Proposals for NASA OSTEM’s Artemis Student Challenges are due February 10.
Theme 1: Foundational Enablers – Teaching and Resource Availability
Theme 2: Foundational Enablers – Core Technologies
Theme 3: Pilot Challenges
Themes 1 and 2 are foundational opportunities to enable wider participation in student
challenges in the future, with the goal of maximizing nationwide participation while spanning all demographic categories and skill levels. Theme 3 is an opportunity to design and execute an engaging pilot challenge that is relevant and widely scalable to evolve into nationwide challenges, consisting of broad and diverse teams spanning all skill levels. Space Grant lead institutions opting to submit proposals for more than one theme are encouraged to align the content of each proposal in complimentary ways.
Specific proposal content details can be found for each of the three (3) themes in Section 5 of the solicitation.
Interested applicants are asked to send
Dr. Dale Thomas
, Director, Alabama Space Grant Consortium, project descriptions by
Monday, January 27, 2020.