TEACHER TIPS help you make the most of OGAP in your classroom this year. If you have comments or suggestions about TEACHER TIPS, please let us know at  [email protected].
March 27, 2018
Taking Stock, Taking Action

In a few months the school year will be over and your current students will be thinking about moving along to the next grade level. Are they ready? Is their multiplicative reasoning where it should be? 

As you think about preparing your students for the state assessment next month, this is a good time to  take stock  of your students' multiplicative reasoning and to  take action  to strengthen their readiness for the next grade. The table that follows is a reminder of the CCSSM expectations for multiplication and division. Review the expectations in the table for your grade level. 
Action Item

Using this information, select some items from the OGAP Item Bank that will provide you evidence of your students' progress in relation to the goals for your grade level. Administer a couple of items. Use the OGAP Quick Sort to analyze the strategies students are using and errors they may be making.

Ask the following questions based on the evidence from these items:

1. Where are my students in relationship to the expectations for my grade level?
2. What is the evidence I can build on?
3. What errors or issues are evidenced in student work?
4. How should I focus my instruction based on this evidence?

Let students know where their strategies are on the OGAP Progression and where they need to be and what you will be doing to help them. Use other OGAP items, items from your instructional materials, or released items during instruction or as entry or exit cards to help guide your day-to-day instruction. Keep the OGAP Multiplicative Reasoning Progression front and center.

If students are still having trouble with word problems, use the strategy described in Helping Students Solve Word Problems to help engage students in solving and becoming more comfortable with solving word problems.

Did you know?

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You can access the OGAP Item Banks online in two ways: find our new searchable OGAP item bank  here ( bookmark it! ) or view the PDFs at  www.ogapmath.com/item-bank .

Also, you can access past issues of OGAP Teacher Tips by visiting  www.ogapmath.com/ogap-teacher-tips-archive.