okay to adapt it to fit the Unit’s or Department’s limitations or ambitions.

The only way we can expand on our project ideas is by sharing ideas with others. We are given the opportunity to let others know what we are doing & giving others more ideas of what they may want to accomplish. All you need to do is take pictures of your accomplishments and write an article explaining what you are doing. If every unit and department does this we can expand what we are doing for veterans & their families. Please make a New Years Resolution to let others know what you are doing by sending your articles & pictures to President Cheryl Perez to include in her monthly General Orders. If you need any assistance, I will be happy to assist you. Thank you for everything that you do for our veterans. You are appreciated. Happy New Year to you and your family.
National Sergeant-at-Arms
Linda Varejcka
Being elected or appointed the Sergeant-At-Arms of your unit or department is something not to be taken lightly. A lot of faith and trust has been given to you with the responsibilities of the Sergeant-At-Arms position. Sergeant is derived from the Latin services, which means “servant”. It means law enforcement (keep order), protocol (lead processions, greet and escort visitors and dignitaries), and administrative responsibilities (significant of the office, such as, the Rituals which may be assigned or requested by the President or other elected officers.
Other duties that are part of the Sergeant-At-Arm’s position includes the following:
(1) The safekeeping of all properties of your unit or department. If it is not the custom of your unit or department to take care of all the properties, make sure you are aware of the location of such property.
(2) The preparation of the room, ensuring that the meeting room is in order each day or evening before the start of the meeting or each session.  
(3) Greet members, while extending hospitality to those attending.
(4) Announce visitors and assist late-comers in finding a seat.
(5) You may also be asked by the President to chair the Hospitality Committee or to perform some administrative tasks, such as, the collection of ballots, counting votes, recording attendance, etc. Always be prepared, as you never know what unexpected circumstances may occur.

National Chaplain
Barbara Waller

A New Year brings with it a time for the beginning of new projects, and a time for completion of old projects with new solutions. As we start a new decade let us reflect on the things in the past that helped us to grow and move forward and the individuals that we met along the way who helped to make this possible. However, we must also reflect on those things left undone or for which we fail to find solutions. Hopefully we will start this year with a renewed desire and energy to complete these projects. They may be something personal or something to help someone else, or an organization such as the MOPHA and the MOPH. There are many things we as an individual can do in our community. If we each do just a little, a little becomes much, and before you know it change can and will make a positive difference in someone’s life.

The civil rights icon Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. who’s birthday is this month, stated “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?” I challenge each of us to ask ourselves this question as we start our new year, and to also ask if it is all we can do.

May God Bless each of you and surround you with His Angels to sustain you and you your loved ones and grant you the desires of your heart during the coming year

Bible Scripture Philippians 2:3-4
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interest of others..

Click the link below to access the online form, fill it in, hit submit and your deceased member report is filed to the National Chaplain and the National Membership Officer.

Please Note: The Deceased Member Online Form has received positive feedback and is now the preferred method for reporting member's death. Please use the online form rather than emailing or mailing in notices.
News & Events
Overseeing Regions with no Region President:
Regions I, III and VI
Terri Shattuck, Region VII Chair

Hello to all. I haven’t heard from many of you, so I am hoping all is well and you are helping veterans. By now you should have received your rebate checks and are putting your money to good use. Helping veterans. Maybe help with an electric bill or to buy food if you haven’t a large sum of money. As our motto says we are here to assist our fellow Patriots and all veterans.

Sometimes you can help a veteran and not always is money involved. Just a friendly visit and a smile may brighten a day. Maybe a disabled veteran needs help with sewing on a button or putting up curtains. You never know what they need unless you ask.
As I said in the beginning of this short message, I haven’t heard from many. My contact information is on the web site, but just in case I will include it in this message and hope to hear from you. You don’t need to have a problem , just a friendly hello and all is well message is good.

Thank you all for your time and I will be waiting to hear from you.

Terri Shattuck PNP
Region 7 Chairperson
P.O. Box 84
Mio, MI 48647
Cell # 989-390-4956

Units, Departments & Members
News & Events
Unit 460 Chaplain, Marilyn Horn, delivered Holiday goodie bags to Veterans.
Our November 2019 Zoom monthly video and telephone conference highlighted events and programs of our Units and Departments. The Power Point presentation can be VIEWED HERE .
National Chaplain Barbara Waller, Chapter 49's George Waller and Ulysses Miller participated in Wreaths Across America at a private cemetery in San Diego.
CA Unit 106 participated with other community agencies to assist military families and children to receive coats and shoes for Christmas at Burlington store on December 15 th . Pictured: Mary Golden, Voluntary Service Program Manager for Fresno VA (left) and Lydia Lowe president Unit President.
Helping Our Veterans (HOV) Grant Projects
Click on the Unit name to read their report

Click HERE for Helping Our Veterans (HOV) Application Form


Have you seen the new supplies?
Do you need a new MOPHA logo pin? Flag set? Patches? President or Past President pins?
Order today!

Click HERE for new the
MOPHA Supply Catalog.
Order forms available on website.
Request Membership Replacement Card (extended to 6/30/2020) Click HERE
2019 -2020 National Officers Roster - Click HERE
MOPHA Office Depot/Office Max discount card - Click HERE
Go to Auxiliary website - Click HERE
Membership Application - Click HERE