Hello Florida PTA,

noun: flexibility
  • the quality of bending easily without breaking
  • the ability to be easily modified
  • willingness to change or compromise

This word, flexibility, has never been more true or needed than right now. As all of our districts head back to school, we know and understand these can be difficult and uncertain times. When deciding how to go "Back to School", families need to make decisions that make sense for them and their needs. What "Back to School" looks like varies from county to county as do the needs from family to family. There is no one size fits all answer during these unprecedented times. Every time we turn on the news we hear new information and five minutes later we can hear something completely different. Plans are changing and evolving quickly and families and schools are having to adjust just as quickly. As PTA leaders, we need to be patient and strong as we continue to serve our members. We are here for you and stand ready to support you. We might not have all the answers, but are ready to work them out with you as best we can. That is what makes our association so amazing - the support network of kindhearted volunteer advocates across the state here to support each other.

Please do not hesitate to reach out; we are here for you. We are A Family of Advocates for ALL Children!

United together apart, until we can be together again.

Jennifer "Jen" Martinez
President | Florida PTA
Did you miss our Zoom meeting last week about "How Do We PTA Today"? No worries...you can view the recording here: https://youtu.be/SS6GLbpoohI
Membership: Ask1 2B1
Did you know that in the Masonic tradition, members can not directly ask others to join their organization? They have to rely on prospective members approaching them and asking to join. PTA IS COMPLETELY THE OPPOSITE! PTAs rely on their members approaching others and inviting them into the organization.

So, how do the Masons get new members? They rely on the news of their good work in the community and the fun and brotherhood of their social activities to reach others. PTA IS EXACTLY THE SAME. News of your PTA’s successes will inspire others’ interest, and, a couple of fun pics from the board holiday party can make your group look inviting.

So, what to do? Directly ask individual people to join your PTA. This may be a challenge for those who are not outgoing, so view it as an opportunity to grow skills. Use fun role-play to practice. Once you get started, it gets easier to approach the next person, the next, and the next.

Know about your PTA successes, no matter how small. Be ready to share these when you ask someone to join the PTA. People want to join a winning team. Actively promote your PTA’s successes through your newsletter and/or Facebook, through the school’s newsletter and/or Facebook, and in community media whenever possible.

Masons have supported their communities since the 14th century — over 700 years. What better example can PTAs have as they work to make a difference for every child today!

Check out National PTA’s new membership campaign.
Membership Campaign
PTA For Your Child
Our new membership campaign—PTA For Your Child—is designed to engage and excite new members and existing members by making the work of the PTA more visible and highlighting the value and impact of PTA.

NPTA's Notes From The Back Series:
Special Needs Families
For families raising children with special needs, accessing resources in your area can make a significant difference. Karen Conder, special needs specialist for Utah PTA, shares tips for where to start in our interview.

Click here to listen!
School of Excellence
National PTA's School of Excellence enrollment application is open! Please visit this website for more information on the program and what you need to apply.
NPTA Collaborates With BAND
National PTA announced today it has teamed up with BAND to help facilitate and improve two-way communications among families, schools and PTAs—and increase family engagement in education. Through the alliance, BAND will also support National PTA’s Reflections program and the association’s celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week.

To continue reading, please click here.
Scholarship Recipients
Award Winners
Congratulations to all of our very deserving Florida PTA Awards winners! It was hard to choose because of the amazing things all of our local units and county councils have done in the past year. We hope everyone will apply next year and share what you've been doing!

For a full list of winners, please click here.
Thanks To Our Sponsors!
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ShopPTA.com sells official PTA and PTSA logo apparel, membership items, awards, gifts and more. All products are offered through each of the participating State PTA organizations. Visit shoppta.com for all your PTA needs!