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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                         February 2018
In This Issue
UK and Ireland IFNA Chapter Receives External Funding
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
IFNA Conference Committee News
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UK and Ireland IFNA Chapter
Receives External Funding

The new UK and Ireland IFNA Chapter was recently awarded a grant of £7,995 from the Burdett Trust for Nursing in the UK. This grant will be used to survey nurses' attitudes towards families in the UK and Ireland using the 'Families' Importance in Nursing Care-Nurses' Attitudes' (FINC-NA) questionnaire. A website for networking purposes will also be developed for the UK and Ireland IFNA Chapter and linked to the IFNA website.  The UK and Ireland IFNA Chapter is co-lead by
Dr. Veronica Swallow (UK)
and Dr. Alison Metcalfe (UK).
In collaboration with the IFNA Practice Committee , IFNA President, Dr. Jane Lassetter (USA) developed an IFNA Statement on Recent Violence Around the World which is posted on the homepage of the IFNA website . Useful resources for families impacted by violence are identified.

The first translation of the IFNA Position Statement on Advanced Practice Competencies for Family Nursing has been completed in the
Spanish language thanks to Dr. Cristina Garcia-Vivar (Spain) and her colleague. This IFNA Position Statement is now available in two languages.

The United Nations Refugee Agency estimates there are currently 22.5 million refugees worldwide. In 2015, at the urging of IFNA Board of Directors and Past President, Dr. Carole Robinson (Canada) , the IFNA Practice Committee developed an IFNA Response to the Global Refugee Crisis: Caring for Refugee Families . This document includes a "toolkit" of resources for caring for refugee families: current literature related to assessment and intervention that is family-focused, culturally-sensitive, and strengths-based; Position Statements about immigrant and refugee families; and nursing and health care organizations that have addressed refugee family health.

For more IFNA Practice News [Read more].
Wilma Schroeder (Canada) is promoting family nursing in her new role as a self-employed Family Health Consultant. She offers workshops and consultation in mental health, trauma, and crisis management and has worked with First Nations communities in Manitoba and Ontario. Wilma serves as co-chair of the IFNA Communications Committee and is a member of the IFNA Education Committee. [Read more]

Two Chinese language translations have recently been completed for the IFNA Position Statement on Pre-Licensure Family Nursing Education
thanks to Dr. Lorraine Holtslander (Canada) and her colleague. This IFNA Position Statement is now available in 6 languages.

For more IFNA Education News [
Dr. Mary Jo Gilmore (USA) , is a Professor of Nursing and Professor Medicine (Paediatrics) at Vanderbilt University.  Her current research, focused on the role of animal-assisted therapy with children newly diagnosed with cancer and their families, was recently featured on CNN television .  

The IFNA Research Committee recently conducted a survey to identify family measures used by IFNA members and provide information about IFNA members' current experiences with using family measures in their research. The IFNA 2017 Measures Survey-Findings are now available.

For more IFNA Research News [
The IFNA Conference Committee is identifying keynote speakers from across the globe to address the conference theme, "Social Determinants of Family Health: Expanding Family Nursing Capacity". Dr. Pamela Hinds, RN, PhD, FAAN, Director, Nursing Research and Quality Outcomes from Children's National Health System in Washington D.C. has formed a local planning team from leading Schools of Nursing and Children's National to guide the IFNA Conference Committee in the local knowledge needed to welcome IFNC14 participants and their families.

Conference Hashtag: #IFNC14. Please use this hashtag in all of your social media conversations. #IFNC14 has been registered on the Healthcare Hashtag Project website which links this conference to key words such as "nursing" and "family health" and generates metrics about the reach of the #IFNC14 hashtag. 
Follow the IFNA blog.
Blog Editor: Dr. Joel Anderson (USA) is a member of the IFNA Communications Committee.
IFNA member, Dr. Marie Louise Luttik (the Netherlands), and her colleagues recently hosted the International Conference Family Health over LifeSpan at Hanze University of Applied Sciences which attracted 200 participants from 13 countries. The conference was the first initiative on Family Health and Family Care in the Netherlands. A video of the conference highlights is available.

Remember to cite the IFNA Position Statements in your publications, course outlines, and conference presentations. Also share these Position Statements with local and national nursing and health care leaders and organizations. Social Media Toolkits are available for each IFNA Position Statement.
Please use the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
@IFNAorg, #familynursing, #familyhealth,
This monthly IFNA Newsletter is edited by Dr. Janice M. Bell (Canada), co-chair of the IFNA Communications Committee