See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
October 1, 2020
This is a quick reminder of what is happening at Grace this week in worship and in ways to connect and serve in the next seven days.
Grace Happenings
A Note From Pastor Joanna Mitchell
Dear Grace Friends,

In the Gospel of Luke there is a moment when Jesus sets his face toward Jerusalem and starts to walk. This happens after Jesus has come down from the Mount of Transfiguration (Chapter 9). It is the moment when Jesus starts walking toward his death. He knows that he is going to face the authorities in Jerusalem. He knows that he is going to be mocked and ridiculed along the way. In Luke’s telling of the story, Jesus is on the road to Jerusalem for 10 chapters. Along the way, he sends out his disciples to go to other communities and share the Gospel, he teaches, he prays, he blesses, he heals, he laments, he has difficult conversations with people who think differently than he does, he eats with people considered to be sinners, and he keeps walking with the full knowledge that God is with him.

Last week, John Anderson, a member of Grace Lutheran went on a walk to listen, learn, and stand up against racism in Anoka County. He walked through St. Francis, Andover, Anoka, Colombia Heights and beyond. His purpose was to be in conversation with people about racism in our county. I was among the small group of people who joined John on his final walk from the southern tip of Anoka County to 38th and Chicago. I felt privileged to be included. By the end of the day, my legs were sore, and my heart was filled. 

John’s walk was different than mine. His intentionality in stopping and talking to people for as long as they wanted led to important conversation that really could only happen one-on-one. John would often offer a t-shirt as a gift and then talk to people who reacted in some way, positive or negative about his shirt. It did not matter. He had time for anyone who was willing to have time for him. I imagine this is how Jesus walked on the road to Jerusalem and the reason it took him so long. We often think of the stories Jesus shared along the road, or the people he encountered, but it truly was the walk itself that led him there. The walk had significance because he dared to do it in the first place.

I know that it often feels like all we do is talk about racism, especially since the death of George Floyd. And yet, racism can sometimes feel like a problem that is out there: happening in the south, or a problem in the city or with law enforcement. It is not. As a white woman of privilege, it is easy for me to believe this is someone else's problem, or a problem solved with the civil rights movement. But the more I learn about the experience of people of color in Minnesota, the more I realized that this is not someone else’s problem. It is my problem. It is your problem. It is not fair to blame others. We are all part of the problem, but more importantly, we are part of the solution. Being part of the solution, does not mean we have the answers, or the knowledge. It means that we dare to get on the road and start walking this journey. That we set our face toward Jerusalem, knowing that the road ahead will be hard and that we will have upsetting and meaningful conversations along the way. At the end of the journey, we will not the same. God will have worked through our walking, changing us and those that we encountered. Some ideas in us will die on the road and other ideas will be born. God will work in the journey. I do believe the road ahead of us is long when it comes to racism, so I am putting on my good shoes to continue this walk. 

Pastor Joanna Mitchell
Ministry Moment: Family Sunday School
By Maria Markman
Last Sunday, families were invited to attend Sunday School together. Pastor Maria started by gathering everyone together to hear a story. The story of how the church tells time in a circle. This story reminds us that every beginning has an ending and every ending has a beginning. We learned about the great mysteries of the church: Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost and that to get ready for these mysteries we have seasons to prepare: Advent, Lent, and the Season of Easter. The other days of the church of the church year are the green and growing days. In all of the days of the church year, we hold onto this promise God is coming close to us and we are coming close to God. After Pastor Maria finished telling the story she invited the kids who were present to get their own props and tell the story to their parents. Families brought their church year circles home so they can notice the change of church seasons throughout the year. If you would like your own felt circle of the church year calendar email Pastor Maria she would love to give you one and tell you the story. 

This lesson and other virtual children’s ministry lessons can be found below.
Grace Lutheran Church presents the 6th Annual Oktoberfest. Sunday October 4th, 2020 9:30 am - 11:30 am. Due to the current circumstances, we have decided not to have the silent auction this year. In its place we will have a free will offering to help raise funds for Mental Health Connect. Food and musical entertainment will be provided. Social distancing guidelines and sanitary practices will be in place. Whether you join us after the outdoor service or come early for the indoor service, it will be a great time for celebration and congregation connection. Thank you!
Small Group Sign Up!!!

It is our hope that we get at least 100 people involved with small groups this fall at Grace! After almost 6 long months of disconnection, we are pushing to get reconnected. Please check out GraceLink for the different adult small group opportunities happening for 6 weeks starting October 5th!
If you have any questions please call the office or email
Family Promise Virtual Fundraiser
Thursday, October 8th at 7:00 PM

We’re proud that Grace is one of the sponsors for Family Promise in Anoka County’s first virtual fundraiser, Fulfilling the Promise, to be held on Thursday, October 8th at 7:00 PM. This will be an interactive, live-streamed event featuring a look-back over 10 years with reflections from volunteers, community leaders, and founding board members. A former guest family will share their story, and there will be a special message from Family Promise staff. Be among the first to hear about Family Promise’s big plans for the future! 

