September 2020
Sponsorship: Changing Lives Forever
“Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the
interests of others. The Humbled and Exalted Christ, let this mind be in you
which was also in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 2:4-5

We have had many sponsors for children in Kamonkoli for many years. Some of you have been helping us and have seen several children into successful adulthood, many becoming Godly leaders in the village or in their new communities around the country. We are proud of our 455 graduates over our first 20 years, the majority of them finishing with university or vocational training with which to support themselves. We are so thankful for all of you who were a part of this. I would like to share with you a couple of stories of little ones in our sponsorship ministry that need your prayers.
Chris recently fell from a tree where he was after a fruit, one which I do not know the English name of, and he broke his wrist. Not sure of what to do with their limited income, the family took him to a witch doctor as is common in this culture. . The witch doctor pulled on it and made it worse. It turned out to be broken in the same place I had broken mine so I can very much relate to his pain. He is only 12 years of age, however, and hopefully it will heal quickly! Unfortunately, parents don’t always realize that we can help with these medical emergencies for their sponsored child, but when we heard of Chris’ injury we took him to Mbale town to the same doctor I went to the first time for x-rays and setting. 

Also unfortunate, the treatment in Uganda, especially in small rural areas like the one in which we minister have limited medical abilities and equipment. Because of the delay in treatment and further damage done by the witch doctor Chris’ arm was quite swollen. Limited pain relieving options for resetting a bone also make this a difficult process. With these limitations they were able to reset his arm at about 80% and hope to do more in about a week when they hope the swelling will have reduced a bit. I have really had a heart for this young boy, knowing how much it hurts and how bad it can be. I ask you to pray for him so that when he goes back they will be able to finish the work easily and get it 100% in place.
Some of you may remember Patricia, whom I wrote about last year. She was very malnourished, and sponsorship has been a great help. She, however, is not doing so well now and is undergoing a lot of blood and other tests. She is one of many children in her grandmother’s home.  Patricia is very skinny and her lymph nodes below her ears are swollen. Please pray for her as she is now awaiting the results of what is going on. She is a very sweet little girl, very quiet and shy. 
The kids in the Bear Valley Children’s Home are all doing well and very happy to have mom home and staying for a while. I will miss the fall this year in the U.S. as it is my favorite time of the year. I want to say a heartfelt thank you to all of you who supported me through the hard time I had with my arm and hand. Thank you for your prayers and financial support and may the Lord Bless you and return to you a hundred-fold. Continue to pray for the children in Uganda, for their hearts to know Jesus and walk with Him. We thank you for the funds for food baskets too. We continue until schools hopefully open in February. We are hoping families will be harvesting in December or January, but there has been almost too much rain. God bless you for your giving and caring hearts.
In Christ’s love always,
We are so grateful to all of you who responded so generously for our special needs of food baskets, Oliver’s home, Olive’s medical needs and our clinic’s mercy fund. We continue to offer food baskets to the community. We have a few kids who have lost sponsors that we would like to get fully funded if any of you would be interested in picking them up on a monthly commitment. Here are just a few. Please email us at if you are interested. 
Nasifu’s father died and his mother abandoned him and his siblings to their grandparents when Nasifu, now 12, was only 2. Though the family is Muslim they support Nasifu in his Christian faith. Through sponsorship with HUM he has been attending Genesis School. He recently lost his second sponsor of $30/mo. and is in need of someone new to invest in his life.
Efulence (11) has a similar story of abandonment to the home of her impoverished grandparents. Her mother is disabled and unable to help. Efulence loves AWANA and learning about Jesus at AWANA and Genesis. She is in need of a replacement sponsor of $30/mo.
Jacob (20) also lives with very old grandparents. He is in his first year of vocational school, learning to become a mechanic and a driver as this has been his dream. He had a sponsor for a few years who is unable to continue so we are seeking a new sponsor to help Jacob complete his schooling which will take at least 3 years. He needs a sponsor
of $100/mo.

We accept
If you would like to set up a recurring gift or make a larger electronic donation without
credit card or bank fees for you or HUM, you can donate directly from your
bank account through Zelle. Set this up at your bank’s website. Zelle your gift to us at
Email us at the same address if
you need to cancel a current
recurring gift first.
Hines Ugandan Ministries   

P.O. Box 620727, Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa