RefugeComment period open for Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Snowy Owl. Photo Kristina Lishawa.
Take action on this issue. The Trump administration has taken a step toward enacting the provision in last December's tax bill that opened the Arctic Refuge to energy development. But the administration must first look at relevant data and explain its rationale before it can move ahead with an oil and gas program. The first step is "scoping", literally scoping out all the issues to consider. Read more.
Birding Trail Takes Shape
PeregrinePeregrination: Falcon connects Alaska with California
Peregrine Falcon on Prince of Wales Island. Photo Melanie Smith.
While visiting sites for the Southeast Alaska Birding trail, Conservation Director Melanie Smith had a close encounter with a falcon. She later discovered just how far this bird had journeyed to cross paths with her on Prince of Wales Island. 

After days of bird-watching from Coffman Cove to Craig and beyond, I was thrilled to see a peregrine falcon perched literally on the side of the road. We quickly pulled over; through binoculars I could see that he was a banded bird and I immediately tried to make out the numbers before the bird flew away. The falcon sat on a small pile of tree bark and as I cautiously got out of the car and slowly approached closer and closer to get photographs, he continued to sit in place, intently watching my every move, but making no move to depart.  Read more.  
Birdathon arrives every spring as a fun way to raise money for protecting Alaska's amazing birds. Audubon Alaska staff and board form teams and compete to count as many bird species as possible in a 24-hour period. Each team takes a unique approach to having fun during Birdathon. Learn more and support our Birdathon! 
BoardMtgBoard meeting in Sitka
 Photo by Paula Payne
The Audubon Alaska board and staff met in Sitka, Alaska for our spring board meeting. Board members came together from across Alaska and the Lower 48 to strategize around our conservation priorities, inspire each other to keep fighting for important habitat, and do a little birding around beautiful Sitka. 
ShorebirdUsePlovers and Presentations at Shorebird Festival
Pacific Golden-plover. Photo: Mick Thompson.
Last week, the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, Friends of Alaska National Wildlife Refuges, and the town of Homer hosted the 26th annual Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival.

Between scoping for shorebirds, leading walks, taking boat trips, and navigating a competitive bird calling contest, Audubon Alaska's Executive Director Nils Warnock gave a talk on the 2017 Alaska WatchList, and Arctic Marine Ecologist Max Goldman presented on the Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas

Audubon Alaska is an annual sponsor for the festival. A highlight this year was spotting two Pacific Golden-plovers, the Audubon Alaska Bird of the Year!
'Name that Bird' Photo Quiz
Photo by Milo Burcham

Photo by Milo Burcham
BirdQuizLast Month's  Quiz Bird

This Month's Quiz Bird
Last month's quiz bird was a male Ruby-crowned Kinglet. The ruby feathers on males are usually hidden, but will flare into a "crown" when agitated or singing. This bird breeds throughout the coniferous forest of North America. These little birds are energetic foragers, flitting around in mixed flocks during winter and singing animatedly in spring and summer.

This month's quiz bird is named after the color of its long legs. It is nearly identical to another species in the same genus, but can be differentiated by noticing that the length of its bill is roughly the same measurement as the depth of its head. This bird also has a higher pitched call than its close counterpart.
MigrBirdWorld Migratory Bird Day
Sunday, May 20th, 11 AM to 4 PM
Alaska Zoo, Anchorage
Join Audubon Alaska, the Alaska Zoo, and partners at the Zoo this Sunday to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day. Migratory birds are extraordinary examples of how we are all connected. Please come connect with us! Learn more.
BirdingClassUseBirding Basics with Audubon Alaska
Pacific Loon. Photo by Mick Thompson
Birding 101: 
Thursday, May 17th, 6-7:30 PM - NO SPACES LEFT
Birding 201: Wednesday, June 13, 6-7:30 PM - SPACES STILL LEFT!
REI Anchorage,  1200 W. Northern Lights Blvd.

Learn about the exciting world of birding! After these programs, you will be able to operate binoculars, use a spotting scope, become familiar with bird identification apps, categorize a few birds by the shape of the body, and identify several bird habitats.

Audubon Alaska's Arctic Marine Ecologist Max Goldman will guide you through all of the basics, suggest local birding spots, and set you on the path to your own birding adventures. Birds of Anchorage Checklist provided.

Participants must RSVP and register in advance
PotterPotter Marsh Discovery Day
Saturday, June 2, 11 AM to 4 PM
Potter Marsh boardwalk, Anchorage

Celebrate Potter Marsh and enjoy nature at Potter Marsh Discovery Day. 
This family-friendly event will feature bird-viewing stations and live birds.

Summer Birding with Audubon Alaska
Monday evenings in June & July, 7 PM to 9 PM
Potter Marsh boardwalk, Anchorage

Mark your calendars for Audubon Alaska summer bird walks. 
Ecologist Max Goldman will lead Monday evening bird walks at Potter Marsh during the months of June and July. Let's go birding together!