
“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”

“After he [Jesus] had washed their feet, had put on his robe, and had returned to the table, he said to them, 'Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord—and you are right, for that is what I am. So, if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you. Very truly, I tell you, servants are not greater than their master, nor are messengers greater than the one who sent them. If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them." ~ John 13:12:17

In the movie, The Wrath of Khan (1982), Spock says, “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” This sets up a pivotal scene near the end of the film. With the Enterprise (starship) in imminent danger of destruction, Spock enters a highly radioactive chamber in order to fix the ship’s drive so the crew can escape danger. Spock quickly perishes, and, with his final breath, says to Kirk, “Don’t grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many outweigh...” Kirk finishes for him, “The needs of the few.”

In the next film, The Search for Spock (1984), the crew of the Enterprise discovers that Spock is not actually dead, that his body and soul survive on the newly formed planet. Spock asks Kirk why the crew saved him. Kirk answers, “Because the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.” 

In the next film, The Voyage Home (1986), Spock’s mother, who is human (his father is Vulcan), asks him whether he still believes that, by logic, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. He says, “yes.” She replies, “Then you are here because of a mistake—your friends have given their future to save you.” Spock says that humans are sometimes illogical; his mother answers, “They are, indeed!” www.theobjectivestandard.com/2013/09/spocks-illogic-the-needs-of-the-many-outweigh-the-needs-of-the-few/ Yes, I’m an old-school trekkie fan.

So, I ask you, is it logical for the Master of the Universe, the king of kings, Jesus the Messiah to stoop low and wash the feet of his students, or for that matter, sacrifice himself on a cross? Modern philosophers believe the servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop hidden talents. I learned this in the military as a ‘total quality management’ style. Being a servant leader can boost engagement, increase trust and build better team relationships. Robert K. Greenleaf, circa 1970, believed Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world. 

For a very long time, I felt I had much to offer a congregation from the aspect of leadership. Trinity, however, has taught me more about the joy of servanthood than any other place I have ever been. From working in the kitchen, to caring for church property, to teaching young children, to singing in the choir or praise team, to the simple acts of loving on each other, Trinity UMC exhibits remarkable joy in shared ministry, especially when you are serving one another! Want to find out who is a leader? Check out the end of the line!

I always thought Jesus was teaching the disciples that there was great joy in sharing leadership and sometimes it is necessary to be the humble servant; even humbling oneself enough to accept the service of others. In fact someone once told me the hardest thing they ever did was to allow the pastor to wash their feet. I wondered why? Is it possible that there is another lesson in the foot bath Jesus shared?

Some scholars point out that bathing refers to our baptism, then, in addition to baptism, perhaps foot washing is an additional act of penance for sins after baptism. The washing is not about the outer body being cleaned but rather entering into a deeper inner relationship that begins with humility.

Honest and humble leadership becomes visible when we serve one another. Simple acts of kindness reflect the joy in our hearts. Jesus had a way of turning the world upside down; just look at his example of his cousin, John the Baptist; “I tell you, among those born of women, no one is greater than John; yet the least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” (Luke 7:28)

More important than any person in the congregation, without exception, is the lost soul who wanders in from a broken world. If you discover that your life is lacking joy—if you perceive that we live in a broken world in need of comfort, then we have a great and powerful mission to be the heart of Christ Jesus, serving the “least of these.” For in serving, there is joy!

Your humbled servant in Christ Jesus,

Pastor Dale

"The Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace." - Numbers 6:22-26
“Revival of Israel with Ezra and Nehemiah”
April 22-July 1 Series:

Changing times have always been interesting but, more often,  challenging for societies. The way Israel rediscovered who they were, as former exiles, could shed light on who we are now in the 21st Century. Our Judeo-Christian heritage may give encouraging insight to not just surviving but thriving in the looming Christian tsunami of 2021-2050. (I’ll share more about that later.) We can either continue to survive or we can look for new ways to grow and prosper!

May 6 Nehemiah 2:1-5 From Servant to a Leader
With the season of fresh flowers comes a new purpose. From wine server to building engineer. Don’t ever think you are beneath the purposes of God! If God wills it, it will happen.

