Dear Colleagues,

We are seeing a shift in the season with signs of Fall, a time of year for many Waldorf school communities to celebrate the harvest and to acknowledge our inner light as the outer light begins to wane. This year, perhaps more than ever before, we need to feed that inner light with self-care, connection to nature, and a sense of community. Many of us are still living virtual lives – distanced, yet surprisingly intimate as we glimpse one another’s homes and lives. Some are further along the path to “school as we know it” than others, but we all share the task of navigating challenges—and opportunities--of new ways of working. 

To help us connect, support, and innovate, the Alliance is reviving our popular Zoom sessions from Spring. Please look at the schedule of sessions and join as often as is helpful to you. Each session will be hosted by an Alliance representative in a collaborative mood, to provide a forum for questions, ponderings, inspirations, and resources.

Please let colleagues know about these sessions and welcome them to Zoom in. Note that we have added monthly “special interest” sessions that include parents and Boards – and note our “new to Public Waldorf” sessions. 


Liz Beaven and Chamomile Nusz, for your Alliance

Monday Zoom Link:

  • Weekly Administrators Meeting: 1pm Pacific (2pm Mountain, 3pm Central, 4pm Eastern)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 776 9349 4456
Password: 2R8Bq9
One tap mobile
+14086380968,,77693494456#,,,,0#,,756010# US

Tuesday Zoom Link:  
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 880 1078 3529
Passcode: 403585
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,88010783529#,,,,,,0#,,403585# US

All meetings take place at 3:30 Pacific (4:30 Mountain, 5:30 Central, 6:30 Eastern)

  • September 29th, 2020: Early Childhood
  • October 6th, 2020: Grades Teachers 1st-3rd
  • October 13th, 2020: Grades Teachers 4th and 5th
  • October 20th, 2020: Specialties Teachers
  • October 27th, 2020: Early Childhood
  • November 3rd, 2020: Grades Teachers 1st-3rd
  • November 10th, 2020: Grades Teachers 4th and 5th
  • November 17th, 2020: Specialties Teachers
  • November 24th, 2020: Early Childhood
  • December 1st, 2020: Grades Teachers 1st-3rd
  • December 8th, 2020: Grades Teachers 4th and 5th
  • December 15th, 2020: Specialties Teachers

Wednesday Zoom Link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 2169 5792
Passcode: 273521
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,88321695792#,,,,,,0#,,273521# US

All meetings take place at 3:30 Pacific (4:30 Mountain, 5:30 Central, 6:30 Eastern)

  • September 30th, 2020: Forming a New Class: In the Virtual Realm
  • October 28th, 2020: Forming a New Class: In the Virtual Realm

Thursday Zoom Link:  
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 6511 0087
Passcode: 920450
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,81765110087#,,,,,,0#,,920450# US

All meetings take place at 3:30 Pacific (4:30 Mountain, 5:30 Central, 6:30 Eastern)

  • October 1st, 2020: New to Waldorf Education
  • October 8th, 2020: Grades Teachers 6th and Up
  • October 15th, 2020: Public Waldorf Parents
  • October 22nd, 2020: SPED
  • October 29th, 2020: New to Waldorf Education
  • November 5th, 2020: Grades Teachers 6th and Up
  • November 12th, 2020: Public Waldorf Boards
  • November 19th, 2020: SPED
  • December 3rd, 2020: New to Waldorf Education
  • December 10th, 2020: Grades Teachers 6th and Up
  • December 17th, 2020: Inner Work

As a service to our schools, we will run a list of positions with a link to your school site.

Email Amala Easton if you wish to place a listing. 

Job Postings are also available on our website.
Interested in learning more about anthroposophy, the philosophy at the foundation of Waldorf education? Would you like an opportunity to extend your own “foundation” studies? The Anthroposophical Society of North America will be offering a new series of courses in “Applied Anthroposophy.” They suggest that this may be of interest to parents, teachers, and Board members. Contact for more information.

“How are you….Really?” Biography for Waldorf Schools. The Center for Biography and Social Art is offering simple biography work via Zoom for small groups in Waldorf schools. They are accepting bookings for September now. Workshops are tailored for teachers, administrators, or parents/caregivers.
For more information:

Liz Beaven, Alliance President 
Amala Easton, Administrative Coordinator 

1000 River Rock Drive, Suite 218
Folsom, CA 95630

Public Waldorf is a service-mark of the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America and used pursuant to a license.