Let’s celebrate Family Promise and give thanks for our partnership with them by tuning in to this event from the comfort of our own homes, remembering those who struggle to find a home. Their goal for this fundraising event is $25,000. Please be as generous as you can, and remember that every single dollar counts! To attend, be sure to register! 
New Member Class

We would love to have you join Grace Lutheran Church! There will be a new member class on Sunday, October 11th at 12:00 pm. To sign up, e-mail or call the Church Office at 763-421-6520.
Fall Clean-Up

The Garden Ministry Fall Clean-Up is scheduled for Saturday, October 24 beginning at 9:00am. Help is needed to “spruce up” the church grounds and gardens in preparation for winter. No gardening skills needed, just willing hands. Bring your gloves, rakes, pruners, etc.

If you can help, e-mail or
call the Church Office at 763-421-6520.
Rose Street Resurfacing

Rose Street (the entrance at the light) will be resurface sometime within the next few weeks. You may have to temporarily reroute to another entrance during the time of resurfacing.

Outdoor Worship on Saturdays at 5:00 pm
Parking Lot Worship on Sundays at 8:45 am
Indoor Worship on Sundays at 10:30 am*
Other Items of Importance:
  • We will be having Communion on 1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month.
  • Each week, we are trying new things and experimenting to improve our worshiping experience. We recognize that there will be things that go well and parts that need to be changed. Thank you for your input and patience.
  • Restrooms are available during outdoor services in Portable #2.
  • All of the worship formats are dependent on current and trending COVID-19 levels.
  • Indoor services will continue at 10:30 am. (Reservations are required for the indoor service and seating is limited to 60 people or less. *Reserve you spot, before Noon on Fridays, on Sign Up Genius, call the church office at 763-421-6520 or e-mail Kris Miller at
  • Please wear masks and abide by social distancing recommendations.
Bible Study

Join us for Thursday Morning Zoom Bible Study at 10:30 am with Pastor Joanna or Pastor Maria.
Join us on Thursday mornings at 10:30 am for a bible study. Bring your bibles, yourselves and your questions. If you don’t have a bible, bring your phone or your computer and we will navigate through bible gateway to help you find the scripture.

The Sunday scriptures that we will be studying over the next couple of weeks:
Oct. 1st: Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8
Oct. 8th: Exodus 32:1-14
Oct. 15th: 1 Samuel 1:9-11, 19-20; 2:1-10

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking the link below.
Noisy Offerings

In September, we raised $610.50 that will be directed to the ELCA’s Lutheran Disaster Response to help those impacted by Hurricane Laura and the devastating wildfires in the West. Thank you!!!

The Noisy Offerings for the first two weeks of October will benefit Family Promise in Anoka County. Grace is one of 20 faith communities in Anoka County that partners with Family Promise to provide temporary shelter, hospitality, and case management to assist families experiencing homelessness achieve housing independence. For the past six months, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in families needing to be housed in hotels rather than churches. Needless to say, the expense has been significant. So if you can’t attend Family Promise’s Virtual Fundraiser on October 8th, you can still contribute to Family Promise through your Noisy Offering! Thanks for your generosity! 

God of healing: Provide refuge and help for all who lack adequate food, housing, or health care. Strengthen organizations that provide care to those who struggle. Give light to those walking in darkness, and healing to those who are suffering in body, mind, or spirit. We pray for Jason Ruud, LaVonne Hite, Annie Fitzl, Sophia Henkel, Linda Breyette, Delaine Wagner (niece of Rose Spielman), Sally McPhillips’ Mom, Charlotte Montei, Gary Spielman, Dr. Rao, Steve, Glenndy Ose, Erin, Carol Buettner, Jerry Slater, George and Kathy Rongere (Ron-Jerry), Tom Taillefer, Colleen Wernimont, John Malecha, Carroll Potter, Joe Bailey, Julie Swedberg, Christopher Sluis, Judi Wold, Wes Hiller, and Zachary Elsenpeter.  Lord hear our prayers.
Devotions this fall will be shared 3 days a week. Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please check our website and our Facebook page for postings. We have introduced a new 28 day devotion, "Learning to Belong" by John van de Laar that will be shared every Monday. We invite you to read the introduction this week.

If you would like to write a devotion to share with the community at Grace please contact Pastor Joanna Mitchell at Thank you!
Virtual Service Availability

Throughout everything we will continue to provide worship online. We will begin streaming worship this week through Grace's YouTube account. Worship will be live at 5:00 pm on Saturday night and at 8:45 am on Sunday morning. It will also be saved so if you are not able to join us at that time you can worship later through Grace's YouTube channel.
Zoom Connect Time and
Prayer Gathering 
Zoom Page on our website:
We have created a page on our website with all the Zoom opportunities that are happening regularly at Grace. This site is your go-to website to join the 9:30 am Sunday Prayer Gathering, Thursday Morning Bible study, and much more. Click below to check it out.
Contact Pastor Joanna Mitchell ( or Kristi Larson ( if you have questions.
Text to Donate
We’re updating our website to also include text and QR code as ways to give electronically.

For these, the system will request the user a ONE TIME SETUP to include their name, credit card # etc. – this will be required only the first time. After that, when the user texts to give or uses the QR code to give it will just ask the amount to confirm. The users will be able to select funds to allocate their giving to as well – operational, capital, noisy.

The number to give is 73256 – text key word: GRACEANDOVER
Consider electronic giving on GraceLink. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceLink logo below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceLink. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Registration Now for

To minimize the spread of COVID-19 and out of love and concern for our church family and community, please follow all practice and procedures as directed by the State of Minnesota.
Links to Grace Lutheran's YouTube Channel
Virtual Worship will be posted online at:

We hope that you will join us at a time that works best for you.