May 13 Nehemiah 2:11-16 The Inspector General
Visuals/handouts are a must! By the cloak of darkness Nehemiah creeps out with his buds to inspect the property. A secret mission! Assessments are important to understand the task at hand. Perhaps Nehemiah’s “yes” to God required more consideration. The job was mammoth; workers, material and direction needed more than a mere “yes.”

May 20 Music Makers' Spring Production “Treasure Island: Searching for Riches in the Kingdom of God”
This delightful musical will be performed twice on Sunday, May 20th, at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. in the church Sanctuary. [Note: this Sunday is Pentecost.]

May 27 Nehemiah 2:17-20 Commitment and Risk
See the trouble, plan to do something about it, evaluate the results of future action. But in everything, where is the hand of God? “I can do all things…” (Philippians 4:13). How do we deal with attacks on commitment?
May Events
2 David Atchley
3 Alyssa Brunning
5 Jan Hevner
5 Betty Kobler
6 Carolyn Linder
8 Jennifer Eunice
9 Logan Baumgartner
9 Jeff Hansard
12 Louise O'Quinn
13 Anita Campbell
14 Jeff Bishop
16 Ann Jenkins
17 Claire Smith
20 John Palmer
21 Jon Robbins
22 Steve White
25 George Jenkins
25 Claud Anna Smith
26 David Eunice
27 Cecil Chester
27 Jerry Ferrara
28 Cindy Fox
28 Jane Presson
29 Evelyn Warren
30 Nancy Beaty
30 Carol Dill 
20 Jeff & Michelle Bishop
  • 23 yrs
26 Michael & Gale Gately
  • 34 yrs

If your contact information (name, mailing address, telephone number, email address) has recently changed, please notify the church. You can call the office at (386) 734-4425 or email Lori Jones at [email protected].
To call, write or send a member a card or email, contact the church office to request an updated "People Directory."
Reminder: The deadline for getting information in the weekly worship bulletin is every Tuesday.


There are several United Methodist organizations and websites where you will find historical information about the "Uniting Conference" which merged the Methodist and Evangelical United Bretheren churches back in 1968. Were you a member of a Methodist or EUB church? We would love to hear your stories about what you remember was happening in your church at that time. Send me your story in writing or call me and we'll come and video record your story!

For in-depth information on the history of our denomination, the primary website to visit is the General Commission on Archives and History or GCAH: http://www.gcah.org. Below is a great article on the merger, which can be viewed on a number of websites.Enjoy!

A half century ago, retired Bishop D. Max Whitfield was a young pastor still taking courses at Perkins School of Theology. He went from studying Methodist polity to having a bit part in United Methodist history, serving as a page and marshal at the Uniting Conference .

For much of April 23 to May 4, 1968, Whitfield was at Dallas Memorial Auditorium, running hither and yon, but also pausing to marvel as the Methodist Church and Evangelical United Brethren Church became The United Methodist Church ...

Click HERE to read the whole article.

Anita Campbell, chairperson
Florida Conference Commission on Archives & History
TAKE THIS WEEK'S Bible Quiz and Crossword Puzzle .
 What did Nathan do when he became aware that King David's son, Adonijah, was preparing to have himself enthroned as the next king of Israel?
Find out the correct answer to this week's Bible Quiz !

  What’s a 4-letter word for “object of false worship”?
Show off on this week's Bible Crossword Puzzle !

This year's Annual Conference event will be held in Florida Southern College’s Branscomb Auditorium, 1085 Johnson Avenue, Lakeland, June 7-9. Cindy Fox and Lori Hansard will represent Trinity as its delegates. Anita Campbell will attend as a district delegate.

Our theme this year is “Remembering Who We Are" and activities will feature and reflect on the day, fifty years ago, when Evangelical United Brethren (EUB) Bishop Rueben H. Mueller and Methodist Bishop Lloyd C. Wicke joined hands over a table laden with symbols--the Bible, hymnals, Books of Discipline and a 307-page "Plan of Union." 1,300 delegates and 10,000 visitors met in Dallas, Texas, on April 23, 1968 proclaiming the formation of the newly-constituted United Methodist Church when 10.3 million Methodists and 750,000 members of the EUB Church merged to become one of the largest Protestant denominations in the world.

