Avondale E-Worship
August 30, 2020
Faith & Politics
"Blessed Are The Peacemakers"
(Part 3)
Jonah 3:1 - 4:2
Member Care Corner
"Show You Care - Task of the week"
Today we give thanks and praise to those who work to ensure that we have a quality and meaningful worship experience every Sunday. Thank you to Rich Stanley, Carl McDonald and Zach Chambers for your time and energy in filming, editing and production. Let us join together in showing our appreciation through cards, emails, texts and phone calls!
Church Triumphant

It is with deep sadness that we share that Mrs. Evelyn Crossley, mother of Janet Harrison, joined the Church Triumphant Monday, August 24, 2020. A celebration of life was held Saturday, August 29. View her obituary HERE.

Send a note of love and care.
Harrison Family
11242 Canoe Cove Lane
Huntersville, NC 28078

It is with deep sadness that we share that Mr. Aidan Sweet, grandson of Lyn Sweet, joined the Church Triumphant Friday, August 21, 2020. A celebration of life was held Thursday, August 27.

Send a note of love and care.
Lyn Sweet
2615 Wensley Drive
Charlotte, NC 28210

It is with deep sadness that we share that Mr. Randy Moore, father of Marilyn Nolan, joined the Church Triumphant Saturday, August 1, 2020. A celebration of life was held Friday, August 2. View his obituary HERE.

Send a note of love and care.
Marilyn Nolan
1431 Larkfield Lane
Charlotte, NC 28210
If you know of any member concerns or needs, please email Jim or call the church office and leave a message.

Member Directory online...
For the updated password, email Caroline .
Prayer Requests

Michael Booher; Janet Harrison and family; Delia McCloskey; Carl, Dee Dee and Lilly McDonald; Marilyn Nolan; Deidrea Pavlin; Floyd Privette; The Reed Family; Lyn Sweet and family; Merrily Watts; The family of Lucy Wiley; The teachers, staff and families of the Bethlehem Center: Justin Higgins, Keosha Misenheimer, Sylvia Bidgood, Georgett Johnson, Cecilia Thompson, and Lashaundra Bradley.
Rally Day in the past has always been a fun-filled day of celebrating the coming back together following a summer of family travel, camps, retreats and youth trips and is an opportunity to highlight the many ways you can participate in the life of the church. Although this year looks a little different, there is still great ministry happening within Avondale. We invite you to take some time and read through the opportunities available for fellowship and education.

Please note that while some groups are continuing to meet on Zoom, a few are meeting in person with proper precautions. A task force was created to establish safety procedures when gathering on campus. At this time groups of 10 or fewer may gather inside and masks are required. If your group is planning to meet on campus, please reserve a room by contacting Jessica Shanks. Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be provided.
Avondale Adventures

Avondale Adventures is a Wednesday evening program for our 3 year old through 5th grade children. This season we will use the PCUSA curriculum, "Growing in Grace and Gratitude" to deepen our faith and understanding. The evening will also include music, a picnic dinner and a take-home activity. The Adventure begins on Wednesday, September 9 from 5 - 6 PM and ends Wednesday, October 28. If you would like to know more or register your child, use the link provided.
Youth Fellowship
6th - 12th Grade

The youth program kicks back off today with outdoor water activities and lunch here at Avondale from 11:30 AM - 2 PM. The youth gather weekly on Sunday evenings for dinner, small groups, and games.
We welcome you to join us on Zoom, Sunday mornings at 10:30 or just after Avondale's service.
No need to sign up, just drop by!
Bible 101

Each week we discuss a Bible passage, delving into the history, the context, and grappling with its meaning in our lives. We ask a lot of questions and operate under the wise words of our founder "no Sunday School answers." Our reading often comes from the lectionary, which follows the year in the life of God's church. But we veer away from that to engage other topics that our class feels called to discuss. We're a community of all ages that wrestles with and
rejoices in God's word.
Mystics Class

