We're thrilled to announce that DOJO is ready to meet again IN-PERSON!!! At Spring Creek and at DOJO, we try our best to be an open and welcoming community to all people, and to make the world a better place. Because of this, we will be taking our safety procedures very seriously. This is not meant to scare anyone or to make them feel unwelcome, but to ensure that we are demonstrating the highest level of concern for every person that we come in contact with.

By meeting on the church campus, our students are not the only ones who are being put at risk. Since the majority of our students have been around hundreds of people at school, it is especially important that prevent the spread to our church staff, volunteers, cleaning crew, and congregation members. Please help us continue to "do no harm" by thoroughly reviewing the following safety procedures. Any student who is not properly following these procedures will only be given one warning before parents are contacted.

Safety Procedures
  • All activities will take place in the Fellowship Hall with the garage doors opened (weather permitting)
  • There will be a limit of 15 students per each DOJO meeting. If more than 15 students are present, students will be split up into groups, with one group meeting outside or in the DOJO building.
  • Participants will be required to wear a mask at all times, with the only exception being taking a drink of water.
  • Participants in the fellowship hall will sit at tables that are properly spaced out while not exceeding more than 4 people per table.
  • No food will be served during DOJO.
  • Participants are required to use hand sanitizer before entering and leaving the room.
  • Participants will be discouraged from making any physical contact with others.
  • Anything that came in touch with a participant will be properly sanitized before and after each use. After each meeting, a few volunteers will stay behind to help sanitize.
  • Participants will enter through the garage doors and exit through the main door of the fellowship building to avoid clusters.
  • Participants will be reminded of these procedures at the beginning of each meeting.

Zoom Procedures
  • DOJO meetings will continue to stream via Zoom.
  • The Zoom meeting will be projected onto a TV.
  • If there are more than 15 students present in-person and the groups are split up, students in the Zoom meeting will be sent to breakout rooms according to how we split up the groups.
  • Someone will be in charge of monitoring the Zoom meeting to ensure that students who would like to speak may be heard.
  • A microphone will be purchased and hooked up to the computer so that Zoom participants can hear what is going on.

If you have any questions, or if there is absolutely anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable with either online or in-person DOJO meetings, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I can't wait to see you guys!

Brandi Loggins
Director of Youth Ministry