Want to learn more about the inner-workings of our denomination? Contact Pastor Dale or Cindy Fox, Trinity's Lay Delegate to Annual Conference.

In anticipation of our long-awaited groundbreaking and new church construction, Trinity's History Team needs your help to plan for THE BIG MOVE.

We know we will not be able to take everything, but we also know that there are many, many artifacts and documents that we must take. Some items may have to be put in storage, but where? And are they protected in such a way so they will be preserved? Who makes such decisions? And how should we best prepare for that day?

The good news is that the Florida Conference Commission on Archives and History stands ready to guide us on what to keep and what not to keep. Still, such decisions will be difficult to make. It will take careful consideration and time. Most importantly, this task cannot be left for one person to handle such a monumental responsibility.

If you sense urgency in my writing, it's because I feel we cannot afford to defer this issue for much longer. Please call or see me at church with regard to this important task. I can be reached by email or telephone. If you need, call the church office for my contact information. Thank you and God bless!

Tom Cunningham, church historian and team leader

Trinity Angels continues to meet the third Tuesday of every month. Our numbers remain small, but we continue to strive to increase our membership and touch the lives of our church members and others with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness.

We are now trying to reach out more to our fellow members with a card ministry. We send cards to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, baptisms and confirmations, in addition to sending condolence, thinking of you, and notecards of encouragement. This new ministry has allowed us to stay in touch with members. Their response has been a blessing!

We have begun receiving donations of cards, too, which has helped to defray costs. We recently discussed sending out special cards on Memorial Day and Veterans Day to our veterans to thank them for their service and to let them know Trinity members are thinking of them. We have received some of these "specialty" cards for those particular holidays but not many. Please know, if you have such cards and do not want them or have a use for them, consider donating them to the Angels. You can leave them with Lori Jones, who will see that we get them.

We continue to visit with some of our homebound folks. Recently, we visited with Betty Cunningham at Ridgecrest and Trall and Beverly Heitzenrater in their home, and we continue to keep in touch with Ruth and Lee Packer. We have many more to visit and we will continue to do so in the coming months, as time and schedules allow.

If this type of "congregational care" ministry is one that you would be interested in serving, please contact me. We would love to have you join us!

Debra Wood, Angels Team Leader
The Building Committee will hold three subcommittee meetings the first week of May with three prospective general contractors selected to interview. We are now applying to Volusia County to begin the permit process.

Alex Ford, chair

  • Want to help in the office? Contact Lori Jones
  • Willing to be an usher or greeter on Sundays? Contact Dave Shipman or Jennifer Griffis
  • Love cooking and want to serve on our Kitchen Team? Contact Karen Averill and Betty Kobler
  • Want to serve the least of these through our monthly Breakfast at Trinity ministry? Contact Lana Saxon
  • Willing to call, write or visit homebound members? Contact Debra Wood
  • Love kids and want to serve as a volunteer or mentor in local schools? Contact Leslie LaRue
  • Interested in serving on the Altar Guild? Contact Cherrie Cassleberry or Becky Kellogg
  • Willing to learn how to operate our sound board? See Conya Hartman
  • Interested in reading scripture and/or participating in worship services? See Pastor Dale or Conya Hartman
  • Want to help get our new Nurture team up and running? Contact Donna Beaty or Pastor Dale to learn more.
  • Find it easy to talk with people about your faith? We would love to form a team that will focus on ways to strenthen our ability to witness to others. If interested, see Pastor Dale or one of our retired clergy members.
  • Love butterflies and want to help put in Citrus Grove's new garden on May 16th? See Joleen Golden or Anita Campbell
  • Are you an outgoing extrovert and love people? Consider joining the Hospitality Team. See Pastor Dale or Judy Ross.

Dear Trinity Family,

As our prayer needs grow and our emphasis moves outward - focusing on the least, the last and the lost of our community and world - we find the need to enlarge our Prayer Team ministry. If you do not know, we meet every Thursday, from 9-9:30 a.m. in Pastor Dale's office. (And, if we outgrow that space, we'll go to the Library or the Sanctuary.) Yes, our email prayer team’s efforts are commendable, but sometimes we long for and need a human touch. Please consider joining us. The more hearts, minds, souls, and bodies that can lift up needs to our Lord, the better.

