Women Transforming Sonoma County Through Collective Philanthropy - Apr/May 2018
Impact 100 RC members attend a nonprofit workshop at The Volunteer Center
Judy Farrell & Laurie White enjoy "The Power of Women" at the Museums of Sonoma County
 Membership Meeting - Wed. April 4th
Don't miss this opportunity to hear from our two Impact Grantees: VOICES (2016) and Food for Thought (2017)
When: Wed, April 4, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Where: Scottish Rite Center, 600 Acacia Lane, Santa Rosa (corner of Highway 12)
Please feel free to invite a guest to learn first hand about our dynamic organization!
Happy Spring!
This week I took a hike at rugged Hood Mountain Regional Park. The hillsides were green with life, and we saw many of the first spring wildflowers - lupine, larkspur, buttercups and more. I felt so replenished to be outdoors in the midst of all this rebirth. I hope you're having similar spring experiences!
Like the environment around us, Impact 100 Redwood Circle is bustling with activity! Check out other articles in this newsletter for a recap of our February educational workshop at the Volunteer Center of Sonoma County, progress on our upcoming grants, and updates from our current grantees.
I also want to invite you to join me, along with Impact 100 RC member and hiking group leader Joan Tabb, for a special hike on Saturday, April 21. There will be a morning low tide at Bodega Bay, and it's a great opportunity to see some interesting sea life, as well as spring wildflowers along the short Pinnacle Gulch Trail.
Whether it's at the upcoming Membership Meeting or on the coastal hike, I hope I'll see you with our Impact 100 RC sisters sometime soon!
Cocktails & Conversation
Tuesday, May 15 - 5:00 p.m.
Bird & The Bottle
1055 4th St, Santa Rosa
Membership Meeting
Wed, June 20th
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Scottish Rite Center
600 Acacia, SR
Welcome to the newest members of our circle!
Cathy Casteel Lisa Cannon Nikki King Ann Marie McGee Carrie Morgridge
News From Food For Thought!
We are pleased to share this testimonial from a Food for Thought client:
Thankful for Food For Thought, by Dale Thomson
Dale and his pup
I had a pretty normal life until last July-I was a contractor and was wo
rking. Then I had a stroke and was in the
hospital for three weeks. My doctor told me that I needed to eat healthier and be on a low- sodium diet.
Thankfully, I was referre
d to Food For Thought and started receiving weekly groceries right after l left the hospital. My stroke ha
s made it tough to get around, so Food For Thought volunteers have been delivering food to me at home. This has been a big help and what's even better is that I get the low-sodium food items that I need for my diet.
Receiving healthy food every week has helped me get better, and I've lowered my cholesterol and my blood pressure. I'm so thankful for Food For Thought. It i
s an outstanding organization and everyone, the volunteers and staff, are so friendly and have given me so much.
VOICES Needs Volunteers!
VOICES is looking for volunteers to help run their annual Independent City event on Saturday, April 21st from 11:30-3:00pm. Independent City allows VOICES youth to practice budgeting and other independent living skills in an interactive simulation.
As a volunteer, you'd be representing someone that our youth might have to work with in order to be independent, such as an apartment manager, a power company, or a car salesperson.
We'll give you all the tools you'd need in order to do this. It's a great opportunity to interact with our youth and support them in building important life skills. If you're interested in helping, please contact Greyson at
(707) 228-3480
. To view the event flyer, click here.
Impact 100 RC Special Events That Educated & Entertained!
Celebrating the Power of Women
Barbara Borden (left) and Diane Stuppin
On March 3, we had a unique opportunity to celebrate "The Power of Wome
n" th
anks to the generous sponsorship of member Diane Stuppin. An evening of
artistry and creat
ive expression was enjoyed by Impact 100 RC members and guests at the Museums of Sonoma County.
In conjunction with Women's History Month, the program included a performance by drummer Barbara Borden, the subject of the documentary "Keeper of the Beat" by three-time Emmy Award winner David L. Brown. After viewing the film, guests were treated to a reception catered by Ceres Community Project, and had a chance to enjoy Barbara's music while viewing the artwork.
Many thanks to Diane and Barbara, and to Judy Farrell for organizing this great event! Click here to see all of the photos.
Educational Workshop Understanding the Nonprofit Landscape of Sonoma County
Over 40 Impact 100 RC members attended two February educational seminars presented by Cami Kahl, Executive Director of the Volunteer Center of Sonoma County. According to the Press Democrat, there are 2,900 registered nonprofits (~1,500 active) in Sonoma County. This can make it very confusing to determine which organization to nominate for a grant award.
Credit: The Sustainability Mindset by Steve Zimmerman & Jeanne Bell
Tools to help us better-understand the nonprofit world
"The fundamental quality of a nonprofit is clarity of mission and purpose," said Kahl. "What the organization seeks to accomplish and what value it adds to the improvement of the community." Successful nonprofits achieve a dual bottom line - meaning that their strategic choices serve both the organization's mission
its financial viability. A "sustainability matrix" (right) can be used to help nonprofits make strategic decisions about their programs and services.
