To See Females in Sport Win by Becoming All God Created Them to BeTop
Monthly Encouragement and Opportunities
for Females in Sport
This Month...

Mark 6:7-9

"And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. He charged them to take nothing for their journey except a staff--no bread, no bag, no money in their belts--but to wear sandals and not put on two tunics."
Security Blankets

Sometimes there's nothing better than cuddling up on the couch and watching a movie or reading a good book under a blanket. It speaks comfort, rest and security.  Many babies and toddlers have that special stuffed animal or favorite blanket that also speak comfort and security. (Maybe not rest.)

Being secure means you are free from danger or threat. You're safe. A blanket is a covering for warmth. It's something you can "hide" under. Comfortable. Safe.

When you step back and think about the general idea about what a security blanket is, it could be many more things than just a blanket. It could be anything we use to remain comfortable, feel safe and hide from reality or putting ourselves out there and doing something different.

Some examples? Your phone while you're sitting in a waiting room instead of talking with the person next to you. Excuses stated to keep you in the clear instead of owning up to your faults and failures. Saying you are good when you are actually struggling. Food and consistently eating more than your body needs. Money buying you everything you need and don't need. Your kids or pets can even be security blankets where you focus all of your attention on them and "hide" behind them instead of confronting a need or investing in your relationship with your spouse.

This is not to say using your phone in the waiting room or having your kids as a priority is wrong. Not at all. But it is to say, is there anything in your life that is being used to escape doing what God has called you to do? Which often means stepping out into some uncomfortable situations you may not want or be used to?

Jesus sent out the disciples two by two to do some pretty crazy but awesome stuff. All they had was a staff, what they wore, and the other person. They could only talk to and rely on people through face to face interaction to help and provide their needs. Translate that to today, uh...not the norm. But aren't people the next most important thing to God? Yes. The second commandment.

What are things in your life that are keeping you hidden from embracing the people God has placed in your life, from the stranger you run into at the grocery store to the closest person in your life you're at odds with?

Maybe it's time to loosen your grip on your security blanket and see what God can do outside of it.
Blog  Blog
In the Life: A Change of Heart
By: Kristina Waltman

Continue on through another part of Kristina's story and testimony of how God intersected her life as she transitioned from high school to college, where everything that had kept her on top was taken away, where all people and experiences were new, and where confronting doubt and weakness within her before God was a key to moving forward.

Resources  Resources
Just Like
By: Sarah Roberts

"Influence is the capacity to affect the character, development, or behavior of someone. The athletic world is one of the largest powers of influence in society when it comes to the development of character and behavior in athletes, coaches, and fans. The struggle is God wants to use this influence as a platform for Him instead of a pedestal for us. In Just Like, we pair up the power of God with the platform of female athletics using the stories of biblical characters and college and professional athletes. These stories will both encourage and empower female coaches and athletes to become women of influence by having character and integrity during trials and triumphs."

Manly Minute   ManlyMinute
Part 6 from Focus on the Family's Series,
"Male and Female: By Design"
by Jeff Johnston

This six part series confronts both the issue we're facing in our society today about male and female differences and how it intersects with what Christian's believe based on God's Word.

*This is in no way comprehensive but rather just a glimpse into a subject that requires extensive research and even more study in God's Word, prayer, and listening to the Holy Spirit. It simply sheds some awareness on something that is good to question and look for Truth about.

*We are looking at this series as a whole, not just one article. We understand there is vague wording that requires more research. We also recognize the lack of Scripture on some points, which is where we really need to look first.

*God extends immeasurable and unending grace and love to us. It's okay to be confused and to question. It's good to question. We just want that to motivate you to seek to find answers and to seek Jesus first in finding those answers.

*This is not necessarily reflective of the views of Winning Women or FCA.


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