This month, there will be two community events to highlight the ever-present need for prayer. On Tuesday morning, May 1, at 7 a.m., the Annual DeLand Community Prayer Breakfast, sponsored by Florida Hospital DeLand, will be held at the Sanborn Center. On Thursday morning, May 3rd at 9 a.m., Trinity's Prayer Team will meet in Pastor's office. This is the actual day of the National Day of Prayer event in Washington, D.C. Check out the National Day of Prayer website for the 2018 Prayer. It is long but beatifully expressed. And, Saturday, May 5th, a National Day of Prayer Service will be held on the steps of the County Courthouse at 12 noon. The public is invited to both events. Let us make plans to join with persons of all faiths to lift up our needs, concerns and joys to our heavenly Father from whom all blessings flow. See Pastor Dale if interested.

Anita Campbell, Trinity’s Communications Team Leader, is posting on Trinity’s Facebook page,  “Trinity members are praying this week for the residents of ______________ “ Each week, a new complex or residential area around the site of our new church property, will appear in the blank space. As of this writing it is “Lexington Club Apartments”. The following week it will be “Hunter’s Creek Apartments”, etc. She has gathered the names of 20 areas which will be targeted through Facebook to raise awareness of our future plans to build a new church on the West Plymouth Avenue site. Anita is asking the Prayer Team and all in our church family to pray for the residents, particularly the unchurched and those with young children. Please check out the newest Facebook posting every week and blanket these areas with prayer.

Are you troubled with what is happening in our world? Did your mother, like mine, say “What is this world coming to?” I ran across this prayer which I invite you to pray along with me:


God of comfort, these times seem so uncertain, so scary. The world seems darker than it has in the past and I am less sure of myself. Maybe that’s a good thing; maybe now I am turning to you with a realization that I need you so much more and that my life is not in my own control.

Let me not forget all of those around the world who are frightened at this moment. Help those who are victims of terrorists and war. Be with those who have lost so much in the past year. Hold us all in your loving arms and let us be comforted by the strength and peace you make available to us through the birth of your son, Jesus; and thank you for all the many gifts you offer us, during our life on earth and for all eternity.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen

As we make our way - praying through the church directory - this month we are praying for the following members:

Jeff, Michelle, Patricia and Grace Bishop. Richard Bohner, Harriett Bolin, Steve and Mary Jane Boring, Barbara Bradley


Carolyn Harner, Prayer Team Coordinator
Every week, we ask members to help us measure the health of the church in different ways. "Salty Service" tickets (found in the pew) are used to count the number of persons serving through church ministries to the community for a least one hour.

Yes, people serve others in many ways and this is still very important (Rotary, Guardian Ad Litem, hospital volunteers, etc.). But for our purpose of evaluating the health of the church, we are focusing on the outreach ministries and mission projects of our local church. Thank you for your assistance and support in this endeavor!
One of the best community outreach ministries that Trinity supports with money, manpower and time is the Interfaith Kitchen. We have pledged to serve the homeless a dinner meal on the 3rd Tuesday of every month and must fulfill our obligation.

Melissa Fuller serves as this ministry program coordinator for our church and she has asked that every small group sign up for a specific date and agree to prepare and serve a meal. Please contact Melissa to inquire about the open dates and sign up today. Truly, you are serving as the hands and feet of Jesus when you reach out and help this fragile (yet very grateful) population.

The H.O.P.E. Team (Helpers of People Enslaved) invites you to see a free showing of the award-winning docufilm "Trapped in the Trade" and to hear the film's producer, Jan Edwards, Founder/C.E.O. of Paving the Way, speak on this current and important topic.

Thursday, May 17, 2018, 6:30 pm
Trinity UMC Fellowship Hall

"Trapped in the Trade" is based on actual events. This docufilm shows how the underworld crime of sex-trafficking can happen in our middle and high schools, shattering a child's life in an instant. Paving the Way was founded by Jan Edwards after traveling to Ethiopia (the #1 source for human trafficking in the Middle East) and learning about the sex and slavery trade there.

