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Rural road>
Submit an Outstanding Transit Agency for an FTA Administrator's Award
Rural transit agencies are invited to apply for  2018 FTA Administrator's Award for Outstanding Public Service . The awards will be presented during the Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation Conference ( RIBTC ) in Breckenridge, CO September 30-October 3, 2018. Nominations are due  May 31.  See the Request for Nominations in the award link above for  details and instructions.
Join our National RTAP Cost Allocation 101 Webinar
Please join National RTAP for a Cost Allocation 101 Webinar on June 6, 2:00-3:30 PM ET featuring Todd Hansen of Texas A&M Transportation Institute and Rich Garrity of RLS & Associates. Presenters will walk through a cost allocation model and cover potential applications with utilization of the tools and techniques.  
Upcoming BTS and National RTAP GTFS Webinar
U.S. DOT's Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) and National RTAP will discuss General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) and how it's being leveraged in a webinar on May 24 at 2:00-3:00 PM ET.   The webinar will also instruct on creating GTFS data using National RTAP's GTFS Builder tool.  Register  on the BTS website.
Directory of Trainers Updated
If you are looking for trainers on specific topics or courses, such as PASS, OSHA, wheelchair securement or defensive driving, visit the National RTAP Directory of Trainers. A keyword search will now provide a list of trainers who have included their training topics in their biographies.  All you have to do is click on detailed view to find out which regions the trainer covers and how to contact him or her.
National RTAP Participation at the Beyond Here & There: Transforming Mobility in Rural America through New Technology Summit 

Grantmakers in Aging, in partnership with the Center for Information Technology in the Interest of Society at UC Berkeley, hosted a pioneering summit on rural mobility on May 2-3, 2018.  National RTAP Executive Director Robin Philips participated in the summit, and she and National RTAP Review Board Chair Jennie Rowland were interviewed for summit-related publications: 
FTA and U.S. DOT Updates

FTA has created a new DBE Guidance web page in the Civil Rights section of their site.  The page contains many resources, including guidance on state or local minority business enterprises and women business enterprises (MWBE) Program contract goals, a prompt payment section sample template and questions and answers on regulatory requirements. 

The " old" US DOT Custody and Control Form (CCF) expires on June 30, 2018.  After that, DOT regulated employers and service agents will need to use the form that was approved on August 8, 2017.  Learn more about what this means for DOT drug testing .

FTA posted online apportionment information covering $13.4 billion in FY2018 funding to support public transportation nationwide. The funding represents an increase of 8% over 2017 levels to  FTA's 2,000 grant recipients.

Check out the May 2018 FTA Transit Safety and Oversight Spotlight newsletter!


Mass Transit is hosting a free webinar on Best Practices: Charge Management for Electric Fleet Operation on May 24 at 5:00 PM ET.  It addresses technical requirements, operational requirements and financial aspects for consideration to operate an electric fleet. 


FHWA's Accessible Shared Streets: Notable Practices and Considerations for Accommodating Pedestrians with Vision Disabilities reviews considerations for accommodating pedestrians with vision disabilities on shared streets. Recommendations include holding planning meetings in accessible facilities, preferably served by transit, and installing directional indicators to transit stops.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has published their Traffic Safety Culture Index as reference to influence changes and promote awareness of traffic safety. Data are presented on distracted, risky, aggressive, drowsy and impaired driving.


May 18 is the deadline for the NADTC Photo Contest. Winning photos will be featured in NADTC publications and on social media. Entries encouraged that highlight rural, tribal, youth with disabilities, and older adults.

Faces of Transportation is the theme for the AASHTO Photo Contest which provides cash prizes for photos and videos based on themes inspired by transportation-related songs.  Submissions must be received by June 15, 2018.

You are invited to submit research problem statements by June 15, 2018 to TCRP. Previously submitted proposals may be resubmitted. Statements can focus on topics such as operations, maintenance, administration, policy, planning, environment or safety.
Updated National RTAP Social Media Technical Brief 

The National RTAP Technical Brief,  Leveraging Social Media: Spreading the Word and Enhancing Community Participation , was originally released in 2011 and updated in May 2018.  We've included additional social platforms, such as LinkedIn and YouTube, new examples of transit agencies using social media, and more information on the evolving social media landscape.
Get Ready to Celebrate TCRP DAY!

The research produced by the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) provides great benefit to the public transit industry.  Join in and volunteer as a local host as APTA and National RTAP celebrate the first-ever TCRP DAY on June 6, 2018.  

TCRP DAY hosts will be asked to either hold a brown bag lunch or staff an information table at their organizations to help educate their colleagues about TCRP. An online toolkit will be provided to help you organize your event. Please contact Peggy Wilson at to volunteer, or with any questions. 
Look for Us at these Upcoming Conferences
  • Colorado Association of Transit Agencies Spring Conference, Greeley, CO, May 17 (Ambassador)
  • Montana Transit Association Spring Conference, Bozeman, MT, May 21-25
  • CTAA EXPO, Pittsburgh, PA, June 10-14
  • Wyoming Public Transit Annual Conference, Riverton, WY, June 19-21
  • State Public Transportation Partnership Conference, Minneapolis, MN, August 15-17 
  • Tri-State Conference, North Conway, NH, September 12-14
  • National Transportation in Indian Country, Duluth, MN, September 17-20
  • Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Conference, Breckenridge, CO, September 30-October 3
May 17, 2018
How to Get the Most out of the Next Round of TIGER Funds
May 18, 1-2 PM
AASHTO Spring Meeting
Franklin, TN 
May 21-24

Montana Transit Association 
Spring Conference
Bozeman, MT
May 21-25

FTA Real Estate Requirements
Denver, CO 
May 22-23

Virginia Transit Conference
Richmond, VA
May 22-23
Real Estate Requirements
Denver, CO
May 22-23

BTS/National RTAP
GTFS Webinar
May 24, 2:00-3:00 PM
Mass Transit
Best Practices: Charge Management for Electric Fleet Operation
May 24, 5:00 PM

Resiliency in Practice: Strategies for Knowledge, Information, and Data
May 30, 2:00-3:30 PM

Developing a Transit Emergency Management Plan 
Fairfax, VA
May 30-31

Title VI and Public Transit
Boise, ID, 
June 4-5

National RTAP
Cost Allocation 101
June 6, 2:00-3:30 PM

Transit Asset Management Implementation for Tier II Providers and Sponsors
Portland, ME
July 11

Expo 2018
Pittsburgh, PA
June 10-14

Wyoming Public Transit 
WYTRANS Annual Conference
Riverton, WY
June 19-21

State Public Transportation Partnership Conference, Minneapolis, MN
August 15-17 

National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation
Breckenridge, CO
Sept 30-Oct 3

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our  Calendar . To submit an event, email

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Emergency Response Checklists

You're faced with an emergency and have to think fast.  National RTAP Emergency Response Checklists to the rescue!  We have one for regular business hours and another to consult after business hours.  Your agency's Emergency Response Coordinator can customize this National RTAP template for local use.
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main:  5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:  718 7th Street NW , Washington, DC 20001