Property Owners' Association of Deep Creek Lake
Return of The Bloodhounds 
March 27, 2018


The National Police Bloodhound Association (NPBA) will be returning to Garrett County to host its 2018 40-hour Man-Trailing and Certification course, April 28 th through May 3 rd.  The host location will be the WISP RESORT for bloodhounds and Law Enforcement Handlers from all over the United States. 

Bloodhounds are generally docile and loving and these dogs are not trained for purposes other than to discriminate the scent trailing humans.  The general public should be aware the week of the training and the presence many dogs and police units; there is no cause for alarm.  The public should also be aware that although questions are welcomed, to refrain from interfering with a hound in harness which indicates the dog is working on a game of "hide and seek"

For more information and to see the Press Release please click here

Bob Hoffmann
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