Meet Me at the Summit
2018 LACUE Award Nominations

It's never too early to recognize greatness, and that's what we're asking you to do now! Nomination submissions for the 2018 LACUE awards are being accepted. Below you will find all of the information you need as you prepare the submission you'd like to make.

Use the full nomination form if you know all information that is required for a nomination.

Use the partial nomination form if you cannot complete all questions but you would still like to nominate. After you complete this form, we will contact the nominee to get the rest of the required information.
EdTekPhoto. N.d. ISTE. Web. 7 Mar. 2018.
The 9 Hottest Topics in EdTech

The most compelling topics among educators who embrace technology to transform teaching and learning are not about tech at all, but about the students.

Here is ISTE's list of the hottest trends in edtech for 2018.

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Volunteer at ISTE 2018

If you are already attending the ISTE conference this year, volunteering is a great way to enhance your experience. Not only will you be able to contribute to the smooth running of this amazing event, but you'll also get the opportunity to make connections with other edtech enthusiasts.

While most volunteer opportunities will not offer registration refunds, there are some opportunities that do. Click here to learn about hot to become a volunteer, and apply TODAY!

Upcoming LACUE Webinar
Upcoming Regional LACUE Conferences
[email protected] | 225-408-4413 |