The Erik C. Banks Memorial Lecture in Philosophy, Ernst Mach's Vienna: The Place of History and Philosophy in Science, will take place Thursday, March 22, 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the Discovery Room, 163 Student Union. Don Howard, professor of Philosophy from the University of Notre Dame, will discuss the career and work of the prominent Viennese physicist, Ernst Mach, who also became famous as one of the most important historians and philosophers of science in the latter part of the nineteenth century. You can learn more about this talk online.
Modern Languages and the Center for Liberal Arts Student Success (CLASS) invite students and other interested parties to attend the Modern Languages Alumni Panel and Career Event on Thursday, March 22, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. in the Millett Hall Atrium. Come participate in this interactive event featuring opportunities to learn from, and network with, distinguished Modern Languages alumni from around the region representing Wright State; Traveling Professor, Inc.; Ohio Association of Community Colleges; National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center; Airstream, Inc.; Epluno; Catholic Social Services; and the United States Air Force.
In collaboration with CELIA (Collaborative Education, Leadership, and Innovation in the Arts), the Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Lecture Series will host its final event of the academic year on Wednesday, March 28, at 7:00 p.m. in Schuster Hall. A Symphony for Peace: Reflections on the Syrian Crisis honors Syrian refugees through music, photography, and dialogue. This program features
a specially commissioned work by CELIA's distinguished visiting artist, Malek Jandali, an acclaimed Syrian-American composer and pianist. In addition,
Shelley Jagow, Music, will lead the Symphonic Band in a performance of "Give Us This Day" (from The Lord's Prayer) by composer David Maslanka. The Saxophone Quartet will perform a new commission, Embrace, by composer Hyekyung Lee, punctuated with a photo documentary by Ben Montague, Art & Art History. Additional speakers include Wright State student
Aghiad Alkhiamy
, Biomedical Engineering, who has worked in Syrian refugee camps; students from Chaminade-Julienne High School; media producer Dan Bracken; and Awad Halabi, History. This one-night-only program is free and open to the public. For more information, visit CELIA's website
Last week was a busy one for members of the CoLA Dean's Leadership Board who met to interview and select the recipients of several 2018-2019 scholarships. Thank you again to the board members for their generous gifts of time and donations to make these scholarships possible. And a warm congratulations to the following students for receiving these prestigious awards:
Leadership Scholarship:
* Syeda Prem Ara Bahar, Public Administration
* Hannah Hays, Communication Studies/Deaf Studies
* Mackenzie Lane, Social Work
* Joseph Pokorski, Spanish/Biochemistry/Molecular Biology
* Arielle Stephenson, Psychology/Spanish
* Jing Tan, English-TESOL
Foundation Board of Trustees Scholarship: * Mackenzie Lane, Social Work * Joseph Pokorski, Spanish/Biochemistry/Molecular Biology
Study Abroad Scholarship:
* Maria Burks, Psychology/Spanish/Public Health - Costa Rica * Mackenzie Guthrie, English/Spanish - Mexico
* Tiffany Leary, Spanish - Mexico * Lina Lin, Spanish/Chinese - Spain * Emma Mattingly, Urban Affairs/Spanish - Ecuador and Costa Rica
* Gregory McKnight, Spanish/International Business - Chile and Spain * Emma Mills, French/Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies - France
* Yahziyl Palmer, Liberal Studies/African & African American Studies - South Africa * Emma Peterson, International Studies/Spanish/French - China
* Aubri Pritchett, Spanish/Biology (Pre-Med) - Chile * Abigail Rutan, History/French/Art History - France
* David Sills, Biological Sciences/Chinese - China
* Devon Stephenson, Social Work - Switzerland
Jennie and David Buckwalter Study Abroad Scholarship: * Aubri Pritchett, Spanish/Biology (Pre-Med) - Chile
Kathleen Hinders Study Abroad Scholarship: * Devon Stephenson, Social Work - Switzerland
Marcia G. Muller Study Abroad Scholarship:
* Emma Peterson, International Studies/Spanish/French - China
CoLA has launched a website featuring our pilot Professional Mentoring Program that began this Spring semester. This program links junior and senior liberal arts students with mentors who will assist them in making the transition from their college experience into the professional world. These one-on-one mentoring relationships allow for individual attention to students' career aspirations, professional development, and networking needs. CoLA is currently recruiting students who would like to participate in this mentoring program when it recommences in the fall. Please encourage eligible students to apply by the April 20 deadline. Applications are available online or in the CoLA Dean's Office or Advising Office.
Linda Caron Dean
CoLA Talks with Carol Herringer, History:
Sanctifying Consumption: Decorative Arts in the Victorian Church of England
, Friday, March 16, 3:30 p.m., Millett 286
2018 Erik C. Banks Lecture: Ernst Mach's Vienna: The Place of History and Philosophy in Science, Thursday, March 22, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m., Student Union Discovery Room (163)
Poetry Reading by Professor David Petreman, Modern Languages, Thursday, March 22, 7:30 p.m., Troy-Hayner Cultural Center, 310 W. Main St., Troy, Ohio (1-75 to Exit 74)
CoLA Talks with Caroline Hillard, Art & Art History:
Leonardo and the Etruscan Tomb
, Friday, March 23, 3:30 p.m., Millett 286
2018 Piediscalzi Lecture: Religion Around Billie Holiday,
hursday, March 29,
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., Student Union Endeavor Room (156)
CLASS Corner
Wednesday, March 21 - Ace the Interview! - 11:00 - Noon, Millett 106
Thursday, March 22 - Modern Languages Alumni Panel and Career Event - 5:00 - 6:30 p.m., Millett Atrium
163 Millett Hall - 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy - Dayton, OH 45435 - 937-775-2225 - fax: 937-775-2181