May 2018
Click here for the May Calendar
“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was “thank you,”
that would suffice.”
– Meister Eckhart, 13 th c. mystic

As I write today, it’s fifty-five and sunny and it feels as if spring is finally here. I can look out the window into one of my gardens, and see a robin pulling a worm from the rich dark soil, perennials are pushing their tender stems up through that soil and the grass actually looks as if it still has another year of life in it! God is good, all the time!! And I am so grateful!

But I’m grateful for more than the sunshine and the hint of warmer days to come because as a I write, I’m also preparing for a funeral tomorrow. An amazing young man – just 22 and serving in the Navy in Bahrain – died tragically there. As I met this week with his parents and aunt, I learned of a remarkable young man who discovered a transformative faith during high school and served not only his country, but his community (Freeport) in countless ways. And instead of being decimated by their child’s death, they want to share his life with the whole community out of gratitude. Gratitude for having had 22 years to experience all that he has been, gratitude for the opportunity to learn from him how to enjoy and savor every minute, every relationship, every possibility that God has provided.

And isn’t that what gratitude teaches us? Not to want “more” but to rejoice in what we’ve already received? Not to mourn what we don’t have but to share the bounty and the beauty in which we’re already immersed? Not to dwell on the “hard things” that we’ve experienced but to know that there will always be possibilities before us?

Today, the grass is greening and the flowers are announcing another lush summer and for that I’m grateful, but I’m also grateful for the snow of the last month – snow that came unbidden and unwanted but that provided the “poor man’s fertilizer” which is the only fertilizer I use. And yes, I grumbled profusely about that snow, but today I’m grateful for it. And for sure, I grumbled when my car died a couple of months back and again when my phone died last week and I had to buy both a new car and a new phone unexpectedly. And, boy, did I grumble! But I am grateful that I could purchase both a safe new car and a phone that keeps me connected to my family and friends, including all of you.

No, life is not “perfect” – mine or yours. But God never promised or promises perfection – only presence and possibilities.

And I am grateful for both. I’m grateful that God sent Jesus to be our teacher and guide even though I will never fully live up to what he calls me to do and be. I’m grateful that God didn’t leave him dead in a tomb but instead reached into that tomb and took Jesus’ hand and helped him climb out. Do I understand exactly what happened? No. Will I ever? Not in this life. Does that stop me from being grateful and out of gratitude allowing the resurrection to live in me? Absolutely not!!

And so I continue on this remarkable journey – sometimes bumbling like a disciple and sometimes leading like an apostle. I am grateful that I continue to be called in a myriad of directions (sometimes too many!) but am unbelievably grateful that God has given me more than enough energy and desire to respond to God’s infinite love and presence by giving back. Today, I will turn my energy to the Opioid Crisis ( two really good links: ; ), the Poor People’s Campaign nationally and here in Maine ( ; ), my work with the Maine Council of Churches ( ), as well as preparing for Sunday’s worship and meeting the needs of Austin Williams' family.

There is always much to be done. But I am incredibly grateful that you give me the opportunity every single day to be part of a community that seeks to give out of gratitude for all that has God has done and is doing.

Love and blessings to all of you on this almost-spring day!
Rev. Carolyn

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.
                                                                                                                     - Melodie Beattie, 21 st c. author
Following Worship in the Sanctuary

The Woodfords Congregational Church-UCC is meeting to vote on the adoption of the annual budget for fiscal year ’19 on May 13 following Sunday’s worship. This is an important meeting and your attendance would be very helpful and appreciated.

There will also be two meetings open to anyone who would like to discuss the budget and have questions answered on May 6th at 9 am and 11:30 am in the Woodfords Room.
2018 Women’s Retreat: May 4-6
Marie Joseph Spiritual Center, Biddeford Pool

“Come to me and I will give you rest…”

Ever feel that Superwoman has nothing on you? You take on too much because you can't say “no”? You feel that you meet yourself coming back when you think you’re actually going forward? You worry that you might drop the ball(s)? You struggle to delegate because you don't think others can do it as well as you or you simply don’t have enough time to ask? You get so caught up in the day-to-day requests that you forget to lift your head to see the “bigger picture”? You juggle parents and children, work and home, partners, spouses and friends and don’t do justice to any of these important relationships?

