Friends of Nazareth on Facebook

Pray for PEACE in the Middle East. 

280 Camp Scholarships Needed
Will you help ensure that at least 800-850 K-9th students attend an Evangelical Summer Camp? We are about 280 scholarships short of our goal. Each $125 gift sponsors one camper.

It is through the generous gifts of our friends that FON can provide about 50% of the funding for these high-demand camps. Every day, multiple times the Gospel of Jesus is presented.

 Thank you for your gifts! Mail gifts to: Friends of Nazareth, 3482 Keith Bridge Road, #215, Cumming, GA 30041 or pay online.

President's Points
Dr. Roger D. Mardis
From the President

There is a true and often told story of a young girl from Philadelphia named Hattie Mae Wiatt. One day young Hattie was trying to go to  Sunday School but was told she couldn't go in because there was no more room. Once outside she sat down against the building and began to cry. Soon, the pastor of this small church walked up and heard Hattie's whimpers. "What's wrong?" the kind pastor asked. "I want to go to  Sunday School but there is no more room". When the pastor noticed her shabby clothes and torn dress he figured that's why she was not admitted. He then took her by the hand and escorted her to class.  

Two years later Hattie Mae died and the family called the kind hearted pastor to conduct her funeral. When the pastor arrived at the home he found something astounding. Hattie had next to her bed a small, tattered change purse with 57 cents inside and this scribbled note, "This is for the little church to build a bigger building so more children can go to Sunday School and learn about Jesus". 

This note so moved the pastor that he took it to his church leadership and demanded that together they do something. Soon the local paper heard about Hattie's generosity and wrote a big article. Today in Philadelphia there is a very large Temple Baptist Church, Temple University, a Good Samaritan Hospital, and a large Sunday School Building that houses hundreds of classrooms and no one will be turned away. In one of those rooms is a picture of young Hattie Mae and her kind pastor. It's an amazing testimony of what God can do with one's sacrificial gift...even 57 cents!

Today in Jesus's hometown there are hundreds of children and families we want to reach with the life changing gospel of Christ. At the Nazareth Baptist School our land is small, our building is old, our needs are growing, and our vision is expanding. We need people like Hattie Mae who will be convicted and burdened to make a change! This precious young girl saved and saved and she gave ALL she had...and just look at what God did. 

I would love to speak with you about ways you and your church, ministry, or business can partner with Friends of Nazareth so no child is ever turned away. Please email me, [email protected] or drop by our office located inside the Highland Baptist Church, 219 Simpson Street in Florence, Alabama. Will YOU be the next Hattie Mae Wiatt? 

Dr Roger D. Mardis, President 
Friends of Nazareth

Photo Journal
NBS Student wins 1st place in roller skating competition.

Manal Haddad, NBS Chaplain, and shown speaking, along with Anne Haddad, NBS Elementary Principal, attended the European Christian Educators Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. Manal shared about NBS and Israel with the attendees.

Kathryn and Brett Huske, Dalton, GA, met with Botrus Mansour and learned about the school. The Huske's are friends of FON Executive Director and were traveling in the Holy Land to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. Thanks Brett and Kathryn for taking time to visit NBS.

Brian (blue shirt, back row) and Marquita (front, second from left) Dickinson are leading a team from OK to serve in Week 3 of the VBS/Day Camp. This will be the Dickinson's third year to serve with Friends of Nazareth. Their team met for training and prayer. 

Praise Report and Prayer Requests
  • Remodel Update. The architect has completed his proposed rendering of a remodeled NBS. The structural engineers and construction contractors are making their proposals and hope to present the costs and timelines in June.
  • With your help, Friends of Nazareth would like to help with the much needed repairs and revitalization of the tired and damaged Main School building. If you would like to contribute to this end, please let FON know that your gift is for the renovation.
  • Pray for financial gifts to support the ongoing and growing needs at NBS..
  • Land Update. There are currently three properties available to the school. The land owners are very interested in negotiating with NBS. In order to do so, it is necessary to have a minimum of $2M in the bank in order to start the negotiations and make the down payment. The total cost for about 3 acres is expected to be $6-7M. NEMA-FON has money in reserve; however, it is $1.5 million short of what is needed for good faith negotiations. If you know of people that would like information about legacy or stock donations, please let FON know and we will contact them privately. Email: [email protected].
  • As we wait for resources, the mission of Building the Rising Generations - Glorifying Jesus Christ through Distinctive Education and helping NBS enrich and enlarge its capacity for ministry continues. Give thanks that ALL
     ministries at NBS are growing spiritually and numerically.
  • Summer Camps are around the corner. Camp time will start the last of June and end the middle of August! Pray for God to be made known to these precious children.
  • PRAY FOR CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS! We need 280 more scholarships to fully fund FON's contribution, about 50% of total cost, to the camps. Maybe your church would consider Kids helping Kids by applying your church's VBS offering to help NBS.
  • Continue to pray for the emerging partnership between FON-NBS and Student Leadership University (SLU). FON and SLU continue to work on the details for a September 2018 launch.
  • Pray for the October Bible Enrichment and Ministry Tour.Registration is closed. FON has 28 traveling for this special time of ministry and Bible enrichment. Nine pastors are part of the group. They will be leading worship services in Galilee. Pray for these men as they prepare to share the Gospel and encourage the Believers.
  • Pray for the financial needs of Friends of Nazareth. We depend upon gifts from our friends to support sharing the Good News through Christian education. As our ministry expands, our financial needs increase. The opportunities for ministry are extensive! Thank you for your regular financial support.
We thank God for each of you.
About Friends of Nazareth - 
A NEMA Corporation

Nazareth Educational Ministries Association (NEMA), Friends of Nazareth (FON), is an IRS approved 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation. Allowable gifts  are tax deductible to US donors. No goods or services are provided in exchange for the gifts other than the joy of giving to a faith-based organization that supports Christian education in the Holy Land. Note: No goods or services are provided in exchange for a donation. FON reserves the right to withhold up to 5% of designated donations for administration.

Friends of Nazareth (NEMA-FON) is a faith-based ministry. It is totally dependent upon financial partners. 

Donate Online

Mail Donations

Friends of Nazareth
3482 Keith Bridge Road
Cumming, GA 30041

Stock Donations
Donating appreciated stock may be a double benefit to the donor

Please contact our NEMA-FON broker for assistance:

John Dupuis
Wells Fargo
201 N. Court Street
Florence, AL 35630
(256) 764.1000

The account is:
Nazareth Educational Ministries Association
Friends of Nazareth (NEMA-FON)
Visit Friends of Nazareth on Facebook for updates throughout each month.
3482 Keith Bridge Road, #215
Cumming, GA 30041 (USA)
[email protected]