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Volunteer Spotlight
The Hoffer Family

Wendy Hoffer has shared the value of giving back to the community with her children, Sarah and Simon, since they were very young. For many years the Hoffers - with help from family and friends - made burritos in an assembly line at home and gave them out on Sundays at the St. Francis Center. Over time, the project fizzled out but the commitment to action remained.

Sarah and Simon are both passionate about music, sports, and service, and were looking for a new way to volunteer as a family. Wendy discovered Family Night as an opportunity to revive their beloved burrito assembly line. The Hoffers hosted their first Family Night in April 2017 with delicious burritos and outdoor crafts. With the help of their friends and networks, they have since hosted two more Family Nights with more in the works this year.
Both kids shared that Family Night provides an opportunity to meet new people, have fun, and feel good about their work. Simon feels as though volunteering is something he “gets to do” as opposed to an obligation. Sarah notes that Family Night is a great team-building activity and a chance to create memories and see their impact.
The Hoffer Family loves connecting with Warren Village families and establishing lasting relationships. Simon remembers one boy who was reluctant to participate in an after dinner singing activity the volunteers organized, but after some encouragement he got the confidence to join in and had a great time!

We want to give a huge thanks to the Hoffer Family and their friends for taking our Family Nights to the next level!