As women in the 21 st century, almost all of us struggle with these issues. I certainly do! We’re plugged in to the constant needs of those around us at the same time we’re plugged in to cell phones, computers, the Internet, Facebook, FaceTime, Instagram, the 24hour news cycle… the list is endless. What we need more than a new exercise regimen, a new opportunity for networking, a bigger bank account or even a new outfit is an opportunity for rest and renewal. We’re worn out and unless we take the time to reenergize, our daily grind will be deadly. It can destroy our relationships, our health, our hopes, our gratitude. And it doesn’t make any difference how old we are, whether we’re still working, caring for children or retired – the issues haunt us all.

During our Women’s Retreat this year, we’ll take the time to listen to the wisdom of sages, both ancient and contemporary, hear each other’s stories, successes and failures, but more than anything – we’ll take the time to rest. And there’s no more beautiful or serene place to do so than MJSC!

We begin with dinner on Friday evening and then gather to create a spiritual “altar” that will remain in place for the weekend. As a way of introducing ourselves, each of us brings in an object/photo that represents who we are and where we are reflecting the theme for the year. We share three meals on Saturday and gather for a time of conversation around our theme on Saturday morning, sharing thoughts, suggestions, hopes. This year, Rev. Tamara will be joining us and leading us through some very gentle yoga – good for spiritual renewal at any level. After lunch, we’ll have the opportunity to make our own essential oils with Anne Marie Tucci, Rev. Tamara’s good friend. The rest of the afternoon will be free to explore, nap, catch up with friends, go for a walk on the beach, whatever brings you joy and renewal. We have a gathering for snacks and informal conversation before dinner on Saturday, and then complete our day with a movie before climbing into bed for another good night’s sleep. On Sunday, after breakfast, we regroup to talk about what has been meaningful during our time of retreat and then share Communion together. This year, we will not be having lunch at MJSC but after emptying our rooms, we’re invited to leave our cars in the parking lot and enjoy the nature trails and beach.

This year there will be “less talk” and more time for our spiritual and physical renewal. Whether you’ve come every year since the Woodfords’ Women’s Retreats began over thirty years ago, or whether you’ve never been before, this is an exceptional and nurturing opportunity for all the women of Woodfords. I hope all of you will consider joining us and I invite you to LMK if you have questions or would like more information.

Spring blessings,
Rev. Carolyn

The Council met April 17 th in the Lounge at 6:30 p.m.
• Finances: The budget for fiscal year ’19 was presented, reviewed and voted to accept. It will be presented to our congregation on May 13 th with budget meetings for anyone who would like further information on May 6 th.
• The new elevator will be installed beginning June 19th. A temporary ramp will be used during the installation from the parking lot in Memorial Hall. The work will take approximately 6-10 weeks.
• Security measures are continuing to be worked on so that everyone in our buildings feels secure. You will be hearing more about security training in the near future.
• New covers for the electrical boxes in the main hall were built by Jeff Brewer and installed & painted by Tom Smith. They look lovely. Thank you both. A new handrail for the Chapel steps will be installed shortly to improve safety.
• Stewardship is under way and we look forward to receiving the pledge cards soon so we can be assured of meeting our budget.
• Council members: we are in the process of inviting 2 new Council members to join us for the coming fiscal year. If you are interested in being part of the Council, please speak to one of us.
• The Friends of Woodfords Corner – a group that is working to connect the neighbors in our area, have invited us to join them in planning for a fall neighborhood event to bring folks together. Paul Schnell and another volunteer will be working with them and we are excited to be part of this group.
Just a reminder, you are always welcome to join the Council for its monthly meeting – the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30.

