YS Chamber logo  
January 26, 2018                        Events, resources & information for the benefit of our members.  

February 15
6:00-8:00 pm
Mills Park Hotel
Our biggest and most popular event of the year. Award-winning food from Soin Medical Center plus beer from Yellow Springs Brewery, spirits from S&G Artisan Distillery and wine. Network with your fellow Chamber members from Yellow Springs and the region. 
And please consider being a sponsor or donating a door prize.
Our new Health Insurance Benefit Offering:
We encourage you to look into this option available to groups from 2-50 as many of our members have been seeing very favorable rates. 
Contact Jim Saner with Montgomery Insurance 937.372.7646
 or Randy Gifford with Reichley Insurance 937429.0655
Check out our new website portal:
And be sure to watch the new video featuring Lisa Wolters  and Nate Cornett of Yellow Springs Brewery about their growing enterprise.

2018 Board
Nick Gaskins, Chair
Ann Simonson, Vice Chair
Sarah Wildman, Treasurer
Gery Deer, Secretary
Minerva Bieri
David Ehman
Wendy Pace

Ex-Officio Members
Craig Mesure, Past Chair
Mario Basora, YS Schools
Dawn Boyer, YS Schools
Dave Boyer, WPAFB

Chamber Staff
Karen Wintrow, Exec Dir
Alex Scott, Event Coordinator 
Lauren Mikesell, Weekend Staff
Print/Copy Services 
Color .35 members
         .40 nonmembers
B&W  .10 members
         .15 nonmembers
Marketing Plan members get an additional discount.
Discounts for large orders.
Email your documents and tell us the quantity, paper
& type of copies you need.   It's convenient and environmentally-friendly to shop local!  Get high quality, inexpensive copies plus printing and scanning services in the heart of Yellow Springs.
Click here to be added to our mailing list for weekly information about events in YS.
Worker Safety Training from OBWC

One of the programs available to our members is a Worker's Comp Group Rating program from Hunter Consulting available through our membership in the Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance. 

Our Group Rating program is designed to reduce your company's rate and paperwork with highly competitive discounts and excellent claims administrative services.

The Ohio Bureau of Worker's Compensation is investing heavily in workplace safety programs to prevent injury from happening. They're providing low-match grants and consultations that can support business efforts to improve safety for their employees. Here are some of the programs available with links to the OBWC website.

This program provides funding to assist employers in establishing training and programs to reduce health risk factors specific to their employees. Employers can get up to $300/employee over a four year period up to a maximum amount of $15,000 per policy.

This program provides funding to purchase equipment to substantially reduce or eliminate injuries and illnesses associated with a particular task or operation. E mployers can get a 3-to-1 matching grant up to a maximum of $40,000 for each eligibility cycle. 

This program offers a premium rebate for implementing a loss-prevention strategy addressing workplace use and misuse of alcohol and other drugs, especially illegal drugs. It is designed to help prevent on-the-job injuries and illness by integrating drug-free efforts into your overall workplace safety program.

OBWC offers a variety of  courses addressing industrial safety and hygiene, safety management, construction safety, ergonomics and risk management. Classroom and online courses are available. Or you can join our local  Greene County Safety Council in Xenia.
OBWC's  industrial safety,  construction safety,  industrial hygiene and  ergonomics specialists can visit your workplace or consult with you by telephone and∕or email to assist your business in the development of effective injury and illness prevention strategies.

Better You, Better Ohio
This program helps employers with 50 or fewer employees in certain industries start a comprehensive wellness program with no cost to them or their workers.  And, it's a simple and paperwork-free process.
Member News
Welcome New Members
Axis Architecture - exceptional sustainable design
Feminist Health Fund - assistance for women with medical and financial needs
Laura A. Curliss Co., LPA  - legal services to private clients, governments and non-profits
Margaret Fischer, Realtor - residential real estate
Unit 25 Creative + Consulting - business growth services

Thanks for Renewing 
Adoption Link Inc, AMP Inc, Anthrotech, Arthur Morgan House, Back to Now, Chris K Group/Remax Victory, Community Solutions, Corner Cone, Greene County Community Improvement Corp, Hearthstone Inn & Suites, HTH Companies, Humanist Center Massage, Jailhouse Suites, Julia Etta's Trunk, Todd McManus OD & Associates Inc, Miami Township, Morris Bean & Company, Ohio Silver, Pangaea Trading Co, U.S. Pro Painters, Veterinary Alternatives Centerville, Veterinary Alternatives Yellow Springs, Village Automotive Service, The Winds Café, Yellow Springs Heritage, Yellow Springs News, Yellow Springs Senior Citizens Center, YS Federal Credit Union, YS Kids Playhouse

Join the Chamber
Learn more about the benefits of Chamber Membership.
Click here to join or renew electronically.

Business Education & Events

Greene County Career Center Workforce Education
Various classes and times; 2960 W. Enon Rd., Xenia, OH
Meeting the needs of business and individuals in workforce training and certification. Adult classes.

Clark State Community College Workforce Training
Various classes, times and locations; (937) 431-7164
Professional development classes and individualized programs to help your employees and company rise to the top.

Various classes and  times; Brinkman Educational Center, Springfield, OH; (937) 328.7972
Providing workshops, certifications, consulting, networking and meeting space to help lead, grow and strengthen non-profit organizations.

Wright State University SBDC Workshops 
Various Times; Various Locations.  Register online.
A series of classes for anyone starting a new business including start-up basics and writing a business plan. Other specialized classes also available.   

Various Times; Various Locations
A variety of free and fee-based business courses to meet your needs and challenges. Information and services valuable to start up business or one looking for new ideas to improve. Mentoring services and workshops are free or minimal cost.

Dayton SCORE Non-Profit Initiative
Various Times; Various Locations
An assessment tool, workshops and mentoring to improve the operations of non-profit organizations.