Making a Bigger Impact
Each of us has our "passion projects"... nonprofits that are near-and-dear to our hearts. But often, a bigger impact can be made by supporting organizations that align with larger initiatives. Sonoma County's top priorities are housing for all, healthy watersheds, investing in our infrastructure, and securing our safety net. Nationally, the priorities range from immigration and women's rights to the environment, science, the arts and healthcare.
To give us a better idea of which local nonprofits fall under some of these categories, Cami provided a list of 600+ organizations (click here). Another helpful tool is a list of resources ranging from CAN (California Association of Nonprofits) to Sonoma Gives (click here). If you want to educate yourself, these are all excellent tools!
A BIG thank you to Cami Kahl and The Volunteer Center of Sonoma County for offering these most helpful workshops!
Impact Grant Nominees for 2018!
A big shout out to our community minded, philanthropic membership for these 27 diverse $100,000 Impact Grant nominations! Invitations have gone out to these nonprofit nominees for them to submit their Letter of Intent (LOI), which is the first of 3 stages towards presenting the three finalists to all of you for your vote at our Annual Meeting on October 6. Our Impact Grant Committee of 19 Impact 100 RC members are gearing up to complete their LOI reviews in late April/early May. At our June membership meeting we will report on those nonprofits who have advanced to the Full Proposal (FPA) stage.
A Theater for Children
Arts & Culture, Education
Audubon Canyon Ranch
Canine Companions for Independence
Health, Education,& Human Services
Career Technical Education Foundation Sonoma County
Health, Education,& Human Services
Catholic Charities of Santa Rosa
Health, Education,& Human Services
Children's Museum of Sonoma County
Health, Education,& Human Services
Community Child Care Council of Sonoma County 4Cs
Health, Education,& Human Services
Community Support Network
Health, Education,& Human Services
Health, Education,& Human Services
Daily Acts
Family Justice Center Sonoma County
Health, Education,& Human Services
Healdsburg Jazz Festival
Arts & Culture
Healthcare Foundation, Northern Sonoma County
Health, Education,& Human Services
North Bay Organizing Project
Health, Education,& Human Services
Occidental Arts & Ecology Center
Petaluma Arts Center
Arts and culture
Rebuilding Together Petaluma
Health, Education,& Human Services
Redwood Empire Food Bank
Health, Education,& Human Services
Restorative Resources
Health, Education,& Human Services
Santa Rosa Community Health
Health, Education,& Human Services
School Garden Network
Health, Education,& Human Services
The Living Room
Health, Education,& Human Services
The Volunteer Center of Sonoma County
Health, Education,& Human Services
West County Community Services
Health, Education,& Human Services
West County Health Centers
Health, Education,& Human Services
Women's Recovery Services
Health, Education,& Social Services
YWCA Sonoma County
Health, Education,& Social Services
 Community Grants Update
The 22 members of the Community Grants Committee are reviewing applications for the awarding of five $10,000 grants for 2018. They will determine the 10 finalists, who will be sent to the full membership on April 17 for final voting. The five winners will be announced on May 15th.
for Wednesday, June 20, 5-7 PM for a "Meet and Greet Our Community Grant Awardess" event where our 2018 winners will be celebrated along with the 2017 winners. All ten grantees will host tables where members can visit and learn about each organization's programs and projects.
Grantee update:
A 2017 Impact 100 Community Grant to Clean River Alliance (CRA) provided critical funds to expand its program just before it received a $100,000 grant to fund its Lower Russian River area Clean Camp Program. This allowed CRA to focus the Impact 100 grant funds in other areas of Sonoma County and help with the October fire recovery efforts. It also enabled Chris Brokate to become the paid Executive Director in January 2018. Since October, CRA has removed over 135,000 pounds of trash from camps along the Russian River and lower Santa Rosa Creek with the participation of 70 homeless individuals.
 Join the Impact 100 Hikers
When: Saturday, April 21, 10:00 a.m. to noon
Where: Pinnacle Gulch Trail, 20600 Mockingbird Rd, Bodega Bay
Meet promptly at 9:45 a.m.Carpooling is strongly encouraged, and don't be surprised that the parking lot is in the middle of a neighborhood. There is a short, half-mile hike to the beach. It's a very special hike, because we'll arrive at low tide and might see some sea creatures. We will also see a few wildflowers on the hike to the coast.
This is an easy hike; the most difficult part is the staircase from street level down to the Pinnacle Gulch Trail. With the low tide, we should be able to hike down the beach to Shorttail Gulch Trail and then loop back to the parking lot.
Directions and parking details:
Contact our Newsletter Editor:
If you have questions or suggestions for The Impact 100 Redwood Circle Communique, please contact Editor, Jan Houts at impact100marketing@sonic.net