Robin Carter,
"There's no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one."
-Jill Churchill
May 13, 2018

What is Serrv? 
Serrv is a "nonprofit organization with a mission to eradicate poverty wherever it resides by providing opportunity and support to artisans and farmers worldwide.” ( ) The goods we sell at the Woodfords shop are produced by small-scale collaboratives in areas of the world where safe jobs with fair wages are hard to find. Woodfords makes a small profit on each sale, which helps to fund our missions and charitable giving. So each purchase has triple benefits—to the artist, to the Woodfords community, and to yourself!
You can also browse online at to see the full range of products for sale. If you see something you like, bring the order number and item description to Jean and Sarah when the store is open and they can include the item in their next shipment.  
Serrv Shop Schedule 
Jean and Sarah Wriggins have scheduled the following dates to open the Serrv Shop after Sunday church services:
May 6
June 10
Submitting an article for the June Beacon?
The deadline is May 16. Please send unformatted text to Teri at
May 4th: Grant Fund Team Meeting 10 am

May 11th: Dance and Tea 2:00-4:00 pm 
Join us for this very special event. Sergei Slussky, owner of Aquarius Ballroom Dance and professional dancer, will both perform and TEACH classics like foxtrot, waltz and jitter bug. Learn more about Sergei's story here( ). After we dance we will enjoy some relaxation and refreshment with warm tea, cool tea sandwiches and sweet treats. Come on your own or bring a partner, no matter what, this is sure to be an afternoon of fun!
The Aquarius Ballroom Dance Studios Team consists of Sergei Slussky and Barbara Charles. Sergei joined the Dancesport Formation Team "Vesna," touring in Russia, Poland and Romania and earning top honors in many events .

May 25th: Spring Excursion
Whether you have lived in Portland for a few years or your whole life, it can be fun to play "tourist" for a day. The Grant Fund would like to take you on a mini-vacation to kick off the summer season. And so, inviting you to join us for a Duck Tour of Portland and lunch from the award winning  High Roller Lobster Co . We are asking participants to contribute $20 to the cost of this adventure.
Please RSVP early to Rev. Tamara at . When you make your reservation, please specify whether you would like a lobster roll, beef burger sliders, lobster bisque (gluten free), or a vegetarian option. 
Gentle Yoga
This therapeutic class will help keep your body limber and spirit buoyant! Join Stephanie Abrams on Thursdays from 10:15-11:15 in the Lounge. Jean Koster can take payment.

Book Group
Led by Suzanne D'Bourget, this group meets the first Wednesday of every month at 12:15 pm in the Parlor. The book chosen for the May 2nd meeting is The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman.

The  Stewardship Team is requesting you to mail/bring in your Pledge Card at your earliest convenience so we can be sure of our budget for our next fiscal year which starts July 1st, 2018. We thank you for all you do for Woodfords and your pledge makes so much of what Woodfords does possible - thank you for your generosity.
Sunday School

May 6: Interfaith Exploration Sunday
Last December the Sunday School learned about the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. This week the Sunday School will learn about the Muslim Holy Month, Ramadan. Starting mid-month when the present moon rises, this sacred time is rife with meaning and opportunities for outreach... but it is also a time for fasting and self-reflection. Matt and Amy will lead our Woodfords kids in a lesson about this special holiday that many of our neighbors celebrate. Later the kids will join the congregation for the communion meal. 

May 13th- Mother's Day Sunday
After talking about the importance of Mary, the mother of Jesus, Jess and Barbara will lead youth in creating a special gift for their moms! 

May 20th- Last Day of Sunday School and Gratitude Luncheon
This Pentecost Sunday we will celebrate the ways that the Holy Spirit shapes our church community through our children and families. We will celebrate our teachers and recap our year together. 

** Gratitude Luncheon
Following worship, all of our families (with kiddos from birth to 18!) are invited to a special lunch celebration. You will be fed a home-cooked meal (that you don't have to cook!), your kids will be entertained (Hint: there will be a SPECIAL BOUNCY SURPRISE for the young ones), and adults will have the opportunity to kick back and enjoy conversation and connection with other parents in the church. This is Woodfords' way of celebrating the light, fire and vitality that our families bring to our church community. So mark your calendar and join us!
As we are all becoming more aware of safety concerns in the world around us, the governing Council of WCC has determined that to provide a safer and more secure environment, a number of changes need to occur.

These changes include:
1.           We will be providing safety and security training for all user groups, as well as for Woodfords staff and others involved in the congregation’s worship activities. Participation in the training is STRONGLY encouraged for any group that uses the WCC building, even occasionally.

2.        A WCC safety and security committee is exploring a new security system for building access that could include elements such as cameras, fewer hours of open access, and/or electronic access.