When she found out that Florida has the 3rd highest number of trafficking
victims in the U.S., she decided to use her 20 years of skills in the corporate world for a different use. Through her company, Paving the Way, Jan offers workshops, webinars and customized trainings to a variety of industries, particularly the hospitality industry. Learn more by visiting her website located at www.stoptraffickingtoday.com.


The 2017-2018 school year is coming to a close, but the last several weeks can be the busiest. High-stakes testing is underway and that translates into an extraordinary amount of stress on students and teachers. Praying for them would be greatly appreciated!

Teacher Appreciation Week is May 7-11. PTAs around the community will celebrate our wonderful teachers that week with luncheons and small gestures of gratitude. Thank you for helping the teachers at Citrus Grove feel valued.

The Parkland tragedy has sparked our Florida legislature to pass additional funding for schools for resource officers and school counselors. All schools must comply with this mandate by next school year; however, yet again, this is not a fully funded mandate and Volusia County will be in deficit by $2 million for the decision Tallahassee made. Please contact Governor Scott and your legislators and tell them no more unfunded or underfunded mandates! We cannot continue to say children are precious and not make their education a priority.

Thank you for caring and supporting our education community.

Leslie LaRue, School-Church Partnership Coordinator

Thanks to financial contributions from Trinity's Missions & Outreach Team as well as individual members of our congregation, Citrus Grove Elementary will be able to revitalize its original butterfly garden so it can apply for certification as a Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary through the DeLand Garden Club!

The tentative date to plant the garden is Wednesday, May 16th, at 1:30 p.m. The school's dedication of the garden will be held on Friday, May 25th. For details or to volunteer, contact Joleen Golden or Anita Campbell.

Citrus Grove Elementary School had 47 kids in need of new sneakers, so we took care of that in early April. It's not an easy process, measuring 47 kids with no socks or dirty socks for some. Then, some sneakers don't fit the way others do—too narrow or too small. So it's back to the store to try a larger size.

In the end, there were many smiles, with one fourth grader jumping in the air when he walked into the hall, another telling everyone waiting to get sneakers, “I got a new pair of shoes!” One boy wanted to know if he could wear those that day; we said, “every day.” Most wanted to wear theirs that day; some didn't. Sadly, one boy wasn't wearing his the next day after we fitted him; his mom had taken them and told him they were too big for him. He was wearing a 5 ½ and needed a 7, the same size as his mom. We bought him another pair...
Your Lenten/Easter gifts helped with all this, Trinity. Thank you so much!! You showed your love for these children by giving them smart, safe, right-fitting footwear. Blessings to each of you! You may continue to contribute to Sneakers for Kids at any time. Make your check to Trinity for “Sneakers.”

Many thanks to Judy Ross, Judy Wall, June Shearin, Ms. Copes (CG's Guidance Counselor), and Mike (the Shoe Carnival manager) for their help with this project!

Lana Saxon, Coordinator

Purchase a ticket in advance for the annual Belk Charity Sale to be held on Saturday, May 5th from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and help our Music Makers' program. The tickets are $5 and when you check out you will get your $5 back - discounted off your purchase. It's a win-win for a good cause. See me for a ticket and details!

Conya Hartman, Music Makers Director
Four students were confirmed on Sunday, April 22nd, at the 8:30 service. And, one of the four students was baptized! Afterwards, the Fellowship Hour was dedicated to them and their families. A beautiful (and delicious!) cake was presented in their honor. Thank you to all who helped make the service memorable for our children and youth!

Calling all children! It's time for our Summer "GIG". The "GIG" will kick off on Sunday, May 27th at 9:45 a.m. on the second floor in the Sunday School wing. We will have tee shirts, snacks, praise and worship, and learn why God is great. We will be using the Group curriculum Kids Own Worship. Come hang out with your friends and learn about God and get ready to kickoff a summer full of fun at TUMC!