We are a diverse group that meets monthly at Avondale. We explore and seek to learn about our relationship with God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit from different perspectives. Our goal is to center and immerse ourselves in God’s living presence and broaden our awareness and intuition to be Christ Centered. “Learning to Let Go of Self”. We practice this Centering through Silence and Prayer. We read a variety of writings and books of the known “Mystics” and current wisdom authors. We are currently reading “The Wisdom Jesus” by Cynthia Bourgeault. If you would like to join us or hear more information, please use the link below to sign-up.
Wednesday Night Social

Avondale Socials on Zoom continue to be a great time of connecting with our Avondale family. Join us for fun conversation and laughs!
Save the date: every other Wed @7 PM The next social:
Wednesday, September 2 at 7 PM
Meeting ID: 837 3944 9195
Passcode: 854844
Morning Devotional

Beginning Monday, September 14 at 7 AM and continuing every weekday, we will offer a morning devotional and prayer on Zoom. These will last about 10 minutes with an opportunity to fellowship following. If you miss it, don't worry! A recording will be available on Facebook later in the day!

The devotional will follow along with Bob Goff's, "Live in Grace Walk in Love - A 365 Day Journey." The book is not required to participate.

No sign-up necessary!
Women's Study Group

Join the women of Avondale as we dive deep into the Book of Jonah this Fall. From this study, you will walk away with not only a deeper understanding of God's character, a God who is gracious and compassionate, "slow to anger and abounding in love" (Jonah 4:2), whose mercy extends to ALL people, but also a clear sense of our own call and mission in the world. We will meet on Zoom at 8pm on Thursdays. Our focus will be on HOW to study your Bible, and will include a brief teaching followed by small group discussion. 
We are an intergenerational group and all ages are welcome.
Presbyterian Women of Avondale

The purpose of Presbyterian Women of Avondale (PWA) is to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, support the missions of the church, work for justice and peace, and build an inclusive and caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witness to the promise of God's kingdom. If you are interested in hearing more about PWA small group opportunities, please leave your contact information using the link below.
Are you interested in hearing more about this study?
Use the link below to provide your name and contact information and Jim will be in touch!
Men's Bible Study with
Rev. Jim Ewing

When God pours out his love, our parched lives are revived and our thirsty souls satisfied. What is the secret of receiving more of God's love and of giving it freely to others? The book of 1 John calls us back to the basics of loving God and one another. This six week Bible study lets you explore life-changing topics from a biblical perspective in community with others in your small group. Challenging questions encourage you to reflect on Scripture and its impact on your life, both as an individual and as part of a community of Christ followers.
Men's Thursday Morning
Bible Study

On Thursdays from 7:30-8:30 AM, a diverse group of men, both Avondalers and non-members, gather for Bible study and fellowship. Currently 9 men gather regularly and will begin studying Hebrews on Thursday, September 10. Lately the group has been meeting via Zoom, but plans tentatively to return to meeting in the Vanguard classroom in time for the start of the next study. Arrangements can be made for those who wish to join via Zoom. If you would like to join, please use the link provided to sign-up.
Taizé Prayer Service

One of Taizé's trademarks is the singing of distinctive and much-repeated prayer chants during candlelit prayer services. Taizé music highlights simple phrases, usually lines from the Psalms or other pieces of Scripture, repeated or sung in canon. The repetition is designed to help with meditation and prayer. We hope you are able to participate and find this service to be a time of meaning and quiet reflection. Taizé services can be viewed online the first Tuesday of the month. Our next service is this Tuesday, September 1 at 7 PM.
Music Ministry

Have you considered joining the music ministry? Music is one of the most important parts of worship and we are so thankful for everyone who shares their time and talent to enhance our time in worship and deepen our relationship with God through music. If you have thought about joining the choir, bell choir, band or instrumentalist groups, please provide your contact information using the link below.
Your Avondale Pledge

For those of you who contribute to your pledge through the offering plate on Sunday, there are many opportunities to fulfill your commitment including, mailing a check, PayPal or a one-time or reoccurring bank draft. Drafts can be setup or changed at anytime. Please contact Jacqueline for more information.

Using the link below, you may contribute to your 2020 pledge or make a gift to the church.