ITEP - International Trade Education Programs
Spring 2018 Newsletter
2018 has been off to an exciting start here at ITEP... press play on our videos below and take a look!
Like what you see? Please share these videos with your network!

Master Class in Entrepreneurship, courtesy of
lement Skateboards Founder Johnny Schillereff
Industry and Educator OC Power Breakfast
Industry and Educator OC Power Breakfast 2 
Industry & Educator OC Power Breakfast Video
Eighty-five professionals joined us to discuss entrepreneurship on February 9, 2018, during our Industry & Educator OC Power Breakfast! We started the day with breakfast and networking, then kicked-off the event with welcome remarks from Steve Trindade, Founder/CEO of Urban Workshop, and Jeff Hittenberger, Chief Academic Officer for the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE).

Keynote speaker, Johnny Schillereff, CEO and founder of Element Skateboards, shared his inspirational entrepreneurial journey and explained how Element was born (luck, love, and fear). "Be grateful, be kind, be humble" and "do what you love, with who you love" were just some of the lessons that Johnny taught us.

We concluded the event with lively group discussions and agreed that we can all embrace an entrepreneurial mindset in our own roles. Click here to view event photos!

Stay tuned next month for video highlights from our April 27 GPS Your Future event hosted at OCDE that brought together over 200 students, educators and employers for a day of career discovery. 

Want to see more ITEP programs in Orange County?  Help us grow our presence through referrals and sponsorship.  Contact Nicole Martin or Amy Grat for more information.  

This is What an Engineer Looks Like
Women in Engineering Day 2018
Wonderful things happen when you connect 119 students to engineers and other leaders in STEM fields... press play and find out!
Highlights from Women in Engineering Day
Highlights from Women in Engineering Day

  Thank you to all event volunteers for helping us inspire the next generation of STEM leaders! This event would not have been possible without the support of our program underwriters The Boeing Company, Andeavor Foundation and United Way, as well as our event partners Los Angeles Harbor College and Linked Learning - thank you!

Building Robots and Inspiring Engineers

Robotics Program 2018

Robots are transforming the way we live and work and will have an impact in almost all industries...ITEP students will be ready for this!  Congratulations to all students who just completed our 2018 Robotics Program, made possible by our generous sponsor, Phillips 66

78 ITEP students from Phineas Banning High School are now prepared to someday solve real-world problems using robotics and STEM. They learned cutting-edge robotics fundamentals and developed their problem-solving and collaboration skills as they constructed and programmed underwater and land robots. 

Thank you, Phillips 66, for your continuous support and for helping us inspire the next generation of engineers and innovators!

Watch the students and robots in action:

Robotics Program 2018 Video
Robotics Program 2018 Video

On April 12, 2018, students and their families joined us for a culmination event and student showcase to celebrate the completion of the Robotics Program.

With your gift today, ITEP students will gain the skills and confidence needed to become tomorrow's leaders.