Vacation Bible School (VBS), which will be coordinated by Angel Bohner and myself, will be held June 11-15. The theme will be Shipwrecked which will focus on what it means to feel all alone in the world and how Jesus can “rescue” us from our troubles. Team leaders (including members of Trinity Youth) will take the children on an awesome boating excursion. Shipwrecked will incorporate upbeat music, spectacular science, crafty crafts, recreation, and fantastic Bible stories to help kids (and leaders) discover how Jesus is always with us – and that we are never truly alone!

Looking ahead, our rising 4th graders through high school students will be attending church camp this summer at Warren Willis from June 18-23. In July, our middle- and high-school youth will be joining with youth from Community United Methodist of DeBary on a mission trip to the Decatur-Gatlinburg, Tennessee area. If you have a child/grandchild that is interested or, if you know of a neighborhood child that may benefit from these experiences, please get in touch with me.

Lori Hansard, Children & Family Ministry Coordinator

Music Makers is going strong, and we have enrolled a total of 26 kids! Thank you to all who had a hand in getting the word out. We hope you all will come and watch our performance of "Treasure Island: Searching for Riches in the Kingdom of God”. This delightful musical will be performed twice on Sunday, May 20th at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. in the church Sanctuary. The story's plot reveals that Captain Fisher, once a pirate searching for the riches of this world, now seeks God’s kingdom as a fisher of men. Captain Fisher teaches the children that they should always pursue godly wisdom and eternal riches.

Holy Week events were well attended. The Seder Meal held on Maundy Thursday had over 80 in attendance, and we heard a lot of positive feedback. Unfortunately, the rain hit during our Good Friday - Journey to the Cross service on the Plymouth Avenue property, but people still came, even with their umbrellas. Despite the weather, the setting was still beautiful and the program meaningful. The Easter Sunrise service had a great turnout and we saw several visitors who had learned of the service in the paper and on our website.

On Sunday, April 15, we held our Music Appreciation Sunday during the Fellowship Hour to honor all those who are engaged in our Music Ministry in a variety of ways. It was a great celebration and a way for the congregation to say thank you for their abundant years of service.

Pastor Dale and I are starting to work on some special summer opportunities that will enable members to reach out beyond the walls of the church. More news to come!

Conya Hartman, Director of Music and Worship

"The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."
Once again I have been asked to offer another United Methodist 101 Class. People want to be part of something bigger than themselves and want to learn and grow as members of the family of Jesus Christ. We can do that in a United Methodist 101 class, as transformed disciples, where we can learn and grow together. 
The United Methodist 101 Class is a fun and exciting journey for members and non-members alike. We will discuss our history, what we believe as United Methodists, and the future of our church. If it has been a while since you explored your “United Methodist” roots and you wish to learn more, come to the class. This class also leads to membership, if you have a desire to become a disciple of Jesus, as a new member of Trinity and the United Methodist Church.
The class will consist of four weekly sessions, each lasting one hour. We will skip Memorial Day, May 30 and resume June 6th:

•   May 7, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
•   May 14, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
•   May 21, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
•   June 6, 6:00-7:00 p.m.

Visitors are always welcome to attend any of our Adult Sunday School groups. If you would like more info on these or other adult classes and groups, contact Cindy Fox, Adult Education Coordinator, by email here .

The Discussion Class has been reading and discussing current Christian books by authors such as Adam Hamilton and Andy Stanley. When available, videos are used. Leadership is shared.  For more information, contact Becky and Bob Kellogg or Jill and Jeff Churchill (Oct-Apr).

For more information, contact Melissa Fuller, class leader.

For more information, contact Tom Cunningham, class leader.

We are continuing our study of the Book of Romans. For more information, contact Cindy Fox, class leader.

The Friendship Class meets Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Wesley Room, located on the first floor (no stairs to climb). Open to all adults. The current lesson material comes from the Bible and the United Methodist Church's Adult Bible Studies “Covenants With God”. For more information, contact  Don Taylor , class leader.
For those who are looking for a deeper insight into some of Pastor Dale's teachings and leadings, he has created a blog which can be viewed anytime on the church website. Click HERE  to read his latest blog! And, to get an email notice about new blogs being posted on the website, click on the red button below to sign up or contact Lori Jones in the church office for assistance.
306 W. Wisconsin Avenue,
DeLand, Florida 32720