3.        WCC will have a uniformed guard in the building from 12-4 pm, Monday-Friday until a new system is implemented, or the existing protocol is revised. (This is in addition to the nightly building patrols currently in place).

4.        Finally, we are planning for new foot traffic patterns when our elevator is replaced in the spring. Work for that is scheduled to begin in mid-June, so you will hear more information on that from Teri Coviello and/or Louise Shaw.

Please do not be alarmed, as we are not reacting to any single incident. No changes are being made immediately (other than the four above), and no major security issues have occurred. We are taking these actions to be proactive, as the safety and well-being of the hundreds of individuals who use the WCC building space every week is our top concern.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you,
Brent Wooten

Susan Clark 05/01
Michael Wolfe 05/01
Joyce Reynolds 05/02
Darcy Ross 05/02
Isabel Walter 05/02
Gordon Thomson 05/03
Benjamin Fries 05/03
Gregg Ritter 05/05
Donald Hamilton 05/07
Sara Wasdahl 05/11
Nancy Goodspeed 05/14
Barbara Thomson 05/15
Katharine Jordan 05/16
Bob Carten 05/17
Elizabeth Sarno 05/18
Charlotte Wilbur 05/19
Audrey Cote 05/21
Emilia Cote 05/21
Josslyn Philbrook 05/21
Erin Segal 05/22
Chloe Shields 05/24
Judy Blanchard 05/26
Cynthia Harwood 05/26
Joan Dinsmore 05/27
Cedric Porter 05/28
Phyllis Campbell 05/29
Catherine Walter 05/29
Kurt Graser 05/29
Ella Dand 05/30
Elaine Haskell 05/30
Nan McLaughlin 05/31


Bill & June St. Lawrence 05/06 57 years
Harold & Emily Sprague 05/20 57 years
William & Robin Carter 05/04 55 years
David & Lana Johnson 05/27 51 years
Clyda & Ronald Gagnon 05/04 33 years
Stephen & Ellen Smith-Erb 05/18 22 years
Rita Zanichkowsky & Christine Torraca 05/27 18 years
Zachary & Camille Nelson 05/29 14 years
Judy Blanchard

There isn't a week that goes by at Woodfords that Judy Blanchard is not graciously volunteering her time... whether it is working in the office helping Teri, sewing with Dinah's Project, distributing directories, attending Grant Fund team meetings, or accepting donations on Church World Service depot days. Her positive outlook, enthusiasm, willingness to help out, and hard work are an asset to Woodfords and we are lucky to have her. Thank you Judy for your tireless support and time on behalf of the church. We appreciate you!

Once again this year, Woodfords Church has agreed to be the drop off for Church World Service kits. Judy Blanchard and a few volunteers will be working in Seely Hall in early May receiving and tallying the kits from donors throughout the state.
We are happy to be able to donate Woodfords Church space for this effort.
Yes!! It’s coming…

This year, once again, young people in grades 7 and above will have the opportunity to be “pilgrims” on a Confirmation journey. Our last journey, with the young people from HopeGateWay Methodist Church, was exceptional. This year we will be journeying with young people from both HopeGateWay and Trinity Episcopal Church. I am SO excited and I hope you will be as well!
In May, we’ll be inviting young people and parents to join with Reverend Allen Ewing-Merrill, Reverend Larry Weeks and me to hear about our upcoming Confirmation journey. I hope you’ll plan to join us for our informational gathering and for the new Confirmation journey. For now, be thinking about this new journey and the questions you might have for us when we get together in the spring!

Spring blessings to all of you! Rev. Carolyn

As the choirs take a break from the regular Sunday routine, we are looking for volunteers to provide music for worship during the summer months. Instrumental or vocal groups, soloists, duets are all welcome. For more information or to volunteer, please email Paul or Rebecca at

Thank you,
Paul and Rebecca

Woodfords Corner Block Party
Friday, September 21, 5 -8 pm

Woodfords Church is the host!
We’re having our neighbors in for the evening --
and we’ll need many helping hands!

Stay tuned for updates in future Beacons!

Paul Schnell,
Representative to the Friends of Woodfords Corner organization 
Tuesday - Friday, 9 am - 3 pm